The 4.53 metres long ‘Titans’ Sword’ forged at the 23rd Medieval Sighisoara Festival was set into a rock on Sunday, awaiting the eventual registration by the Guinness Book.

“Knights! Today good God’s great will was done in Medieval Sighisoara. We, the Order of the Wolf Knights, recognized by God’s will; we, the Knights of the Order of Medias; we, Argotica of Sibiu; we, the Carpathian Knights; we, the Esquires of Muhlbach; we, the Commanderies of the Templars of St Bernard of Sighisoara, Targu Mures, Ardud and Bucharest praise the God’s great will. The Scena Theatre and the Order of the Wolf Knights wanted to bring to you — knights and tourists — and to the Medieval Sighisoara Festival the first Romanian Excalibur. Knights, three ‘Vivat!’,” called Liviu Pancu, the art director of the festival.
It was for the technical director Dan Gliga, however, to explain the technological feat of a team of three craftsmen: a 4.53 metres long, 20 centimeters wide, 2 centimeters thick blade made of three layers of steel band, with copper coats of arms, two wolf heads on the hilt, weighing 135 kilograms.
The knights ‘stuck’ it into a 1.8 tonnes rock brought from a distant quarry and prepared by inserting and gluing in place a sheath into a 50-centimetre long bore, leaving only a slot apparent, where the sword was inserted. AGERPRES