Actualitati economice irakiene
DNOissued an update this morning on it operations:
DNO’s WI production from the Tawke Field in October 2011 was 26,649 bopd. DNO’s WI production 2011 YTD from Kurdistan was 35,517 bopd. The production figures from Tawke are reported as follows:
The gross production from the Tawke field during October was 42,806 bopd, and this production level is expected also for November.
Drilling and well operations in Kurdistan Region
Erbil PSC: Bastora-1A horizontal test producer
Test production from Bastora-1A is continuing at total gross rates of around 600 – 700 bpd from natural flow, of which around 60% is oil and 40% is water. The oil produced is delivered to the local market. A further evaluation of the production development indicates that the water produced from the well is formation water. The next step is to install a down-hole pump to increase the production rate from the well.
The data and observations from the test production from Bastora-1A serves as important input to the design and locations of future development wells, and the development plan for the Benenan and Bastora oil discoveries is on track for delivery before year end.
Dohuk PSC: Summail-1 exploration well
The Testing of Summail-1 is now completed. The test results confirm the presence of heavy crude oil in the Jurassic interval and natural gas in Cretaceous. The Triassic interval tested water.
Sustainable rates were not achieved during the tests of the oil bearing Jurassic intervals, and DNO will evaluate alternative methods for re-testing these zones at a later stage.
The lowermost part of Cretaceous tested water. A Cretaceous middle interval tested natural gas at a test rate of 8MM scf/day. This test interval is approximately 200 m below the initial test carried out whilst drilling the top of Cretaceous; which tested 3.6MM scf/day.
DNO will now evaluate the significance of the oil and gas discoveries in Summail-1, and a 3D seismic acquisition across the entire Summail structure is being considered as part of the 2012 work program.
The well will be now suspended for possible re-entry and further testing at a later stage.
Tawke PSC: Peshkabir-1 exploration well
Drilling of the Pehkabir-1 exploration well is progressing according to plan. The objectives of this well are to test the hydrocarbon potential in the Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic intervals. The well has not yet reached the first target.
Drilling of Tawke-16 is expected to commence within the next few weeks using the rig that was used to drill and test Summail-1. The main objective for this well is to test additional resource potential within the northern flank of the Tawke field.
The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is embarking on a water supply and sewerage programme worth $910 million USD (1 billion IQD), according to AKnews.
Samir Abdullah [Samir Abdullah Mustafa, Samir Akrawi], Minister of Municipalities and Tourism , told a press conference that the Goptapa-Chamchamal water project will supply drinking water for 300,000 people in central Chamchamal at a cost to the regional government of 130 billion IQD ($111 million USD).
The Erbil sewerage project will be carried out in several stages at a cost of $800 million USD (900 billion IQD). The project is part of a master plan for Erbil set to get fully underway in 2012.
(Source: AKnews)
Reuters reports that Iraq has signed contracts worth $396 million with South Korea’s Hyundai Engineering to build two new power plants.
Laith al-Mamury, head of investments and contracts at the electricity ministry, said the plants will have a total capacity of 1,752 megawatts.
There will be five units of 292 MW each in Rumaila, with a total value of $308 million, and a separate deal worth $88.5 million for a single 292 MW gas unit at Taza in Kirkuk province.
The gas units were bought from Siemens in a contract signed in 2008.
The Rumaila contract is expected to be completed in 21 months while the Taza deal should be finished within 18 months.
Iraq finalised a $1.08 billion contract with China’s CMEC last week to build a 1,260 MW plant in Salahaddin province.
(Source: Reuters)
The Iraqi Cement Company made a profit of 16 billion dinar [$13 million], according to Aswat al-Iraq.
“A major success has been achieved by the Ministry of Industry Minerals and the Iraqi Cement Company,” a media spokesman for the Company’s Director-General, Nasser al-Madani reported.
“The Company had achieved more than 16 billion (b) dinar proft from its invested plants, following the [provision] of necessary electric power to coninue its commissioning and productivity,” Madani said.
(Source: Aswat al-Iraq)
(Picture: Kirkuk Cement Factory)
How to Invest $200 billion over 6 Years
This investment would be broken down as follows:
- $100bn to develop upstream oil and gas fields;
- $40bn to develop the gas industry;
- $30bn to increase refinery capacity;
- $30bn to expand export facilities.
With regard to refineries, Shahristani said the refineries law provided investors with a 5% discount to the market price for crude oil, and in some cases all output would be bought by the Ministry of Oil.
Danielle Mitterrand, ancienne Première Dame de France et Présidente de la Fondation France-Libertés, est décédée dans la nuit du lundi 21 au mardi 22 novembre, à l’Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou où elle avait été admise vendredi dernier pour des problèmes pulmonaires.
Née le 29 octobre 1924, engagée dans la Résistance dès l’âge de 17 ans, elle avait consacré sa vie d’abord aux combats de la Gauche aux côtés de François Mitterrand, puis à partir de l’élection de ce dernier en mai 1981 à la défense des droits de l’homme en France et à travers le monde. Mettant à profit sa notoriété et sa position de Première Dame, elle a pris la défense des groupes et des peuples victimes des dictatures, des injustices de l’Histoire et de la Realpolitik.
Dès 1982 elle a joué un rôle actif pour la cause kurde en soutenant la création de l’Institut kurde de Paris pour sensibiliser l’opinion publique et “éveiller les consciences”. Elle a ensuite envoyé des observateurs aux procès des militants kurdes persécutés par la junte militaire turque des années 1980, dénoncé les campagnes génocidaires menées de 1986 à 1990 par le régime de Saddam Hussein contre les Kurdes en Irak, défendu les Kurdes d’Iran lors de l’assassinat de leur leader, Dr. Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou en juillet 1989 à Vienne par le régime iranien.
Après une visite dans les camps des réfugiés kurdes irakiens en Turquie, rescapés des gazages, elle a convaincu les autorités françaises d’en accueillir un millier à l’occasion du bicentenaire de la Révolution Française. Ensuite, elle n’a pas ménagé sa peine pour sensibiliser les Grands de ce monde à venir en aide au peuple kurde. À cette fin, elle a multiplié des voyages à Moscou, à Washington, à Bonn, organisé avec l’Institut kurde et sa fondation France-Libertés, des conférences, des colloques pour sensibiliser l’opinion publique internationale à la tragédie kurde. Ses efforts ont beaucoup contribué à la création en juin 1991 d’une “zone de protection” pour les quelque 2 millions de Kurdes fuyant vers les frontières de l’Iran et de la Turquie au lendemain de la première Guerre du Golfe. Elle se rendit auprès des réfugiés en franchissant “clandestinement” la frontière irano-irakienne et leur apporta une aide matérielle substantielle. Plusieurs centaines de manuels scolaires imprimés en kurde en France furent acheminés au Kurdistan irakien pour assurer la rentrée de 1991.
En juillet 1992 elle a inauguré l’Assemblée nationale du Kurdistan fraîchement élue. Lors de ce séjour, sur la route de la ville martyre de Halabja, son convoi fut victime d’un attentat des services irakiens faisant plusieurs morts parmi les peshmergas chargés de sa protection.
En 1994, lors de l’arrestation d’une dizaine de députés kurdes démocratiquement élus du Parti de la Démocratie (DEP) en Turquie, elle prit leur défense en créant un Comité internationale pour leur libération (CILDEKT) et mena une vaste campagne international pour sensibiliser l’opinion à leur sort.
Considérée comme “la mère des Kurdes”, Danielle Mitterrand s’est rendue à deux autres reprises au Kurdistan irakien, en 2002 et en 2009 où elle fut accueillie avec tous les honneurs et surtout beaucoup d’affection et de reconnaissance. Dans chaque ville kurde, des écoles et des rues portent son nom.
La disparition de Danielle Mitterrand endeuille le Kurdistan.
Un livre de condoléances sera tenu à l’Institut kurde pour les Kurdes et leurs amis qui veulent exprimer leur sympathie et leur témoignage.
Sources: Institut kurde de Paris
16-18 Ianuarie 2012 la SHANGHAI, China
Oportunitate unica de dezvoltare rapida a afacerilor pe plan mondial
In parteneriat cu Futurallia – Alianta pentru viitor (Franta) EML , Global Education Centre, organizeaza Forumul International de Dezvoltare Afaceri, la Shanghai – China, o tara recunoscuta ca lider al megatendintelor globale, care raspunde in mod inovativ provocarilor pietei globale ca de pilda energii neconventionale sau produse durabile. Nu uitati – China este a doua piata din lume si reprezinta o reala oportunitate.
Prin contacte directe si intalniri B2B participantii pot intelege cele mai bune practici in China, pot intalni intreprinzatori chinezi, pot primi oferte comerciale sau de parteneriat, pot schimba informatii si idei cu intreprinzatori din intreaga lume. In program vor fi incluse si vizite la site-urile industriale din zona Shanghai.
- A intelege mai bine tendintele pietei explosive a Chinei
- Repozitionarea firmei pe piata globala
- Creare de noi parteneriate in diferite sectoare si tari
- Cautarea de noi parteneriate comerciale, strategice, financiare sau tehnice
- Dezvoltarea de noi piete de export in China
- Identificarea de noi oportunitati de afaceri
- Colectarea de informatii despre pietele internationale
- Dezvoltarea si crearea de noi produse in China prin impartasirea cunostintelor si creativitatii
Forumul ofera participantilor pana la 14 intalniri bilaterale, de cate 30 minute, prestabilite si desfasurate in doua zile,cu intreprinderi din intreaga lume, ofeind participantilor diferite tipuri de parteneriate: aliante comerciale ( contracte de distributie, vanzare); aliante industriale ( joint-venture, concesionare de licente); aliante tehnologice ( inovare,transfer tehnologic); schimb de informatii. Peste 800 de oameni de afaceri din peste 40 de tari vor participa la lucrarile Forum-ului;
Participantii vor avea acces la un spatiu expozitional in special cu firme din China dar nu numai, destinat zonelor de dezvoltare.
Sectiunea Expertilor va reuni specialisti in comertul international, in sistemul financiar si bancar, logistica si transporturi, asigurari si drept comercial international, dispusi sa ofere consultanta;
Toti participantii vor ramane in contact si vor putea dezvolta relatii de afaceri datorita retelei interactive de parteneriat on-line care se pastreaza un an de zile.
Scurt istoric despre Futurallia sub egida careia se organizeaza CHIN-ALLIA 2012
Primul eveniment Futurallia a avut loc in anul 1990, la initiativa Camerei de Comert si Industrie Vienne , din Poitiers, Franta, in parteneriat cu Consiliul Regional Poitou-Charentes si Consiliul General din Vienne. Celelalte editii au fost organizate in Franta, Canada, Belgia Polonia, Qatar, SUA..
Pentru facilitarea realizarii de contacte se propune o lista deschisa de sectoare predefinite
Industria alimentara si vinuri;
- Constructii, lucrari publice si infrastructura;
- Industria auto, mecanica, metalurgica si aeronautica;
- Energie – dezvoltarea sustenabila a mediului, energii neconventionale;
- Comunicatii, publicitate, media, edituri si tipografii ;
- Transport, logistica;
- Sanatatea umana si a animalelor,cosmetica;
- Electronica, optica, fotonica;
- Organisme de promovare si dezvoltare economica;
- Servicii pentru afaceri si corporatii, industria ospitaliera;
- Biotehnologie, chimie, materiale si tehnologii noi;
- Bunuri de consum, confectii, textile si obiecte de lux.
ADAF-Asociatia pentru Dezvoltarea Antreprenoriatului Feminin este organizatia cu statut de principal partener, conducator de delegatie, mandatata de organizator sa se ocupe de promovarea si inregistrarea firmelor din Romania interesate sa participe la parteneriatul din CHINA.
Inregistrarea firmelor care doresc sa participe la Chin-Allia 2012 se face numai prin conducatorul de delegatii. ADAF asigura asistenta tehnica pentru inregistrare si stabilirea programului de intalniri.
CHIN-ALLIA 2012 ofera un pachet de servicii (fara cazare) la valoarea de 1.100 euro care include:
- Inregistrarea la eveniment
- Intalnirile personalizate B2B
- Includerea in Catalogul si Programul on-line
- Accesul la expozitie
- Prezenta un an de zile in catalogul on-line la catalogul participantilor
- Breakfast, pranzuri,
- Receptia de bun venit,
- Gala dinner
- Seara internationala;
- Servicii de interpretare la intalniri bilaterale, la cerere;
- Nu sunt incluse costurile de transport cu avionul.
La taxa de inregistare se adauga 50 euro pentru acoperirea comisioanelor bancare si a diferentelor de curs valutar. Plata se face in lei in contul ADAF nr: RO10WBAN2511000097800167 deschis la Banca Intesa Sanpaolo Romania SA
Termene limita pentru inregistrare:
Inregistrarea si plata taxei de participare (pana la 15 decembrie 2011)
Catalogul online al participantilor se va deschide la 19 decembrie 2011.
Regimul retragerii de la Futurallia 2011
Pentru anularile pana la 19 decembrie 2011 rambursarea taxei achitate se face fara a se percepe penalizari,.
Pentru retragerile intre 19 decembrie 2011 si 2 ianuarie 2012 se percepe o penalizare de 250 euro;
Dupa data de 2 ianuarie 2012 nu se mai ramburseaza nici o suma.
Pentru detalii va stau cu placere la dispozitie pe email : sau tel 0722.484.650
Minister Foster who is heading a business delegation from Northern Ireland said she and her business delegation are very pleased with their visit to Erbil, especially participating in this year’s Erbil International Trade Fair.
“We have had a very successful visit so far and we have a number of companies from Northern Ireland that participated in the Erbil Trade Fair. I think it will be an ongoing engagement between Northern Ireland and the Kurdistan Region,” said Mrs. Foster, adding that there also other opportunities for cooperation other than trade and business.
President Barzani praised the significant participation of companies from Northern Ireland, hoping that this relationship will grow stronger and expand to cover other areas, saying “the size of this participation was very encouraging for us.”
The trade fair this year, held the 24-27 October, will be the largest so far, highlighting the rapid economic growth in Kurdistan. This year’s fair will host more than 850 companies from over 25 countries, showcasing a wide selection of goods and services in different economic sectors.
Iraqi government adviser Salam al-Quraishi told Mawtani:
”The government has agreed to the proposal in view of its vital importance for Iraq, from an industrial point of view, as well as the saving of hard currency and the creation of job opportunities.“
The government has asked the Ministry of Planning to draft the final layout of the industrial cities, determine their cost and submit a list of companies best able to build them.
About $1.2 billion [1.4 trillion Iraqi dinars] will be allocated for the construction of the cities in Baghdad, Basra, Ninawa, Najaf and Babil.
Mohammad Obais, an adviser to the Ministry of Industry, said:
“The cities will have different areas, but none less than 500 dunams, and will include various factories and production lines, such as plants for iron, steel, concrete, aluminum and plastics, in addition to factories for electrical items, copper and bricks“.
Obais said there is only enough money in the state budget for five cities in the coming years, “but we have the ambition in the long term to build other cities in each province”.
Hisham Ahmed al-Adly, of the Ministry of Industry, said “agreements will be reached with well known foreign companies with solid reputations to start work early next year”.
(Source: Mawtani)
French engineering group Alstom has been awarded a contract to build an electrical power plant worth $550 million in Iraq, reports Reuters.
The award of the Mansuriyah plant contract was announced as part of a visit to Iraq by French Trade Minister Pierre Lellouche.
“The Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister confirmed … the award of the Mansuriyah electrical power plant contract to Alstom for a total value of $550 million,” a statement from Lellouche’s office said.
Oil services group Technip will also sign two agreements relating to Iraqi oil fields on Wednesday, the statement said.
Alstom is already taking part in other projects in Iraq such as the Nineveh power plant and the Bagdad metro.
(Source: Reuters)