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Iraq’s National Investment Commission (NIC) announced on Monday the details of the new Kerbala Monorail, and invited interested parties to contact them:

  1. Length of the line (18 KM)
  2. Project Type (Monorail) – High Concrete mono rail of two ways known locally as Kerbala Monorail.
  3. Number of stations (20) the distance between each station and another (800- 1000M)
  4. In the first stage, the line shall connect the Visitors City – Baghdad road, Al- Bedaa railway station, Bab Baghdad area, Tweredg road, the university, Ibrahemiah and the Visitors’ road of Babylon Gate.
  5. The successive coming of the trains to the stations must take (1-2) Minutes
  6. Maximum train speed 90 km/hour
  7. Number of vehicles for each train (4-6)
  8. The electrical power is to be provided by the project generators only.

Willing investors can submit their technical, economic offers and the funding plans with filling up the investment application form available on NIC website and enclosing all documents required (mentioned in page No. 7 of the same application) and send it either directly to the NIC premises or to the email: .

Notice: applications can be submitted within one month from the date of publishing this announcement.

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A new railway line between Karbala and Musayyib [Musayyab] was opened this week by the Transport Ministry, reports AKnews.

The new line was opened in Babil and Karbala Provinces just to the south of Baghdad, to transport Shiite pilgrims marking the 40th day after Hussein Ibn Ali was martyred. Around 8,000 people are expected to be traveling from Musayyib to Karbala for the ceremonies.

The federal government had allocated 5 billion IQD ($4.2 million USD) to provide services, including transport, to visitors.

The chairman of Karbala Provincial Council, Mohammed Hamid al-Moussawi, told AKnews the Ministry wants to reduce road traffic when pilgrims return to their homes after the ceremonies.

“The most significant problem for Karbala is transferring the visitors to their provinces at the end of the visit, although new railway lines have been opened and several Iraqi ministries including Trade, Transport and Defense participate in the transport process.”

“The government in Karbala began building a modern road network last year to link the Province with its neighbours. The Ya Houssein road cost 50 billion IQD ($42.8 million USD) and was paid for by the Iraqi Council of Representatives. It will reduce traffic on the main roads that connect Karbala to Baghdad, Babil and Najaf Provinces, and it is scheduled to be completed this year.”

(Source: AKnews)

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Din pacate, nu exista o cursa de avion directa pana acolo, ci cu escala la Istambul – intreaga cursa fiind circa 3 ore.
  Tarom este in tratative sa dechida o linie directa Bucuresti – Erbil (2 ore). In varianta auto, la Erbil se poate ajunge si cu masina, intregul parcurs fiind de 2.600 km, prin Bulgaria si Turcia. Acest film ofera cateva detalii depre aeroportul local:

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