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Minister Foster who is heading a business delegation from Northern Ireland said she and her business delegation are very pleased with their visit to Erbil, especially participating in this year’s Erbil International Trade Fair.
“We have had a very successful visit so far and we have a number of companies from Northern Ireland that participated in the Erbil Trade Fair. I think it will be an ongoing engagement between Northern Ireland and the Kurdistan Region,” said Mrs. Foster, adding that there also other opportunities for cooperation other than trade and business.
President Barzani praised the significant participation of companies from Northern Ireland, hoping that this relationship will grow stronger and expand to cover other areas, saying “the size of this participation was very encouraging for us.”
The trade fair this year, held the 24-27 October, will be the largest so far, highlighting the rapid economic growth in Kurdistan. This year’s fair will host more than 850 companies from over 25 countries, showcasing a wide selection of goods and services in different economic sectors.
Din ce in ce mai multe tari deschid consulate in Kurdistan. Dintre ele mentionez: US, Rusia, Anglia, Franta, Suedia, Germania, Turcia, Iordania, Emiratele Arabe si altele.
Este greu sa creezi un design cu ajutorul grupurilor de brainstorming. De multe ori, oamenii nu stiu ce vor, pana nu le arati” (Steve Jobs – BusinessWeek, 25 mai 1998)