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Numarul licitatiei/codul de identificare la organizator W917BG-10-R-0014
Obiectul licitatiei Vezihttp://www.baghdadbusinesscenter.org/Tenders/USACE/Yvonne_28_Apr_0014/[Untitled].pdf
Produsele licitate http://www.baghdadbusinesscenter.org/Tenders/USACE/Yvonne_28_Apr_0014/[Untitled].pdf
Numele firmei organizatoare USA Corp of Engineers
Adresa Duhok, Irak (Kurdistan)
Telefon Indisponibil
Fax Indisponibil
E-mail Yvonne.r.nelson@usace.army.mil
Adresa paginii web http://www.baghdadbusinesscenter.org/Tenders/USACE/Yvonne_28_Apr_0014/[Untitled].pdf
Persoana de contact/functia Yvonne Nelson
Garantia bancara de participare la licitatie (Tender Bond) Nu se percepe
Documentele licitatiei (caiet de sarcini, etc.: adresa de unde se poate obtine, pretul achizitiei) http://www.baghdadbusinesscenter.org/Tenders/USACE/Yvonne_28_Apr_0014/[Untitled].pdf
Termenul de valabilitate a ofertelor 90 zile de la data inchiderii
Termenul de depunere a ofertelor (data si ora) 28.04.2010, ora 16.00 (Bagdad)
Data si ora deschiderii licitatiei 28.04.2010, ora 16.00 (Bagdad)
Conditii tehnice specifice (certificari, standarde, etc.) http://www.baghdadbusinesscenter.org/Tenders/USACE/Yvonne_28_Apr_0014/[Untitled].pdf
Conditii contractuale specifice (legislatie locala, etc.) http://www.baghdadbusinesscenter.org/Tenders/USACE/Yvonne_28_Apr_0014/[Untitled].pdf
Garantia de buna executie (Performance Bond) Nu se percepe
Experienta necesara http://www.baghdadbusinesscenter.org/Tenders/USACE/Yvonne_28_Apr_0014/[Untitled].pdf
Conditii de plata http://www.baghdadbusinesscenter.org/Tenders/USACE/Yvonne_28_Apr_0014/[Untitled].pdf
Transport http://www.baghdadbusinesscenter.org/Tenders/USACE/Yvonne_28_Apr_0014/[Untitled].pdf


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AKG Engineering


Bagdad, Irak


009647506692476; 009647702874860




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Persoana de contact/Department

Jamal Rasool,

Produs (denumire tehnico-comerciala)

Supply of (132 kV) Underground Cables & Accessories for Joining Projects (Substations)



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Documente licitatie cablu subteran Irak

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Consilier economic – Robert Rosulescu

BPCE Bagdad

Tel. mobil: 00964-7812955612

e-mail: bpce.bagdad@yahoo.com

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A treia expozitie si conferința Iraq Energy se va desfasura in faciliatatile Universitatii Bagdad in perioada 23-26 aprilie, 2013. Evenimentul, organizat de Iraq International Co. for Exhibitions & Conferences (IIC) si Iraq Progressive Co. for Exhibitions & Conferences (IPEC), este considerat cel mai mare de acest gen pentru sectorul energetic din Irak.

Expozitia si conferinta sunt sprijinite de 22 de companii irakiene de stat din Ministerul Petrolului, Ministerul Electricitatii, Ministerul Resurselor de Apa, Ministerul Stiintei si Tehnologiei, Ministerul Mediului, de catre Comitetul pentru Energie din Parlamentul irakian si are un impact semnificativ asupra industriei energetice locale.

Vor fi 4 zile de discutii si analize aprofundate, sesiuni de intrebari si raspunsuri, evaluari ale sectoarelor downstream si upstream, ale prioritatilor si proiectelor, prezentari de licitatii si cerinte pentru companiile internationale care doresc sa dezvolte afaceri in Irak si in special cu Ministerul Petrolului. Pentru firmele interesate, expozitia poate constitui o oportunitate pentru colectarea informatiilor si datelor de contact necesare viitoarelor afaceri pe piata irakiana.

Pentru mai multe informatii, se poate contacta BPCE Bagdad sau direct firma organizatoare.

Ms. May Abdul Razzaq, International Managing Director

E-mail: may.fairs@iacci.info


Mobile: +9647702679370; +9647508154339

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In urmatorii 3 ani, Irakul intentioneaza sa investeasca 1,6 mld.USD in producerea de energie electrica avand la baza energia solara si cea eoliana pentru a aduce un plus de 400 MW in reteaua nationala de energie.Oficiali din Ministerul irakian al Electricitatii afirma ca, la 9 ani de la invazia americana, care a rasturnat regimul Saddam Hussein, este nevoie de investitii in majoritatea sectoarelor industriale ale tarii. Sectorul energetic produce in prezent 8,800 MW, mult prea putin fata de cererea de consum, care se ridica la 14.000 MW. Reteaua nationala de electricitate furnizeaza energie doar cateva ore pe zi, situatia devenind dramatica in timpul verii, cand temperaturile ating 50 grade Celsius.

Laith al-Mamury, directorul Departamentului de studii din Ministerul Electricitatii, a anuntat ca au fost deja transmise invitatii la aprox. 25 de companii de top, producatoare de centrale solare si eoliane. Intre aceste companii se regasesc Toyota Tsusho Corp (Japonia), ABB (Elvetia) si Orascom Construction (Egipt).

Data publicării: 23/10/2012
BPCE Bagdad


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A member of Kirkuk Provincial Council has announced that there new power plants will soon be installed in the province.

Fuad Hussein said the decision was made after the deputy electricity minister met the Council.

An Iranian company will install two 196MW plants in Dubiz district, while a South Korean company will install the other 293MW plant in Taza district. The total cost of the is estimated at $160 millio.

(Source: AKnews)

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Iraq’s cabinet has approved a $363 million (435 billion Iraqi dinar) contract on Tuesday with Egypt’s Orascom Construction to build a 1,014 MW gas-fired power plant in the northern town of Baiji [Beiji, Bayji].

The contract involves building the plant and installing six 169 MW generators which Iraq bought from Siemens in 2008.

The project is expected to be completed within 21 months, Musab al-Mudarres [Musaab al-Mudarris], a spokesman at the electricity ministry, told Reuters.

Iraqi demand for electricity peaked at 15,000 megawatts last year, but the oil-producing nation managed to supply less than half of that.

(Sources: Reuters, Aswat al-Iraq)

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Shell has announced that it has granted a $63 million contract to build an electricity generation plant for its gas capture project southern Iraq to Swiss engineer ABB Ltd.

Jasser Hanter, general director of the Shell gas project, told reporters that ABB will build two 25 megawatt power plants at Khor al Zubair.

The $17 billion Basra gas project led by Shell and Mitsubishi aims to harvest natural gas that is now flared off by Iraq’s oil production and use it to generate electricity.

(Source: Reuters)

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Former oil ministers from OPEC nations Iraq, Algeria, Libya and Nigeria have established a group to offer advice on energy policy and business strategy.

Issam Chalabi (pictured), Shokri Ghanem, Chakib Khelil and Rilwanu Lukman, former oil ministers of Iraq, Libya, Algeria and Nigeria respectively, set up the alliance following a meeting in Vienna in February.

Their aim is to address energy issues including governments, oil companies, financial institutions, energy agencies, services companies, construction, engineering and manufacturing.

  • Chalabi was Iraq oil minister between 1987 and 1990 and the former head of the Iraqi National Oil Company (INOC).
  • Ghanem was the Libyan oil head until he defected from Libya last year following the uprising against former president Gaddafi.
  • Khelil was removed from his post as Algerian oil minister last year after spending almost 11 years in the position, and has served as president of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
  • Lukman was the Nigerian oil minister twice for the periods 1986 to 1990 and 2008 to 2010, and has served as president of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

(Sources: Wall Street Journal, Business Day Online)

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In perioada 23-26 aprilie 2012, la Bagdad, se va desfasura cea de-a 2-a Expozitie si Conferinta Nationala Iraq Energy.Evenimentul, organizat de Camera de Comert si Industrie Irakiano-Americana, reprezinta o oportunitate pentru contactarea factorilor de decizie si promovarea pe piata irakiana a companiilor romanesti.Expozitia se va desfasura sub patronajul Ministerului Petrolului, Ministerului Electricitatii, Ministerului Stiintei si Tehnologiei, Ministerului Resurselor de Apa. Participarea la dezvoltarea sectorului energetic irakian, in particular in domeniul petrolier si al productiei de energie electrica, este o oportunitate de afaceri semnificativa.

Iraq Energy EXPO and Conference este un eveniment promotional oficial, sprijinit de Ministerul Petrolului si de cele 22 de companii subordonate acestuia.

Pentru documentarea cu privire la manifestare pot fi utilizate urmatoarele website-uri:

1) Iraq Ministry of Oil, http://www.oil.gov.iq/moo/index.php?lang=en

2) Iraq Ministry of Oil, State Company for Oil Projects, http://www.scop.gov.iq/index.htm

3) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Iraq Drilling Company, http://idc.gov.iq/Site/Default.aspx

4) Official web site National Iraq Energy EXPO and Conference

5) Official Iraq Ministry of Oil web site with direct link to conference Iraq Ministry of Oil

6)Ministry of Electricity http://www.iraqenergyexpo.com/2011/supportletters/MoE/MoE-SD.html

7) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Heavy Engineering Equipments, http://heesco-iraq.com

8) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Oil Pipelines Company, http://www.oilpipelinescompany.org

9) Iraq Ministry of Oil, South Gas Company, http://www.sgciraq.com

10) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Missan Oil Company, http://www.moc.oil.gov.iq

11) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Petroleum Research & Developing Center, http://www.prdc.gov.iq

Sursa: BPCE Bagdad

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Reuters reports that Iraq has signed a $235-million electricity deal with a subsidiary of Turkey’s Enka Insaat to install a 500-megawatt power plant in the Al-Najibiya district of Basra.

The company will install four General Electric (GE) gas units, each with a capacity of 125 megawatts, within the next 16 months, said electricity minister Karim Aftan.

The green-field project will by financed by the local government of Basra.

(Source: Reuters)

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