Job – Locuri de munca
Arajeez is looking for an international specialized partner to participate in civil construction (bridges, roads, hi-ways, sewage, water supply and purification) tenders and projects in Iraq. Arajeez is looking for an international specialized partner to participate in civil construction (bridges, roads, hi-ways, sewage, water supply and purification) tenders and projects in Iraq. Tenders are announced by government bodies with allocated budget, We need a partner to assist us in bidding and support us with international standards to be supervised
Se cauta personal feminin pentru un restaurant foarte elegant, cu proprietar irlandez, in Suleimania. Se ofera 800 USD / luna, cazare, masa si transport, pe o perioada de 12 luni cu contract legal de munca. Veniturile sunt nete deoarece nu exista taxe si impozite.
In zona activeaza peste 10 firme romanesti si sunt peste 100 muncitori romani .