La 12 august 2012, in marja activitatilor pentru dezvoltarea relatiilor comerciale in domeniul exportului romanesc de grau, seful BPCE Bagdad a avut o intalnire cu directorul general al Consiliului irakian pentru Cereale (Grain Board of Iraq), Hasan I Ibrahim.
Oficialul irakian a trecut in revista relatiile comerciale in domeniul de referinta, apreciate ca fiinf foarte bune, in perioada anterioara anului 2009, cand Romania a exportat grau de calitate in Irak. A exprimat regretul ca exportul romanesc se desfasoara printr-o firma intermediara libaneza (RAMOCH, fosta GT Group), care, prin livrarea unui grau inferior calitativ, a cauzat incetarea contractelor in prima jumatate a lui 2009 si introducerea Romaniei pe lista neagra cu furnizori neagreati. A mentionat ca, urmare a interventiilor Ambasadei pe langa factorii de decizie irakieni, in prezent Romania este scoasa de pe respectiva lista. Hasan Ibrahim a aratat ca Irakul are nevoie, anual, de aprox 3-3,5 mil.tone metrice de grau pentru acoperirea consumului intern. In virtutea acestei mecesitati, recent, a incheiat, cu aceeasi firma libaneza (RAMOCH, fost GT Group) un contract pentru 50.000 tone metrice, din care nu au fost livrate decat 28.000 tone metrice, firma libaneza motivand ca nu mai exista grau pe piata romaneasca. Oficialul irakian cunoaste traditia agricola a Romaniei, faptul ca produce grau de foarte buna calitate si considera ca apropierea geografica este un atu ce trebuie valorificat de exportatorii romani. De asemenea, a prezentat conditiile de calitate pe care graul importat trebuie sa le indeplineasca (document atasat Conditii calitate la importul de grau in Irak) si a incurajat partea romana sa intretina legaturi comerciale directe, fara intermediari de alte nationalitati, cu partea irakiana. |
Data publicării: 14/08/2012 BPCE Bagdad |
La 12 august 2012, in continuarea demersurilor pentru promovarea companiilor romanesti din domeniul imbunatatirilor funciare, seful BPCE Bagdad a avut o intalnire cu Bakhtiar Abdul Rahman, consilier al ministrului irakian al resurselor de apa (ministrul fiind solicitat, de urgenta, pentru o sedinta a executivului). La intalnire a participat si directorul general al Departamentului Juridic din ministerul irakian Dr. Dakhel J. Kathem.
Seful BPCE a transmis disponibilitatea partii romane pentru organizarea deplasarii unei delegatii a HIDROCONSTRUCTIA pentru studierea si evaluarea datelor privitoare la localizarea si proiectarea barajului pe Shat al-Arab. Oficialul irakian a prezentat stadiul proiectului pentru stoparea salinizarii fluviului Shat al-Arab. A aratat ca, in 2010, ministerul a cerut unei companii italiene sa execute un studiu pentru identificarea locatiei optime de constructie a barajului. Pana in prezent firma italiana a identificat deja 4 locatii si urmeaza sa transmita Guvernului irakian raportul referitor la varinata cea mai potrivita pentru lucrarea hidrotehnica in cauza. A specificat ca, dupa studierea raportului, Guvernul va decide asupra alocarii fondurilor si invitarii companiilor straine la negocieri privind proiectarea si executarea lucrarii. In legatura cu trimiterea unei delegatii de experti in Romania pentru documentare cu privire la proiectele hidrotehnice realizate in tara noastra, consilierul ministrului a afirmat ca a fost deja intocmita o lista nominala si ca va fi transmisa Ambasadei si companiei HIDROCONSTRUCTIA dupa ce va fi aprobata de catre ministru (in aprox. 2-3 saptamani). Delegatia irakiana ar urma sa se deplaseze in Romania la inceputul lunii septembrie a.c., ulterior o delegatie a HIDROCONSTRUCTIA urmand sa se deplaseze in Irak, la invitatia Ministerului irakian al Resurselor de Apa, pentru a efectua un studiu independent cu privire la locatia si caracteristicile barajului ce va fi realizat pe Shat al-Arab. Oficialul irakian a aratat ca, in afara de proiectele hidrotehnice, Ministerul Resurselor de Apa are ca responsabilitate si reintroducerea in circuitul agricol a unor mari suprafete de teren. A facut referire la existenta un proiect de anvergura prin care se vizeaza reabilitarea a 2 milioane ha de teren in urmatorii 5 ani. Apreciind lucrarile realizate de compania romaneasca ARCIF in Guvernoratul Babil, in anii ‘80, Bakhtiar Abdul Rahman a solicitat Ambasadei sa transmita o lista cu companiile romanesti de profil, incluzand datele de contact si prezentari ale activitatii, pentru a fi introduse in baza de date a Ministerului si invitate sa execute proiecte. Consilierul ministrului a mentionat ca, in cadrul Ministerului Resurselor de Apa, ca de altfel si in contractele incheiate de multe dintre institutiile statului, se doreste ca proiectele sa beneficieze de acordarea unui credit furnizor in conditii avantajoase pentru ambele parti. A transmis o lista (atasata anexa Proiecte Ministerul irakian al Resurselor de Apa) cu 13 proiecte ce urmeaza sa fie finantate incepand cu anul 2013 (este avut in vedere, spre reabilitare, si proiectul executat de ARCIF). Pentru informatii referitoare la proiecte, directorul general al departamentului juridic este abilitat sa comunice cu companiile romanesti interesate. S-a reiterat disponibilitatea companiilor romanesti din domeniul imbunatatirilor funciare de a se angaja in executarea unor proiecte in Irak. |
Data publicării: 15/08/2012 BPCE Bagdad |
In 2011, the region hosted 1.7 million tourists, while towards the end of 2012 it expects more than 2.5 million visitors, up from the previous estimates of 2 million tourists for this year.
According to Rosti, Kurdistan’s dramatic increase in tourism arrivals is a direct result of the area’s stability and rapidly developing tourism sector. Furthermore, he also attributes the surge in holidaymakers in Kurdistan to the positive reports in the international media that highlight the area’s natural wonders, historical and religious sites and developments in its infrastructure, a region untouched by the violence in the rest of Iraq after the 2003 American invasion of the country.
Foreigners visiting Kurdistan include neighbouring Iranians, who escape their conservative country to shop in the newly opened malls in Erbil and attend concerts and enjoy a more vibrant nightlife in a secular environment across their borders. Iranians mostly enter by their car and get a visa on arrival in Iraqi Kurdistan. Turks and, increasingly, Europeans and nationals of other Western countries, also start to discover Kurdistan as a tourist destination. That said, Iraqis from outside Kurdistan — which is separated from the rest of the country by a de-facto border manned by Kurdish forces — constitute the largest numbers of visitors to the region.
By 2015 Iraqi Kurdistan aims at attracting more than five million tourists, said Sirwan Shafiq, media director of the Kurdistan Tourism Board.
“While the number of tourists to most Middle Eastern countries is dropping because of the security and political situations, in the Kurdistan Region they have been increasing beyond imagination,”Shafiq said in an interview with Gulf News in September, 2011.
Improving tourism industry
The Kurdistan Tourism Board also mentioned that their region — which comprises of the three provinces of Erbil, Sleimani and Duhok — has made big efforts in improving the local tourism industry. In comparison to 2011, today, Kurdistan has 405 hotels (an increase of 11 per cent), 214 motels (18 per cent increase) and 50 tourist villages (13 per cent increase).
Kurdistan’s success hasn’t gone unnoticed by well-known international hoteliers. Starwood (with their brands Sheraton and Four Points by Sheraton), Marriott, Kempinski and Best Western, among others, will manage several new luxurious hotels currently under-development in Erbil.
Abu Dhabi-based Rotana already operates a property in Erbil, with plans to open others in the city and elsewhere in Kurdistan, according to its CEO Nasser Al Owais. The luxurious Turkish hotelier, Divan, recently opened a 22-story landmark hotel in the city — which includes a sushi bar, several restaurants and the luxurious Turkish retailer Baymen. The Turkey-based hotelier, Dedeman, will also manage a new hotel in Erbil later this year. The influx of tourists, and business travellers working on the region’s vital oil and gas sector, prompted Hilton to announce its second hotel for Erbil, scheduled to open by early 2016.
Meanwhile, Millennium and Copthorne will manage three new hotels in Slemani, Iraqi Kurdistan’s second largest city, including a Burj Al Arab envisaged Grand Millennium Sulaimaniyah (opening towards the end of 2012), which already has become an icon in the city, and the Copthorne Baranan.
Surge in air travel
Backing the number of visitors to Kurdistan, is the rapidly growing air traffic demand to both international airports in Erbil and Slemani — the former being more popular because of its central location and state-of-the-art facilities.
From the UAE, Etihad offers direct flights to Erbil from Abu Dhabi, while flydubai serves both Erbil and Slemani from Dubai. And since earlier this month, Emirates also added Erbil, its third destination in Iraq, after Baghdad and Basra where it already operates daily flights. Emirates’ Erbil flights will go daily from September 1.
“….We are confident that our passenger operations in Erbil will be as successful as our existing Iraqi gateways. Erbil will provide our passengers with an excellent opportunity to travel both in and out of Erbil to our worldwide network of 126 destinations in 74 countries,” Adel Al Redha, Emirates executive vice-president, Engineering & Operations, said in a statement.
Other airlines offering scheduled flights to Erbil include Qatar Airways, Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Air Berlin, Royal Jordanian, and more than a dozen other established carriers across Europe and the Middle East. After a halt of nearly 18 months, Gulf Air plans to resume flights to Erbil as early as next month, among other destinations in Iraq. The Bahraini national carrier halted its Iraq and Iran flights since March 2011, citing “the decision has been taken following the on-going security situation in the region”.
Erbil International Airport (EIA) achieved a 37 per cent rise in traffic last year to about 622,000 passengers and cargo volumes were up 67 per cent, making it Iraq’s busiest hub after Baghdad.
Towards the end of this year, it’s expected that more than one million passengers will travel through EIA.
By Mariwan F. Salihi
The first Dutch diplomat to be officially posted to the Kurdistan Region, Mr Jeroen Kelderhuis, also arrived in Kurdistan this week to finalise the preparations for the upgrading of the Netherlands Honorary Consul to an Embassy Liaison Office in Erbil.
Replacing his predecessor Mr Joo Joong-Chul, Consul General Younhyon Kim assumed his role as the new Head of the Republic of Korea’s Embassy Office in Erbil this week. The new Consul General was also accompanied in his introductory meeting with Minister Mustafa by the new Head of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Mr Eunsub Kim.
The Consul General of the Republic of France, Mr Alain Guépratte, also accepted his new role in the Region this week. Mr Guépratte previously served as a senior official at the Embassy of France in Baghdad, and he has been in Iraq for over two years.
The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has welcomed and encouraged the establishment of international representations in Kurdistan in order to provide a positive and supportive environment for international investment, as well as for cooperation and coordination in educational and cultural affairs.
Since the establishment of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations in 2007, 25 consulates and foreign offices have been opened in the Region, and this number continues to grow. These offices provide a direct link of communication with their respective governments, and many of them provide visa assistance, as well as support for the citizens of their home countries residing in Kurdistan.
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—An official source from the Kurdish government has told Rudaw that Hollywood star Angelina Jolie arrives in the Kurdistan Region on Saturday to visit Syrian refugee camps.
“Angelina Jolie will arrive in the Kurdistan Region at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, and she will be the guest of the United Nations for two days,” said the source.
Jolie who was appointed in April as Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), plans to visit refugee camps in Kurdistan Region’s Duhok province where hundreds of Kurdish families fleeing the violence in Syria are settled.
“She will visit the refugee camps of Kurdish families on Sunday,” the source told Rudaw.
This trip to the Kurdistan Region comes following visits by Jolie to camps in Turkey and Jordan where she and UNHCR commissioner Antonio Guterres met with Syrian refugees.
“With the violence in the conflict showing no signs of easing up and the numbers (of refugees) growing… it is a very large concern for all of us,” Jolie told the media in Ankara.
Dumiz is the largest Syrian refugee camp in Duhok. Muhammad Abdullah Hamo, director of immigration in Duhok told Rudaw last month that his office had registered 13, 721 Syrian refugees.
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Autor: Georgeta Petrovici
Premiantul anului
Rotund, ușor catifelat la gust, miroase vag a coacăze, ciocolată și cafea și e de un roșu rubiniu limpede – așa arată cel mai bun vin din România, desemnat la Concursul Național de Vinuri și Băuturi Alcoolice (CNVBA). Un Cabernet Sauvignon „Castelul Huniade” de la Cramele Recaș, producția 2011. El și-a adjudecat Marea Medalie de Aur la competiția care a grupat peste 130 de vinuri. La fel de bine cotat a fost un spumant „Romantine” de la Jidvei.
„Urmărim în primul rând aspectul vinului, limpiditatea și culoarea. Acesta are o culoare vie, intensă, de un roșu rubiniu. Limpiditatea este foarte bună, cristalină. Apoi mirosim. Olfactiv, acest vin, care a fost baricat (a stat în butoi de lemn – n.r.), a dezvoltat mirosuri fine de fructe roșii – coacăze – cu nuanțe delicate de cafea și ciocolată. Gustativ, vinul acesta este într-un echilibru desăvârșit. Taninurile sunt moi și bine integrate în structura vinului, iar rezultatul e un vin rotund, ușor catifelat. Armonic”, explică Badea.
Recomandarea specialistului: vinul acestea trebuie servit cu fripturi de carne roșie, brânzeturi fine franțuzești și paste picante.
– Crama Oprișor (Sauvignon Blanc Măiastru)
– Crama Gârboiu (Fetească Regală Vrancha, Muscat Ottonel Livia)
– SCDVV Blaj (Muscat Ottonel)
– Wine Princess (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon)
– Vincon Vrancea (Busuioacă de Bohotin Viță Românească)
– Rovit (Fetească Neagră)
– Viti Pomicola Sâmburești (Cabernet Sauvignon – Domeniile Sâmburești)
– Murfatlar (Pinot Gris).