kindly find the attached file included two sample of Extendable tunnel (which is a walk way) for the player from the changing room to the stadium for security issue.
please if it’s possible check it if there is Romanian or neighbor country company producing this thing. what is the price for (14m) length. and with how money duration will be provided to Erbil.
we want to supply Erbil stadium with it.
regards the “somo” iraq the buyer should have the following conditions:
1.the company nn had collaborated with the previos regime ” saddam hussein” ‘s regime, it means do not in the irachean black list.” its very important element”
2.the company have their own reffinery.
3.the reffinery must refine minim.250 000 barre per day.
4.economic capacity.
discount : $40 for every tonne.” certainly there are a bureaucratic procedure would be following by the (somo) maybe3- 6 months.
regards ” kurdistan crud oil” by truck from Erbil until iran “bandar imam”
price: $700 for every tonne ” now”
Ministry of communications (MOC)
Iraqi telecom& post company (I.T.P.C)
Iraqi Telecom & post company (I.T.P.C) one of the branches of MOC is pleased to invite the companies to participate in this project (international broadband) with in the following routes (BADRAH, KUT AZIZIYAH, and BAGHDAD). The willingness companies can obtain the technical specifications & tender terms from the headquarter of I.T.P.C I in ABU NUAS ST against 1,000, 000 ID not returnable amount. Offers should be submitted in two envelops (TECH& COMERCIAL) writing on them tender no, address and website. Also the offers should be presented by authorized person. The closing will at noon , NOV /17/ 2011
The offers which are not completing the technical specifications and legal terms will be neglected. The winner undertakes to pay all fees of advertisement & publication. .
Best regards
The Investment Opportunities with MOC
Ministry of communications (MOC) Iraqi telecommunications &post company (I.T.P.C) Announcement of investment opportunity
Iraqi telecom & post company (I.T.P.C) one of the branches of MOC is pleased to invite the Willing investors to partner with it in an investment opportunity related in investment in project mentioned above Partnership Project (investment of land 36/2 AL NASSAH, AL ADHAMIYAH) The companies which have financial capability & the desire to participate, back the headquarter of (I.T.P.C) IN BAGHDAD /ABU NUAS ST /NEAR BAGHDAD hotel) To obtain the terms of participation against (2,000,000) (two million ) ID not returnable amount the closing will be at noon JAN/29/ 2012 offers should be submit in sealed envelop writing on it project title , address ,website & phone numbers. Should be submit by official authorized employee The winner undertakes to pay all fees of advertisement & publication & any other fees Best regards D G CHAIRMAN OF BOARD |
Ministry of communications (MOC)
Iraqi telecommunications &post company (I.T.P.C)
Announcement of tender NO 37/PURCHASE/ 2011 re
Iraqi telecom & post company (T.T.P.C) one of the branches is pleased to invite the willing companies to present their offers to above mentioned tender
Project of supply equipments & maintenance tools
The companies can obtain the technical specifications & tender terms from the headquarter of I.T.P.C I in ABU NUAS ST/ financial department/ pay office against (500, 000) five hundred thousand) ID not returnable amount. The closing date will be at noon JAN/8/ 2012.
Offers should be submit in two envelops (TECH& COMERCIAL) writing on them tender no, address and website.
The offers not completing technical specifications and legal terms will be neglected. The winner undertakes to pay all fees of advertisement & publication.
Best regards
Ministry of communications (MOC)
Iraqi telecommunications &post company (I.T.P.C)
Re-announcement of tender NO 43/PURCHASE/ 2011
Iraqi telecom & post company (T.T.P.C) one of the branches is pleased to invite the willing companies to present their offers to above mentioned tender
Project of Disjoining, Transporting and Installing Al-Zaafranya Tower (40 meters)
The willing companies which have classified ID of contracts issued according to the regulations of registering and classifying of the contractors no. 1 in 2008 provided that the classifying ID should not be less from five level of constructing. The companies can obtain the technical specifications & tender terms from the headquarter of I.T.P.C I in ABU NUAS ST/ financial department/ pay office against (250, 000) ID not returnable amount. The closing date will be at noon 24/2/ 2012.
Offers should be submit in two envelops (TECH& COMERCIAL) writing on them tender no, address and website.
The offers not completing technical specifications and legal terms will be neglected. The winner undertakes to pay all fees of advertisement & any other fees.
Best regards
Government-Related Website:
Ministry of Communications: www.iraqimoc.net
Ministry of Construction & Housing: www.moch.gov.iq
Ministry of Electricity: www.moelc.gov.iq
Ministry of Finance: www.mof.gov.iq
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: www.mofa.gov.iq
Ministry of Health: www.moh.gov.iq
Ministry of Industry and Minerals: www.industry.gov.iq
Ministry of Oil: www.oil.gov.iq
Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation: http://www.mop.gov.iq
Ministry of Trade: www.mot.gov.iq
Ministry of Water Resources: www.mowr.gov.iq
National Investment Commission: www.investpromo.gov.iq
South Oil Company: www.soc.gov.iq
State Company for Agriculture: www.iraqiscas.com
Trade Bank of Iraq: www.tbiraq.com
British Embassy in Iraq: www.ukiniraq.fco.gov.uk
Kurdistan Regional Government: www.krg.org
Country Information:
BBC Website:
FCO Country Profile:
Culture and communications:
CILT – National Centre for Languages – Regional Language Network in your area:
Kwintessential culture guides:
Customs & Regulations:
HM Revenue & Customs: www.hmrc.gov.uk
Import Controls and documentation (SITPRO): http://www.sitpro.org.uk
Economic Information:
Export Control
Export Control Organisation:
Export Finance and Insurance:
ECGD: http://www.ecgd.gov.uk/
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Office:
Market Access
Market Access Database for Tariffs (for non-EU markets only):
SOLVIT – Overcoming Trade Barriers (EU Markets only)
Standard and Technical Regulations:
British Standards Institution (BSI): http://www.bsigroup.com/en/sectorsandservices/Disciplines/ImportExport/
National Physical Laboratory: http://www.npl.co.uk/
Intellectual Property – http://www.ipo.gov.uk/
Trade Statistics:
National Statistics Information: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/hub/index.html
UK Trade Info: https://www.uktradeinfo.co.uk/
Travel Advice:
FCO Travel: http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/
NHS: http://www.nhs.uk/nhsengland/Healthcareabroad/
Travel health: http://www.travelhealth.co.uk/