1. If you have any specific products and know companies specifically such as constructions, beverages etc, let me know and sent me pictures of the products you can sent.
2. We are ready to manage the office and the representation of companies in Kurdistan and marketing of their products and services and deliver their offerings to target audiences that want to deliver the offerings of those companies have
First \ offers Romanian companies wishing to participate in the office an agreement ensures our right to work and as we agree with them and it gives us the right of representation of trade for them
Secondly \ shared Romanian companies that wish to participate in the establishment of the office and bear expenses of the office staff and management of the Office and other
Thirdly \ Romanian companies send their bids in detail and samples of Kthelokat and their information in detail
This office will serve as a permanent exhibition of them in Kurdistan (which is display their products and services and offers to companies, traders and interested parties in Kurdistan) and the starting point for the rest of Iraq is also
In case you are interested we are ready for an instance of these companies through you
And Office Management
Ready to discuss the details
My field is electrical industries (manufacturing MEDUUEM VOLTAGE &LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEARS OR PANELS) so I look for partner or joint venture in this field in Baghdad as well as I have factory for M.V.&L.V. electrical panels as I told you in advance and I have two show rooms in electrical market in center Baghdad and also I official distributor for EATON –MOELLER products in Baghdad so I look for as a partner or joint venture or
Yes I mean money for develop actual business so I give you short idea about this business:- Our project need new machines for fabricate electric panels from sheet iron (PLATE) this machines which are as bellow:-
1-CNC PUNCHING MACHINE ,the space which need in this machine minimum 1*2m² for plate size and thickness of plate is 6mm²
2-CNC BENDING MACHINE 200TON OR thickness of plate is 10MM²
3-CNC SHEARING MACHINE 200TON OR thickness of plate 10MM²
4-LINE FOR PAINT(ELECTRO STATIC POWEDER PAINT) 5-STUD WELDING MACHINE This main machines for products the panels. Note :-till now no factory in Iraq have this machines so till now all the panels in Iraqi market import from outside Iraq which name mechano (that is mean connect each other without welding)just by screw so we can supply this panels(empty panels) to market with &without electic materials I mean we can supply only panels which now many shops import this panels from turkey &Syria& china and other countries so Iraqi market need this panels too much As I told you before I have factory for panels but I have old machines but I have know how and experience in products this panels and marketing in all Iraq and my factory is fames in Iraq So I wait your reply about this business and you can tell me what you need from me to start in this business and I sure this project return its money throw one year With best regards
I mean by investor for develop my actual business that I want partner to share with me by money because I need only money for develop and work very well
I am ready to do anything to ensure this partnership and the appropriate amount for this project is estimated at one million dollars
But if you does not want to enter into a partnership for the amount of the loan guarantee is the only manufacturer to have all the equipment is the guarantee that the scoring in the legal community in Iraq and outside Iraq, as you want.and make agreement about the share of each partner
I have business plan which will send it for you after modification because I did it before three years ago
I have a tourism project in the province of Dohuk in enshki
An area of 12000 square meters has a restaurant and tourist homes and gardens
I need Investor .Note there are 4,000 visitors to the area every day in the summer season.
Other information
1- i am the owner of the land and project
2-you can search in googl earthe for mor informition about (enishki )dohok. it is a nice place The place has a large cave Vacationers visiting the place in the spring and summer In the winter there is no visitors Because of the cold and a lot of snow And lack of tourist facilities
3-Currently contains five houses and a restaurant area of 150 square meters, gardens and a kitchen project was established two years ago
4-We want partner or investor, to build 15 house or hotel, almost the required amount is 750 thousand dollars
5- Guarantees required by the investor I am ready to achieve them For example, transfer half of property on behalf of the investor in Iraq legally . If there is sufficient capital can attract tourists from all over Iraq in the winter Because the snow does not fall in the center and south
have explained to you previously carried out my money and the project need to build houses or tourist hotel . Commends the swimming pool and a place for toys and management of the restaurant , bar and the whole project I want to be an foregin investor or partner because he is more experienced in managing tourism project . Agree with me is very easy .I have no other plan. Too many Work and money in Iraq, in the case of a tourism project of a good standard .If you got an investor I will give you a percentage of profit .
Thanks and regards Feel free to any question on the subject.
estimated value 1.100.000 USD
- La 10 ianuarie 2012, publicatia japoneza Nikkei a anuntat ca guvernul japonez va lansa un proiect de partneriat public-privat, in valoare de 1,95 mld.USD, pentru construirea si operarea unei fabrici de ingrasaminte in Basra (sudul Irakului). Uzina va produce 2-3.000 tone/zi de amoniac si uree utilizand gaze naturale. Firmele Mitsui, Toyo Engineering si Unico International vor implementa primul proiect de tip PPP in Irak.
- Un studiu al Consiliului pentru Investitii al Regiunii Kurdistan arata ca, in 2011, volumul total al investitiilor straine directe a fost de 2,28 mld.USD: 1,26 mld.USD in Provincia Erbil, 563 mil.USD in Provincia Sulaimaniyah si 457 mil.USD in Provincia Duhok. Majoritatea investitiilor au fost in sectorul locuintelor. In ultimii 5 ani, Regiunea Autonoma Kurdistan a atras investitii straine directe de 16,2 mld.USD.
- Viceguvernatorul Bancii Centrale a Irakului Mudhir Mohammed Saleh a afirmat ca s-au inregistrat o cerere dubla pentru dolari in luna ianuarie fata de lunile precedente. Oamenii de afaceri irakieni retrag dolari din banci si ii vand in Iran. Iranul suporta consecintele santiunilor economice legate de programul nuclear si are mare nevoie de devize convertibile.
- Banca Centrala a Irakului a prognozat o crestere a venitului mediu anual al irakienilor la 6000 USD in 2012 (de la 5200 USD in 2011). Prognoza este dependenta de investitiile guvernului in petrol si alte proiecte economice. Rapoarte ale ONU indica faptul ca, in Irak, exista 7 mil.persoane care traiesc sub pragul saraciei.
- Gulf Bridge International (GBI), un operator de cabluri submarine, a anuntat instalarea primul cablu de telecomunicatii submarin in Irak, in portul Al-Faw (sudul tarii). Cablul va creste capacitatea de conectare la internet in banda larga, viteza si fiabilitatea conexiunii.
- Premierul KRG Barham Saleh a afirmat ca il asteapta inca pe inlocuitorul sau. Conform unui acord intre cele doua partide importante kurde, Partdul Democratic din Kurdistan (KDP) si Uniunea Patriotica a Kurdistanului (PUK), ocuparea postului de premier al KRG se face prin rotatie la 2 ani. La 17 ianuarie 2012, fostul premier Nechirvan Barzani a fost ales candidatul KDP; nu este clara natura intarzierii in preluarea functiei.
Sursa:BPCE Bagdad
Road Constructor/ Constructor de drumuri
Constructor rafinarii / rezervoare / Refinery / oil / gas /reservor
Fact Sheet
Travel to the Kurdistan Region in Iraq
This fact sheet refers to the three governorates under the administration of the Kurdistan Regional
Government (KRG): Dohuk, Erbil and Suleimaniah.
With a population of nearly 4 million, the three governorates of Dohuk, Erbil and Suleimaniah cover about 40,000 square kilometres – four times the area of Lebanon and larger than that of the Netherlands.
The capital of the Region is Erbil, which locally is also known as Hawler. The next largest cities are Suleimaniah and Dohuk.
Since the establishment of the no-fly zone in 1991 and even more so since the liberation of Iraq in 2003, the
Kurdistan Region has undergone rapid development. Over 65% of the villages destroyed by Saddam Hussein’s regime have been rebuilt, two new airports have been opened and new highways, schools and hospitals are being constructed.
Foreign visitors are warmly welcomed. Among the growing number of visitors are international media and business people, as well as those returning from the Kurdish Diaspora.
While Middle Eastern customs of business, dress and behaviour are closely followed, Kurdistan is also progressive, pluralistic and relatively open.
The security situation in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq is very different from the rest of Iraq. There are fewer than 200 US soldiers stationed in Kurdistan and not a single coalition soldier has lost their life in the Region since the start of the conflict. The official Regional guard, the Peshmerga forces, are highly trained and experienced in providing security. Working in close cooperation with the Regional Guard are the Asayish (the Security Police) and the regular Police, who provide comprehensive protection against threats and help with routine police matters.
To maintain the level of peace in Kurdistan, there are checkpoints on the borders and city perimeters.
Separate advice must be sought for travel outside of the Kurdistan Region. We also recommend that visitors consult travel advice issued by their country of domicile.
Please check with your nearest Iraqi Embassy about visa requirements and the application process. The KRG
Representations abroad do not issue Iraqi visas, but can advise travellers on requirements. For advice on
visas, please email dfr@krg.org , uk@krg.org , or us@krg.org
The Kurdistan Region has two international airports: Erbil International Airport and Suleimaniah International
Airport. Most flights operating from Europe and the Middle East fly directly to Kurdistan, without going via Baghdad. Several IATA members scheduled carriers already fly to Erbil, and more IATA airlines are expected to start flights there. Several charter companies also operate flights to Erbil or Suleimaniah.
Here are the links to the Erbil and Suleimaniah airports, which post fairly current flight schedules on their websites:
Below are the contact details and websites of the main airlines and flight operators serving the Kurdistan Region.
Passengers are advised to arrive at Erbil International Airport at least two and a half hours before departure,
to allow sufficient time to board the shuttle bus and go through security checkpoints to the departure terminal.
Erbil – Abu Dhabi
Operated by Etihad Airways
Website: www.etihadairways.com
Erbil – Amman
Operated by Royal Jordanian Airlines
Website: www.rj.com
Tel: +962 6 4453052
Tel: +962 6 5857111
Tel: +964 (0)750 477 9898
Tel: +964 (0)750 491 0973
E-mail: eblrj@yahoo.com; eblga2@rj.com
Tel: +46 8 54 52 59 52
Tel: +44 (0)8719 112112
Tel: +33 (0)1 42 65 99 91
Erbil – Amman, Baghdad, Basra, Beirut, Damascus, Dubai, Istanbul, Najaf
Operated by Iraqi Airways
Iraqi Airways in Erbil:
Tel: +964 (0)750 423 5555
Tel: +964 (0)750 466 6444
E-mail: zagros_air@yahoo.com; info@zagros.net
Website: www.iraqiairways.co.uk
Erbil – Athens, Gothenburg/Malmo, London Gatwick – via Stockholm, Manchester – via Athens
Operated by Viking Airlines
Website: www.miranaviation.com
Miran Aviation in Erbil:
Tel: +964 (0)66 2252772
Tel: +964 (0)750 725 9999 / Tel: +964 (0)750 720 5555
Mob: +964 (0)750 423 3511
Mob: +964 (0)750 423 3512
E-mail: info@miranaviation.com ; miranaviation@hotmail.com
Aerolympic in Stockholm:
Tel: +46 8 24 28 85
Fax: +46 8 21 43 43
Email: info@aerolympic.se
Contact Aerolympic in London:
Tel: +44 (0)207 100 1023
Erbil – Bahrain
Operated by Gulf Air
Website: www.gulfair.com
Gulf Air in Erbil:
Tel: +964 (0)750 401 7333
Tel: +964 (0)750 401 8333
Erbil – Beirut
Operated MEA (Middle East Airlines)
Website: www.mea.com.lb
MEA in Erbil:
Tel: +964 (0) 750 601 2933
Tel: +964 (0) 750 330.9715
E-mail: elias.awad@mea.com.lb
Erbil – Cairo
Operated by Egypt Air
Tel: + 002 (02) 22677010
Tel: + 002 (02) 22671804
Website: www.egyptair.com
Erbil – Dubai
Offered by Flydubai
Website: www.flydubai.com
Tel: +971 4 301 0800
Bookings in Erbil:
Zozik Air, Tel. +964 (0)750 425 5445
Laru Travel, Tel. +964 (0)770 745 8888
Erbil – Düsseldorf
Operated by Air Berlin
Website: www.airberlin.com
Tel. +964 (0)750 739 2585
Email: alazawi_saad57@yahoo.com
Erbil – Frankfurt
Operated by Lufthansa
Website: www.lufthansa.com
Lufthansa in Erbil:
Tel: + 964 (0)66 224 5470 to 5473
Email: office.ebl@austrian.com
Erbil – Gothenburg and Malmo, Stockholm
Operated by Tor Air
Website: www.torair.com
Erbil – Istanbul
Operated by two airlines, Turkish Airlines and Atlas Jet
Turkish Airlines
Website: www.turkishairlines.com
Erbil sales office:
Gulan Street Tower, Erbil
Tel. +964 (0)66 22 46 236
Email: mahmoud@stergroup.com
Atlas Jet
Website: www.atlasjet.com
Atlas Jet in Turkey:
Tel: +90 212 444 3387
Contact Atlas Jet in Erbil
Tel: +964 (0)750 – 418 4444/ 420 4444/ 420 5555
E-mail: info@zagros-group.net
Erbil – Munich
Operated by Germania Airline
Website: www.flygermania.de
Germania Airline in Erbil
Tel. +964-770-157 19 06
Erbil – Stockholm
Operated by Air Sweden
Website: www.flyswedish.se
Air Sweden in Sweden:
Tel: +46 73 740 0010
Air Sweden in Erbil:
+964 750 718 6262
E-mail: info@flyswedish.se
Erbil – Vienna
Operated by Austrian Airlines
Website: www.austrian.com
Austrian Airlines sales office in Erbil:
Shaqlawa Street, Brayan Bldg
Tel: + 964 (0)66 224 5470 to 5473
Office hours: Open to the public Sunday to Thursday, 10.00 to 15.00
Suleimaniah – Amman
Operated by Royal Jordanian Airlines
Website: www.rj.com
Tel: +962 6 4453052
Tel: +962 6 5857111
Tel: +964 (0)750 477 9898
Tel: +964 (0)750 491 0973
E-mail: eblrj@yahoo.com; eblga2@rj.com
Tel: +46 8 54 52 59 52
Suleimaniah – Amman cont…
Tel: +44 (0)8719 112112
Tel: +33 (0)1 42 65 99 91
Suleimaniah – Amman, Baghdad, Basra, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Najaf
Operated by Iraqi Airways in Suleimaniah:
Sarchnar St. Hotel Parezh building
Tel +964 770 763 6568
Tel +964 770 763 6569
Tel +964 53 319 5345
E-mail: Iraqairwayssul@yahoo.com
Suleimaniah – Dubai, Istanbul, Munich, Tehran
Operated by Azmar Air
Contact Azmar Air in Suleimaniah
Tel: +964 770 157 19 06
Tel: +964 53 319 43 01
Tel: +964 53 319 43 02
Contact Azmar Air in Dubai
Tel: +971 4 266 8993
Fax: +971 4 266 8233
Mobile: +971 50 551 4161
Contact Azmar Air in Istanbul
Tel: +90 212 6633 718
Fax: +90 212 6633 513
Contact Azmar Air in Tehran
Tel: +982 1 8880 4467
Fax: +982 1 8894 0361
Suleimaniah – Gothenburg/Malmo, Manchester via Athens
Operated by Viking Airlines
Website: www.miranaviation.com
Contact Miran Aviation in Erbil:
Tel: +964 66 2252772
Tel: +964 750 725 9999
Tel: +964 750 720 5555
E-mail: info@miranaviationcom ; miranaviation@hotmail.com
Contact Aerolympic in London:
Tel: +44 (0)207 100 1023
Suleimaniah – Gothenburg, London
Operated by Tor Air
Website: www.torair.com
Suleimaniah – Munich – via Dusseldorf
Operated by Zozik Air
Website: www.zozik-aviation.de
Contact Zozik Air in Suleimaniah:
Tel. +964 (0)770 2177177
Tel. +964 (0)750 1024331
E-mail: fly@zozik-aviation.com
Contact Zozik Air in Germany:
Tel. +49 69 69 59 7370
Tel. +964 (0)750 1024331
E-mail: sinan@zozik-air.com
Routes operated by Iraqi Airways
Iraqi Airways operates many flights to Erbil or Suleimaniah international airports, for example Baghdad, Basra, Najaf, Amman, Beirut, Dubai, Damascus, Cairo, Frankfurt, Malmo, Stockholm and Tehran. Some services are direct to Suleimaniah or Erbil, and others are indirect. Please contact Iraqi Airways for details ofdirect and indirect routes.
Website: www.iraqiairways.co.uk and www.iq-airways.com
Iraqi Airways in Erbil:
Tel: +964 (0)750 423 5555
Tel: +964 (0)750 466 6444
E-mail: zagros_air@yahoo.com; info@zagros.net
Other Iraqi Airways telephone numbers:
Amman: + 962 6 4638600
Damascus: + 963 11 2450301 /2
Istanbul: +90 535 379 92 05
Baghdad: +964 1 537 2002
These travel agents based in Kurdistan offer flight reservations, some may also offer other services such as hotel bookings and local transport services.
Uniglobe – Iraq Tours and Travel
Services: airline bookings and ticketing, hotel bookings in Iraq and abroad, transfer and meet & greet, and
event management.
E-mail: info@uniglobeiraq.com
Mobile: +964 (0)750 429 6888 and +964 (0)7710 222 223
Offices: 1) English Village 331, Erbil, 2) Erbil Rotana Hotel, Erbil
Website: www.uniglobeiraq.com
Zagros Air
Erbil mobile:
+964 (0)750 449 5555
+964 (0)750 447 6399
+964 (0)750 446 8394
Laru Travel Services
Erbil mobile:
+964 (0)750 455 4411
+964 (0)750 446 8960
Cyprus Tel: +357 2581 4084
Amman Tel: +962 6 565 6561 and +962 6 568 9787
e-mail: lanaqassim@batelco.jo
Baban Tourism
For Royal Jordanian Airlines reservations
Erbil Tel: +964 66 220 0600
Erbil mobile: +964 (0)750 491 0973
e-mail: babantourism@yahoo.com
Atrosh Air
For Atrosh Air flights between Stockholm/Copenhagen and Erbil
Erbil Tel: +964 66 254 7474
Erbil mobile: +964 (0)750 460 0460
Suleimaniah mobile: +964 (0)730 117 3317
e-mail: erbil@atroshair.com
Azmar Air
For Azmar Air flights to Suleimaniah
e-mail: lazo@nokangroup.com
Suleimaniah mobile: +964 (0)7701 525 775
e-mail: deraw_it@yahoo.com
e-mail: deraw_it@hotmail.com
Suleimaniah mobile: +964 (0)7701 571 906
Booking agent for many scheduled airline routes to Erbil:
IKB Travel & Tours Limited
IKB House, 230 Edgware Road
London W2 1DW.
Tel: 020 7724 8455
Fax: 020 7724 8655
e-mail: travelinfo@ikbtravel.co.uk
Website: www.YouShouldTravel.com
CT Travel
CT Travel specialises in business, corporate, and group travel. For the past several years, it has been
arranging travel to the Kurdistan Region in Iraq from any part of the world, for individual and group business
travellers. Based in the UK, CT Travel is now partners with Uniglobe, which has a branch in Erbil.
Tel. +44 (0)1892 673 427
Online email contact form: http://www.ctbusinesstravel.co.uk/contact-details/
Overland entry into the Kurdistan Region is possible through Turkey. The suggested route is to fly to Istanbul
Ataturk Airport and then take a two-hour domestic flight to Diyarbakir. (Turkish visas can be obtained on
arrival at Istanbul Airport. Baggage may have to be retrieved from the International Terminal and checked in
at the Domestic Terminal.)
At Diyarbakir Airport taxis can be hired to drive to the Ibrahim Khalil/Habur border crossing point, Turkey’s
border with the Kurdistan Region in Iraq. Many drivers do this journey frequently and are familiar with the
route. It is advisable to settle the price beforehand, a guide price is USD 150, and to check that the driver has
the necessary paper work to take passengers over the border. Because of the journey time it is advisable to
start the overland journey in the early morning, staying overnight in Diyarbakir if necessary.
After crossing the border at Ibrahim Khalil, another taxi can take you to your destination in the Kurdistan
Region. The approximate journey time from Diyarbakir to the border is 4 hours; then from the border to Dohuk
is 1.5 hours; to Erbil 4 hours; and to Suleimaniah 6 hours. There are alternative routes via Iran and Syria but
these are less frequently travelled.
Journalists, delegations and travellers visiting for official or business purposes can contact the KRG for advice
on arranging meetings and hiring drivers, fixers, interpreters and security. Please contact:
The KRG Department of Foreign Relations, Erbil: dfr@krg.org
KRG Representation to the UK, London: uk@krg.org
KRG Representation to the US, Washington DC: us@krg.org
Several specialist travel companies offer cultural sightseeing holidays in the Kurdistan Region
Kurdistan Adventures
Kurdistan Adventures is an Australian/Kurdish local company that specialises in small group adventure travel
and operates escorted tours, day trips and custom itineraries. Please see www.kurdistan-adventures.com
Hinterland Travel
Hinterland Travel is a UK-based travel company operating tours to the Kurdistan Region in Iraq since 2007.
Details are available on its website: http://www.hinterlandtravel.com/
Distant Horizons
Distant Horizons is a US-based travel company operating tours to the Kurdistan Region in Iraq since June
2008. Details are available on its website: http://www.distant-horizons.com/
Terre Entière
Terre Entière, a French travel company, added the Kurdistan Region in Iraq to its list of destinations in late
2008. Details are available on its website: http://www.terreentiere.com/
The Other Iraq Tours
The Other Iraq Tours is a local tour company based in the Kurdistan Region, operated by expatriates and
specialising in custom and luxury tours. Details are available on its website: www.theotheriraqtours.com
Spiekermann Travel
Based in Michigan USA, specialist tour operator Spiekermann Travel is offering guided tours of the Kurdistan
Region, see www.mideasttrvl.com
Babel Tours
Babel Tours is a recently established tour operator based in the Kurdistan Region. See http://www.babeltours.
Erbil Rotana Hotel
Gulan Street, Erbil – Kurdistan, Iraq
Tel: +964 66 210 55 55
Fax: +964 66 210 55 56
Website: http://www.rotana.com/rotanahotelandresorts/iraq/erbil/erbilrotana
Erbil International Hotel
30 Metre Street
Tel: +964 (0)66 223 4460 – 70
Fax: +44 (0)7069 410 005
email: info@erbilinthotel.com
Website: www.erbilinthotel.com
Divan Hotel
Gulan Street, Erbil – Kurdistan, Iraq
Tel: +964 66 2105000 or +964 750 6423125
email: reservations.divanerbil@divan.com.tr
Website: http://www.divan.com.tr/ENG/Hotel-Destinations/
Hawler Plaza Hotel
Kirkuk Road, near Erbil Stadium
Tel: +964 (0)66 222 8890 / (0)66 2519740 / (0)66 254 0050
email: hawler_plaza@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.hoojoozat.com/HotelDetailSearch.aspx?Hotel-Iraq-Hawler-Plaza-Hotel
Khanzad Hotel
Salahaddin Road, about 25 minutes outside Erbil city centre
Tel: +964 (0)66 2245273 / 74 / 76 / 77, and +964 (0)66 2505226
email: info@khanzadresort.com
Website: http://www.khanzadresort.com
Chwar Chra Hotel
Abdul Salam Al-Barzani Street
Tel: +964 (0)66 223 1508 / 9 and+964 (0)66 222 2650
email: info@chwarchrahotel.com
Website: http://www.chwarchrahotel.com/default.asp
Noble Hotel
Peshawa Qazi Street (100 Meter Street), Ankawa, Erbil
Tel. +964 – (0)66 225 26 30 / (0)66 225 26 20
Mob: +964 (0)750 431 22 44 / (0)771 193 63 00
Website: http://www.noble-hotel.com/
Ankawa Palace Hotel
Shlama Street, Ankawa, Erbil (near Residency Office)
Tel: +964 (0)66 225 3030
Mob: +964 (0)750 486 3030
Fax: +964 (0)66 255 3232
E-mail: info@ankawapalace-hotel.com
Website: http://www.ankawapalace-hotel.com/
Royal Palace Hotel
60 Metre Street
Opposite Ankawa bridge (overpass), near Mahhar Restaurant
Tel: +964 (0)66 2562981/ (0)66 256 2982/ (0)750.423.7426/ (0)750.423.7326
email: royalpalace_h@yahoo.com
Arbil Tawer Hotel
Tel: +964 (0)66 222 6600 / 223 0094
Shereen Palace Hotel
Tel: +964 (0)66 222 6240 / 222 0915
Dilshad Palace Hotel
Dohuk main street, opposite Mazi Supermarket
Tel: +964 0)62 722 7601 – 9
Fax: +964 (0)62 722 7610
email: info@dilshad-palace.com
Website: www.dilshad-palace.com
Slivan Hotel
14 Athar Street
Local tel: +964 (0)62 722 5683
Sulav Hotel
Tel. +964 (0)62 722 1955 / 722 1956
Mobile: +964 (0)750 445 7004
Email: sulavhotel@sulavco.com; sulavhotel@yahoo.com
Jiyan Hotel
Tel.+964 (0)62 722 24 00
Mobile: +964 (0)750 442 7711
Mobile: +964 (0)770 051 7711
E-fax: +1 631 982 7711
email: info@jiyanhotel.com
Website: http://www.jiyanhotel.com
Mazi Motel
Zakho St. Mazi Mall Area
Tel : +964 62 760 9900
Mobil: +964 750 427 7723 / +964 750 482 7944
Website: http://www.alaminest.com/?page=mazi_motel
Lalezar Hotel
Sarchinar Hill
Tel: +964 (0)53 319 2601
Fax: +964 (0)53 319 2602
email: info@lale-zar.com
Website: www.lale-zar.com
Copthorne Hotel Baranan (a Millenium Copthorne Hotel)
Sarchinar Main Street
email: info@mill-sulaimani.com
Sulaimani Palace Hotel
+964 (0)53 3134141 – 47
Azmir Palace Hotel
+964 (0)748 012 3513
Ashti Hotel
Salim Street
Tel: +964 (0)53 312 7999
Parezh Hotel
Tel: +964 (0)53 210 7185
Mobile +964 (0)770 366 8888; and +964 (0)730 154 6525
The local currency is the Iraqi Dinar. US Dollars are also widely used. Exchange rates as of 3 May 2011:
1 US Dollar = 1,166 Iraqi Dinars
1 Euro = 1,724 Iraqi Dinars
1 British Pound = 1,922 Iraqi Dinars
(For up-to-date exchange rates please visit www.xe.com or www.oanda.com)
Please be aware that there are currently very few ATM machines or credit card facilities. Cash is the only
method of payment in the vast majority of shops, hotels and restaurants. Ensure you take enough
with you in US dollars or Iraqi dinars for all your expenses including the hotel bill. Exchange facilities
are available at the airport, international hotels and exchange shops in the bazaars.
Summer months (May-September) are very hot and dry, especially on the Erbil Plain, often reaching
temperatures as high as 50 degrees Celsius. It is slightly cooler in the evenings and in the mountainous
regions around Dohuk and Suleimaniah. The winter months can be cool with rain and some snowfall.
Note: Voltage is 220v. Both UK three-pronged and European two-pronged plugs are in use. Visitors are
advised to take a universal adapter with them. However, adapters can be purchased in small electrical shops
in the bazaars of towns and cities.
Asiacell, Korek, the Kurdistan Region’s largest mobile phone service operators, have roaming agreements
with several foreign operators, including European, US and UK companies. If you wish to use your mobile
locally please check with your mobile phone service operator whether it has a roaming agreement with
Asiacell or Korek. Roaming agreements can also be checked on the GSM Association website’s Iraq roaming
partners section: http://www.gsmworld.com/roaming/gsminfo/cou_iq.shtml
Rather than using your home mobile SIM card, it may be cheaper to buy a local SIM card which can be
purchased in some hotels and shops—especially in the bazaars. Top-up payment cards for local SIMs are
widely available in hotels and shops.
Internet connections are available in many hotels and some private internet cafes. Not all connections are
broadband speed.
Letters and packages can be sent by normal post from the Kurdistan Region abroad, but at present they
cannot be sent from abroad to the Kurdistan Region. Fedex and DHL offer air freight services to and from
Kurdistan, please contact them for details.
The post office in Erbil is near the Citadel, close to the old court building. Please ask for directions. The Arabic
word for post, which is also used in Kurdish, is ‘bareed’.
Travel by car in the Kurdistan Region is very simple and generally safe. Private cars and drivers are
available, but they can often be quite expensive. Taxis are a far more economical option, and they are
readily available on most major roads in all the cities. A ride to or from almost anywhere in the cities normally
costs somewhere between 3-5,000 ID, and you can catch a seat in a shared taxi between any of the major
cities for 10-25,000 ID depending on the distance—just ask a city taxi driver “garajee + the name of city/town
where you want to go”.2
There are generally two types of taxis in the cities. Some are painted orange and white, while others are
painted a light tan colour. The light tan taxis are driven by government vetted drivers, and they are
considered to be safest—these cars are usually newer and cleaner also.
Erbil to Suleimaniah – 170 km, approx. three hours drive
Erbil to Dohuk – 245 km, approx. three hours drive
Dohuk to Suleimaniah – 340 km, approx. five hours drive
The Kurdistan Region and the rest of Iraq are +3 hours ahead of Greenwich Meantime (GMT).
A list of national holidays and important dates is available here:
Satellite television with CNN and BBC World is available in most hotels. The main regional English-language
newspapers are the Kurdish Globe and AK News.
Kurdish cuisine is based on lamb, chicken, rice and bread, and the use of many fresh herbs and vegetables.
Fish served in restaurants is often barbecued over an open fire to make a traditional Iraqi dish called
mazgouf. Fresh fruit or paklava, a Middle Eastern flaky pastry and nut dessert, is usually served after the
main course. While many types of fruit and vegetables are available throughout the year, seasonal and local
products, such as wild asparagus, native rhubarb, green almonds and buffalo yoghurt, are highly prized and
enjoyed. Black tea with sugar is the most popular beverage both inside and outside the home. Drinking
alcohol in moderation is acceptable in some restaurants and hotels. Drunken and loud behaviour is frowned
For example: if you are in Suleimaniah and you want to go to Erbil (Hawler), say “Garajee Hawler.” For the reverse
trip you would say, “Garajee Suleimaniah.”
There are two dialects of Kurdish spoken in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq: Kurmanji, spoken mainly in Dohuk,
and Sorani, spoken in Erbil and Suleimaniah.
English Kurdish
How are you? Choni?
Good morning Bayani Bash
Good afternoon Ewara Bash
Good night Shaw Bash
Good day Roj Bash
Welcome Bakher Beyt
How much is this? Ama ba chanda?
Yes Bale
No Na
Please Bey-zahmet/T’kaya
You’re welcome Shayani niya
Mr Ahmed Kak Ahmed (honorific term for men)
Miss/Mrs Sayran Sayran Khan (honorific term for women)
With pleasure Sar chaw
Excuse me Ba yarmateet
Do you speak English Inglizi ezani?
I don’t speak Kurdish Kurdi nazanm
Tea without sugar! Chai bey shakr
Please contact the Kurdistan Region’s official tourist board, for tourist information, and guides. The tourist
board can be contacted at:
Tel: +964 (0)66 224 43 94
e-mail: info@tourismkurdistan.com
Iraq: Then and Now, published by Bradt Travel Guides in April 2008, is a guide to Iraq’s history and presentday,
provides information on archaeology and culture, and includes 17 maps of different parts of Iraq. It
includes a chapter on the Kurdistan Region.
A few of the Kurdistan Region’s places of interest and tourist attractions are listed here:
Erbil citadel dates back 6,000 years BC and forms the original boundaries of the city. Erbil is one of the
oldest continually inhabited cities in the world.
Sami Abdul Rahman Park is a large municipal park built on the site of a former Ba’ath military base.
Qaysari bazaar is Erbil city’s traditional market, selling household goods, food, textiles, gold and souvenirs.
Sheikh Chooli minaret in the western district of Erbil was built by Sultan Mudhaffarudeen and dates back to
543-586 AD. The minaret is the focal point for the recently developed Minara Park.
Khanzad castle on the Erbil – Shaqlawa road dates back to the Soran Period when the Region was ruled by
several principalities.
Rabban Beya monastery is a one-hour climb over mountain paths. There are two large highly engraved
cave-like chambers that date back to the fourth century AD.
Shaqlawa resort is 51 km north of Erbil and is a popular weekend and holiday destination with a great fresh
produce market.
Gali Ali Beg ravine and waterfall is 130km from Erbil, a popular place for recreational picnics.
Bekhal Resort is another water resort 140km from Erbil and a short drive from Gali Ali Berg.
Saint Ith Llaha Church, just west of Dohuk, is oldest church in the region and dates back to 500AD.
Amadiyah town, 90km north east of Dohuk, dates back to the Assyrian Period and is a former principality.
Amadiyah’s minaret is 30 metres high, with views from the top of the nearby mountains and valleys.
Amadiyah citadel is located on the eastern side of Amadiyah city. Its gateway is featured in Kurdistan: The
Other Iraq adverts and documentary. See www.theotheriraq.com
Suleimaniah museum, located on Salim Street, houses local items that date back thousands of years. It is
one of the richest museums in the Region.
Dokan lake, 70km west of Suleimaniah, is a local resort with hotels, restaurants and holiday chalets.
Darbandikhan dam 65km south east of Sulemaniah also has tourist cabins, restaurants, leisure facilities.
Ahmadawa resort, known for its springs, waterfalls and orchards, is a popular summer escape for locals and
In cazul in care doriti sa mergeti cu masina in Kuristan e bine sa luati in calul toate amanuntele
Distanta Bucuresti – Erbil 2650km
– plecare dimineata la 6
– Bulgaria este destul de incurcata chiar pentru un sofer obisnuit sa calatoreasca afara. Este bine sa aiba un copilot cu harta. din auzite nu se recomanda folosirea navigatie. Pentru a evita amenzile e bine sa nu depasisti viteza legala. Oricum e bine sa aveti la dumneavostra de cate 10 euro pentru orice eventualitate, adica diverse taxe.
In Turcia cand intrii pe autostrada la turci trebuie sa cumperi un card pe care il vei tot folosi ca mijloc de masurare a costului tau de autostada – in loc de tichetul care se ia in tarile europene folosesti acest card
– Recomandat sa ajungi undeva pana in ora 2 in Istanbul. Daca ajungi mai tarziu iti va lua foarte mult sa traversezi podul peste Bosfor
– Istanbul – Ankara
– Se poate opri dupa Ankara care este la 1.100km pe la ora 11 noaptea dar daca se pleaca tarziu si i-a cca 3 ore sa traversez Istanbulul
– normal ar trebui sa va opriti la Aksaray care este la jumatatea drumului
– apoi a doua zi Adana – Gaziantep – Viransehir – Silope care este o parte foarte buna autostrada dar apoi drum simplu cu 2 benzi
– cand ajungi in frontiera vei vedea o coada lunga de tiruri, trebuie sa le ocolesti si sa mergi pe o banda despartita de niste separatoare de beton. Sa nu cumva sa intri pe la tiruri ca vei iesi de acolo dupa 3 zile
– procedurile in vama irakiana dureaza cam 1 ora pentru toate formalitatile necesare la masina. Vor opri pasaportul soferului daca masina este mai veche de 2 ani si 500 USD garantie care va fi recuperata la iesire . Trebuie sa platesti vreo 50 usd.
– benzina sau motorina este f scumpa in Turcia peste 2 euro pe litru benzina si motorina parca 2 euro
– dupa ce iesi din vama mergi vreo 500m si trebuie sa faci dreapta spre Dohuk. Este un check point acolo
– daca este noapte cand esti in Duhok iti recomand sa ramai in Duhok sau sa comanzi un taxi care sa mearga in fata voastra pana la Erbil. Riscul este mare sa te pierzi si sa ajungi la Mosul
– atentie la intrarea in Dohuk sa nu o luati spre Mosul
Daca exista graba e bine sa se mearga cu 2 piloti care sa conduca pe rand.
Costul estimativ al unei deplasari cu masina in 1.500 USD.
Cam atat. Drum bun.
Multumim dlui Catalin si dlui Ahmed pentru infomatii
we like to ask , u can preapare military cloths, like uniform, and boot, and blanket, belt , tigital vest , … etc
we want many kinds of military cloths ,
i give u information for 2 head iteames, they are uniform and blanket .
uniform , 50000 sets ( include cup , trouser, and jacket ) , the material 65% cotton, 35% polyster , color , camoflage design , weight 210gm/mt2.
blanket , weight 3.00 kilos, 50%wool. 50% polyster , size 1.7 *2.3 mtrs.green color .
waiting ur reply