1- in engineering I need to engineers from various disciplines ( Architectural, Civil, Designer refriger of air conditioning system,Designed the electrical distribution network, a sewage network designer) working in design and they are highly efficient in design. I need a cadre of Roman engineering to work in my company in Iraq.
2- And the same applies to the Construction Contracting I need construction company to work in our projects in Iraq.
Kurdistan health care reform has been talked about for a very long time but the main ruling parties, PUK and KDP, have never put their full weight behind it.Mala Bakhtyar, the director of the PUK political bureau, has for the first time spoken about the status of the health system in Kurdistan and the need for reform.
In an open letter to Nechirvan Barzani, who is expected to be nominated to take over the premiership of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Mala Bakhtyar has put forward several areas of priorities for the upcoming cabinet led by KRG President Barzani.
In his second top priority Mr Bakhtyar is very critical of the current health system and calls for a modern system.
Although he is does not explain how to reform it, the very fact that he acknowledges the bad status of the current health system might help to raise the profile of healthcare reform from the top down.
For the reform to be effective, there has to be political will from top officials in the government and parliament.
Here is the full translation of the section about health system in his letter:
“Despite all the reforms that have been done, despite all the new small and big hospitals that are added and the quality of medicine that is of good standards, the health system is a backward system. Citizens are still ripped off by the private hospitals. Still bad quality medicines are in thousands of unlicensed pharmacies and in the hand of smugglers of medicines that have left Kurdish society (Kurdawary) with fatal and long term diseases. This is not to mention that the mortality rate is in part related to the systems of health, medicines and bad pharmacies. Because of this bad health system doctors are allowed, most of the time, to set prices as they wish. The pharmacies and laboratories are the same. And this is all at the expense of health security and sick citizens.
“However, if there is a modern health system, doctors, healthcare staff, pharmacies and all the other services within the health system will be assured of their rights, salaries, income and their consciences, according to their qualifications, hard work and their scientific and professional abilities.
“Where is the rationale that on a daily basis tonnes of expired food and medicine are seized, which is by all standards a huge crime against our national health security, but not even a single smuggler is put in prison because of this crime?! ”
The most important part of a modern health system is regulating all the services through establishing several regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing the overall health system. Without regulations, any attempt of reforms will not be successful.
Dr Shakawan Ismaeel is a consultant physician in acute medicine who writes about health issues in Kurdistan and around the world: Kurdistan is my home
By Dr Shakawan Ismaeel:
In perioada 23-26 aprilie 2012, la Bagdad, se va desfasura cea de-a 2-a Expozitie si Conferinta Nationala Iraq Energy.Evenimentul, organizat de Camera de Comert si Industrie Irakiano-Americana, reprezinta o oportunitate pentru contactarea factorilor de decizie si promovarea pe piata irakiana a companiilor romanesti.Expozitia se va desfasura sub patronajul Ministerului Petrolului, Ministerului Electricitatii, Ministerului Stiintei si Tehnologiei, Ministerului Resurselor de Apa. Participarea la dezvoltarea sectorului energetic irakian, in particular in domeniul petrolier si al productiei de energie electrica, este o oportunitate de afaceri semnificativa.
Iraq Energy EXPO and Conference este un eveniment promotional oficial, sprijinit de Ministerul Petrolului si de cele 22 de companii subordonate acestuia. Pentru documentarea cu privire la manifestare pot fi utilizate urmatoarele website-uri: 1) Iraq Ministry of Oil, http://www.oil.gov.iq/moo/index.php?lang=en 2) Iraq Ministry of Oil, State Company for Oil Projects, http://www.scop.gov.iq/index.htm 3) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Iraq Drilling Company, http://idc.gov.iq/Site/Default.aspx 4) Official web site National Iraq Energy EXPO and Conference 5) Official Iraq Ministry of Oil web site with direct link to conference Iraq Ministry of Oil 6)Ministry of Electricity http://www.iraqenergyexpo.com/2011/supportletters/MoE/MoE-SD.html 7) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Heavy Engineering Equipments, http://heesco-iraq.com 8) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Oil Pipelines Company, http://www.oilpipelinescompany.org 9) Iraq Ministry of Oil, South Gas Company, http://www.sgciraq.com 10) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Missan Oil Company, http://www.moc.oil.gov.iq 11) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Petroleum Research & Developing Center, http://www.prdc.gov.iq Sursa: BPCE Bagdad |
I am looking for a company specialized in Inspection of Oil wells equipment for petroleum industries.
Below is the main requirements for the Inspection duties for Oil fields in Iraq :
1. Pipe line inspection such as (Metal, Welding, X-ray, Compaction .
2. Drilling inspection such as (Casing, Tubing, Depth, cementing inspection, Color, Gas test)
3. Heavy equipment Inspection such as (Cranes, Forklift, Trucks, Excavator).
4. Machine shop for repair casing and tubing .
More detail on a.mihailovici@gmail.com
Bloomberg and Reuters report that Iraq has invited foreign companies to compete for a $450 million monorail project in the southern holy city of Kerbala [Karbala].
The city, 80 km (50 miles) southwest of Baghdad, hosts the shrines of two Shi’ite imams and hosts millions of Shi’ite pilgrims each year at several major religious rites.
The head of the Kerbala Investment Commission, Taif Abdul-Hussein [Taief Ali], said on Sunday the 18-km (11-mile) monorail would be built from a northern entrance to the city to the main Shi’ite shrines in the central area and then towards the northeastern city entrance.
The train would be capable of speeds up to 100 km per hour and the line would have 18 stations, situated about 900-1000 metres apart. The last station would be about 200 meters from the Imam Hussein and Imam Abbas shrine.
Lebanese, Iranian and Gulf companies have expressed interest in the project.
In June 2010, the southern city of Najaf awarded TransGlobim International, a privately-owned Canadian consortium, a $600 million contract to build the country’s first monorail.
In January 2011, France’s Alstom signed a memorandum of understanding to build metro line above Baghdad’s streets.
The United Nations Office for Project Services (hereinafter”UNOPS”) is pleased to invite you to submit quotation for supply of Office Furniture & IT Equipment for Erbil Business Information Centre.
UNOPS would like to receive your quotation on or before 30 Jan 2012 via e-mail : maanh@unops.org or fax : 00962 6 593 1249 to the attention of Maan Hattab . Please specify above project and reference number on your quotation .
Your quotation shall include the following:
-Completed Data Form
-Completed Bid price & Delivery Form
-Completed Previous Experience Form
UNOPS evaluates the quotations based on best value , i.e. best quality and cost-effectiveness of the proposed offers.
A contract may be awarded to the bidder having submitted the quotation representing the best value for UNOPS . However , UNOPS reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation , and to cancel the process and reject all quotations , at any time prior to the award of contract , without thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders or any obligation to inform the Bidders of the grounds for such action.
UNOPS reserves the right to make multiple arrangements for any item or items.
For further information, click here
The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) intends to solicit proposals for the provision of two B6 Level Armored Advanced Life Support (ALS) Ambulances to UNAMI including:
a) Supply, delivery and commissioning of two B6 Level Armored ALS Ambulances.
b) Supply of one year of fast moving spare-parts for each ambulance.
c) Freight & Insurance for two Armoured ambulances, DDU UNAMI Compound, Kheitan, KUWAIT (INCOTERMS 2000).
For this purpose, UNAMI will undertake a competitive bidding exercise shortly, and will issue accordingly a Request for Proposal (RFP) with detailed specifications to companies who express interest and provide initial relevant information as to their ability to fulfill UNAMI’s requirement by completing the attached Pre-qualification Questionnaire.
Please note:
a) This EOI is not an invitation for submission of a Proposal.
b) UNAMI reserves the right in selecting the invitees for the competitive bidding based on substantial and proven records of performance in the subject field of activities. Mere expression of an interest would not automatically warrant for RFP document.
c) UNAMI reserves the right to reject EOIs received after the deadline (01-02-2012 12:00 AM)
In 2011, 621,870 passengers used Erbil’s new International Airport, a 37% increase on the previous year, whilst cargo tonnage also increased dramatically, with a 67% increase to 17,769 tonnes per annum.
The increase in passenger and cargo numbers will help cement Erbil International Airport as one of the fastest growing in the Middle East and underlines the wisdom of the KRG’s fifth cabinet and its then Prime Minister, Nichevan Barzani’s decision to commission the new airport in 2004.
With an average of 11 flights a day, and around 38 cargo flights a month the airport is set to grow further in 2012 but does not anticipate that the level of increase will be as strong, reflecting the onset of a period of consolidation for EIA and the fact that levels of air travel around the world have, and continue to be, affected by economic woes.
The +37% increase in passenger numbers to 621,870 puts EIA, four years, and 45% ahead of its own master plan. The independently produced plan has predicted 430,000 passengers in 2011.
The most popular routes remain Istanbul and Baghdad, with Turkish and Atlas leading the way on routes to the north, whilst Iraqi Airways continues to operate the most flights into Erbil with an average of around 95 a month. New routes in 2011 have included Turkish Airways to Istanbul, and Pegasus to Ankara, Eygpt Air to Cairo and Air Cyprus to Larnaca. Etihad increased its frequency from x2 to x 4 per week.
Commenting on the record growth, Airport Director Talar Faiq said:
“In March ahead of the official opening I told the media we anticipated around 600,000 passengers this year, that we have exceeded that total, and processed more than 621,000 passengers is welcome news and a great endorsement of the airport in its first official year of operation.
“The growth in passenger numbers reflects not only the confidence the airlines have placed in operations at EIA but also the hard work of all the agencies involved – immigration, customs, security at EIA’s own team. It is also a direct reflection on what is happening in Kurdistan – the growing economy, the security and stability overseen by the KRG, and the growing reputation of Kurdistan as a place to visit and do business.
“It has been a year of first’s for EIA – not only in the official opening but also in behind the scenes developments that are so vital to the running of an airport to international standards – From the airport certification via the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority, to the ability for EIA to control airspace around the airport, to the implementation of safety procedures to the opening up of a business lounge. EIA has invested a great deal in training for radar and air traffic control, to developing is operational staff and ensuring they have the skills to do their jobs. Such developments and milestones are essential to the airports future development.
“The new airport stated operating in September 2010, and was officially opened by the KRG President Masood Barzani and Prime Minister Erdoggan of Turkey in March. I expect the coming year to be one of consolidation with fewer new airlines arriving, but existing airlines developing their business. I anticipate further growth in cargo as Kurdistan’s growth fuels a demand for imports and the ending of exclusive cargo deals opens up the market to more carriers.
“The master plan is a document mapping out the next 30 years for EIA – that we are ahead of schedule is great news but we must think long term and ensure steps are taken to put in place the expertise and infrastructure to take EIA to the next level.
To do so is not an end in itself, but serves to reinforce the role of the airport as a gateway to Kurdistan and a vital economic enabler for development yet to come.“
- The average passenger growth rate since 2006 and the launch of civilian aviation traffic at Erbil International is 31.5% a year.
- The 2011 increase of 37% is the strongest year on year growth for five years.
- New routes, increased frequencies from existing carriers are the main reasons for growth.
- The monthly pattern for travel demand through EIA is consistent with airports in the Middle East and sees peak traffic through in July and September.
- The growth in cargo has been driven with the demand for imports into the booming Kurdistan economy – Emirates, Etihad, and Maximus all serve Erbil International with dedicated cargo freighters. Cargo tonnage is set to continue to expand in 2012 with a number of airlines seeking to launch dedicated cargo services.
- Total traffic movement is a combination of passenger and cargo air traffic movements arriving and department EIA and reflects the growth of the airport. The decrease in 2008 reflects fewer cargo flights in that year.
(Source: Erbil International Airport)
Iraqi health authorities have decided to build 18 hospitals throughout the country with an total budget of US$2 billion, according to a report from AKnews.
Adil Mohsen, General Inspector at the Health Ministry, told AKnews that the majority of the hospitals will have at least 100 beds and will be constructed according to international standards.
There are 321 public and private hospitals in Iraq with a total medical staff of 25,000. On Sunday, the Ministry said the country needed some 7,000 anesthetists.
Mohsen said among the hospitals will be “specialized hospitals for heart disease, nervous system, burns, and maternity.”
The Ministry of Health announced earlier this month that its 2012 budget exceeds US$6 billion. The Ministry said it will sue the money to build 150 clinics, contracting with more doctors including Indian medical practitioners.
(Source: AKnews)
The Iraqi housing and rehabilitation minister, Mr Mohammad Darraji, has urged Jordanian construction firms and contractors to enter Iraq, reports Steel Guru.
Jordanians have a real opportunity to contribute to Iraq’s huge rebuilding projects, for which the government has allocated $40 billion in 2012, he said.
Mr Darraji made the remarks during a meeting with Jordanian minister of public works and housing, Mr Yahia Al Kasbi, and leading businessmen in the construction sector.
Describing it as a “reconstruction blueprint unprecedented in the Arab area”, he added that “given their expertise and reputation, Jordanian and other Arab contracting firms can have a tangible role in the Iraqi reconstruction process.”
He went on to assure them that investments in the reconstruction activity would be guaranteed by the Iraqi government.
(Source: Steel Guru)