Targuri si evenimente
Un târg de terapii complementare, numit “Sănătatea-alternative”, se va deschide sâmbătă la Cluj, în incinta cinematografului Mărăști. La această a doua ediție a evenimentului, intenția organizatorilor este de a prezenta publicului diferite modalități de abordare a soluțiilor pentru sănătate și pe cei mai buni terapeuți din domeniu.

Potrivit unui comunicat de presă transmis AGERPRES, evenimentul este structurat pe patru secțiuni: demonstrații terapii, discuții interactive, târgul terapeuților și două concerte terapeutice.
‘Demonstrațiile durează maximum 30 de minute. În acest timp fiecare terapeut își va prezenta terapia pe care o reprezintă, cu cât mai multe aspecte practice. Vor fi 17 astfel de demonstrații. Discuțiile durează câte o oră și jumătate, în program sunt patru, cu temele: cancerul, sănătatea femeii, relații sănătoase și parenting sănătos. La fiecare discuție participă un moderator și 3-4 invitați, specialiști în domeniul respectiv, care vor răspunde la întrebările publicului și ale moderatorului’, a explicat Ada Azap, organizator.
La târg, terapeuții vor participa la discuții față în față cu acele persoane care vor să afle mai multe informații despre terapiile alternative. În plus, fiecare seară a evenimentului se va termina cu un concert: sâmbătă va fi un recital de hang și kora cu Vali Pleș, iar duminică un concert de gong și boluri tibetane cu Turos Elemer.
Terapeuții care vor fi prezenți la târg sunt specializați pe diferite tehnici, dintre care organizatorii amintesc noua medicină germanică, tehnici de eliberare emoțională, aromaterapie, vindecare reconectivă, terapie holistică sau terapie craniosacrală.
AGERPRES/(AS — autor: Elena Stanciu, editor:Diana Dumitru)
Târgul Drăgaica din municipiul Buzău, o sărbătoare cu caracter folcloric și comercial, este urmașa directă a nedeii Munților Penteleu din Evul Mediu, care secole de-a rândul a înlesnit legăturile comerciale și de neam între Țara Bârsei, Moldova și Câmpia Bărăganului.

An de an, în perioada 12-24 iunie, agricultorii, păstorii și meșteșugarii din Transilvania, Moldova și Țara Românească se întâlneau, la vremea când drăgaica, plantă cu flori galbene-aurii, frumos mirositoare, numită și sânziene, dădea în floare, iar fetele și feciorii de pe ambii versanți ai Munților Carpați își puteau găsi perechea, statornicind legături de familie prin nunțile care aveau loc chiar în timpul sărbătorii.
Savantul Mircea Eliade consideră că Sânzienele provin dintr-un cult roman al zeiței Diana și acceptat și de populația din Dacia Romană: ‘Numele unui grup special de zâne, Sânzienele, derivă, probabil, din latinul Sanctae Dianae. Sânzienele, zâne mai curând binevoitoare, și-au dat numele importantei sărbători a Sfântului Ioan Botezătorul’.
La rândul său, etnologul Ovidiu Bârlea opinează că Drăgaica ‘pare o rămășiță din practicile antice, prin care zeitățile protectoare ale recoltelor erau solicitate să apere lanurile’, astfel că ‘fetele drăgaice continuă rolul preoteselor Ceres și Diana’ .
‘Existența serbărilor populare la vremea recoltării grâului este atestată, pentru prima dată, de monezile din secolul IV î.e.n., descoperite la Tomis și Callatis, care aveau pe revers chipul zeiței Demeter — zeița belșugului — cu o coroniță pe cap și în mână spice de grâu’, susține publicistul Viorel Frâncu autorul unei ample monografii dedicate târgului ‘Drăgăica’ .
Doina Ciobanu, doctor în istorie, fost director al Muzeului Județean Buzău, consideră că ‘Drăgaica — Sânziana, zeița agrară, protectoarea lanurilor de grâu și a femeilor măritate, este o sărbătoare ce vine din epoca precreștină’.
Sărbătoarea se desfășoară în preajma solstițiului de vară și exprimă bucuria oamenilor pentru victoria asupra întunericului, a căldurii asupra frigului, a fertilității asupra sterilității.
În noaptea de Sânziene, țăranii aprind focuri cu rol de purificare pe pajiști, în livezi și grădini pentru alungarea spiritelor rele. Sătenii din zona Buzăului culeg culegeau plantele de leac care se foloseau până în anul următor. Plantele folosite pentru vrăji sunt culese noaptea pe lună. În această zi amuțește cucul.
În preajma sărbătorii sau în aceeași zi se merge cu mic cu mare în costume de sărbătoare la marele târg de la Buzău-Drăgaica.
‘În ziua Drăgăicii, zi de mare sărbătoare, fetele nemăritate mergeau la câmp și-și împodobeau părul și capul cu drăgăicuțe, apoi se întorceau în sat și începeau petrecerea de după slujba de la biserică. Începeau fetele cu o horă în care se prindeau pe rând băieții și apoi toată suflarea. Trebuiau să joace toți, tineri și bătrâni, în horă — dans străvechi închinat Soarelui. Jocurile continuau până seara târziu. Întreaga sărbătoare este un elogiu adus Soarelui dătător de lumină și bogăție’, a mai afirmat Doina Ciobanu.
Târgul Drăgaica a coborât treptat din Munții Buzăului la Curbura Carpaților, devenind începând cu anul 1864 unul dintre cele mai importante branduri ale orașul Buzău.
În 1946, Drăgaica Buzăului se întindea pe 32 hectare și făcea parte dintre cele mai renumite târguri din țară, alături de cele din Fălticeni, Bârlad, Vidra-Vrancea, Câmpulung Muscel și cel de pe Muntele Găina din Transilvania.
‘Amplasarea geografică a târgului la intersecția drumurilor dinspre București-Urziceni către Focșani și restul Moldovei, și a celui dinspre Brașov către porturile dunărene Brăila și Galați, dar și la contactul Subcarpaților Curburii cu Câmpia Bărăganului, au determinat marea varietate a produselor comercializate. Caracterul de târg al Drăgăicii s-a împletit, o lungă perioadă de timp, cu cel de obor de animale. Aria de participare la târgul Drăgaica a depășit constant limitele Munteniei, cuprinzând și sudul Moldovei și sud-estul Transilvaniei’, susține cercetătorul principal dr. Sorin Geacu de la Institutul de geografie al Academiei Române.
Chiar și în perioada comunistă, târgul și-a păstrat renumele, în anii 70 ai secolului trecut fiind consemnați aproape 1.000 de vânzători.
“Cu o tradiție imemorială în spate, Drăgaica a mers irezistibil prin timp, ajungând târgul-spectacol de azi, unde poți găsi orice și vedea ce nu poți vedea nicăieri. “Târgul cel mare” al țării adună cu aceeași frenezie crema comerțului de la Curbură și din ‘alte multe părți’, voind să fie cum n-a mai fost, smulgând vizitatorului exclamația absolută. Mulțimea în șuvoi gros și grăbit, punând atâtea probleme automobiliștilor pe podul din zonă, explodează în perimetrul asfaltat al Drăgăicii, luând cu asalt pe cei aproape o mie de vânzători de la magazine, tonete și tarabe, aruncându-se în comediile cu program electronic sau ciocnind o halbă, două în restaurantele ce căptușesc gălăgios comerțul cu amănuntul’, scria jurnalistul Corneliu Ștefan.
Ediția din 2015, potrivit viceprimarului municipiului Buzău, Fănică Bârlă, ‘a cunoscut o nouă tinerețe odată cu eliminarea taxei de intrare, eliminarea corturilor improvizate și modernizarea perimetrului comercial’.
‘Putem spune că a fost cea mai bună ediție din ultimii 8-10 ani, atât cantitativ, cât și calitativ. Drăgaica a fost plină până la refuz, în special duminica. Anul acesta sunt prezente, conform tradiției, toate provinciile istorice, Ardealul, cu produse de artizanat și colaci secuiești din Covasna și Harghita, Moldova, cu renumitele produse din piele și blănuri naturale, Muntenia, cu jocuri de agrement, numai acestea din urmă ocupând o suprafață de peste 5.000 de metri pătrați’, a mai declarat viceprimarul din Buzău.
AGERPRES(A, AS-autor: Dorin Ivan, editor: Mihai Simionescu)
Aproape 100 de echipaje în maşini de teren vor ajunge luni în România pentru a participa la cea de-a 10-a ediţie a competiţiei SuperKarpata, în care pasionaţi de natură şi sport din Austria, Germania, Elveţia şi Olanda străbat timp de 10 zile Carpaţii româneşti.
CLEAN TECH (editia 17) |
22-23.01 |
Tel Aviv |
Mediu, tehnologii privind energii alternative, infrastructuri ecologice, apa |
Mashov Group |
Tel.00972-8-6273838 Fax.00972-8-6230950 e-Mail: Web site: www.mashovgroup.net |
5-6.02 |
Tel Aviv |
Turism |
Ortra Ltd. |
Tel.00972-3-6384444 Fax.00972-3-6384455 E-mail:imtm@orta.com Web site:www.imtm-telaviv.com |
30.04-2.05 |
Tel Aviv |
Echipamente si tehnologii de laborator |
Stier Group |
Tel.00972-35626090 Fax.00972-3-5615463 Web site:www.stier.co.il |
30.04-2.05 |
Tel Aviv |
Echipamente si aparate pentru : analiza fluidelor, depozitare si ambalare in industria farmaceutica, controlul calitatii, detectoare de gaze, filtre, pompe, mixere, schimbatoare de caldura,sisteme de ventilatie, produse chimice, diferite aparate de masura, robotica, etc. |
Stier Group |
Tel.00972-35626090 Fax.00972-3-5615463 Web site:www.stier.co.il |
30.04-2.05 |
Tel Aviv |
Echipamente si servicii pentru protectia muncii in industrie, echipamente impotriva incendiilor, echipamente anti-radiaiti, echipamente pentru acordarea primului ajutor, etc. |
Stier Group |
Tel.00972-35626090 Fax.00972-3-5615463 Web site:www.stier.co.il |
Tel.00972-35626090 Fax.00972-3-5615463 Web site:www.stier.co.il |
20-22.05 |
Tel Aviv |
Echipamente medicale |
Kenes Exhibitions |
Tel.00972-39727582 Fax.00972-74-7536482 |
21-22.05 |
Tel Aviv |
Parti componente autovehicule, echipamente pentru garaje,etc. Vizitatori: profesionisti |
Israel Trade Fairs and Convention Center |
Tel.00972-3-6404422 web site: www.fairs.co.il |
11-12.06 |
Tel Aviv |
Agricultura (produse agricole, echipamente pentru prelucrarea produselor agricole, ingrasaminte, materiale pentru agricultura,etc.) |
Agro Mashov Group Ltd. |
Tel.00972-8-6273838 Fax.00972-8-6230950 |
TECHNOLOGY 2013 (editia 22) |
18-20.06 |
Tel Aviv |
Industrial (ultimele noutati in domeniul tehnologic, inclusiv industrii high-tech) Vizitatori: profesionisti |
Israel Trade Fairs and Convention Center |
Tel.00972-3-6404415 Fax.00972-3-6404494 web site: www.fairs.co.il |
JOVELLA (editia 10) |
2-3.07 |
Tel Aviv |
Bijuterii (diamante, aur, argint, pietre pretioase) |
Stier Group |
Tel.00972-35626090 Fax.00972-3-5615463 e-Mail: dannam@stire-group.com Website: www.stier.co.il Persoana contact: Danna Master-Exhibition Manager |
4-6.06 |
Tel Aviv |
Echipamente si tehnologii pentru armata si politie, echipamente pentru securitate, etc. |
T.S. Israel Defence |
E-mail: harte@isdef.co.il Web site: www.isdef.co.il |
15-17.10 |
Tel Aviv |
Echipamente pentru birou, computere,etc. |
Stier Group |
Tel.00972-35626090 Fax.00972-3-5615463 Web site:www.stier.co.il |
ACLIMA (editia 21) |
29-31.10 |
Tel Aviv |
Echipamente de aer conditionat, ventilatie, racire |
Stier Group |
Tel.00972-35626090 Fax.00972-3-5615463 Web site:www.stier.co.il |
11-14.11 |
Tel Aviv |
Produse din lemn si mobila |
SBL Exhibitions Ltd. |
Tel.00972-3-6882929 Fax.00972-3-6883031 Web site: www.sbl.co.il |
25-26.11 |
Tel Aviv |
SBL Exhibitions Ltd. |
Tel.00972-3-6882929 Fax.00972-3-6883031 Are Marom:00972-54-8060330 Oded Ashlenazi: 00972-50-5405823 Web site: www.sbl.co.il |
19-21.11 |
Tel Aviv |
Articole pentru bucata rii si restaurante |
Stier Group |
Tel.00972-35626090 Fax.00972-3-5615463 Web site:www.stier.co.il |
Miercuri începe la Nuremberg cel mai mare târg de produse bio din lume, Biofach. România este vedeta evenimentului.
România va fi anul acesta vedeta celui mai important eveniment din industria produselor bio la nivel mondial. Pentru evoluţia spectaculoasă a industriei produselor bio, România a fost desemnată ” Ţara anului” în cadrul târgului Biofach ce va avea loc în perioada 13 -16 februarie 2013, la Nuremberg, Germania. “Noi (România n.red ) ne-am depus candidatura şi organizatorii au decis să fim “Ţara anului”. Discuţia iniţială a început încă din 2011, când am fost prezent la ediţia de atunci a târgului şi am avut o întrevedere cu primarul Nuremberg-ului”, a declarat pentru ECONOMICA.NET Marian Ciocianul, preşedintele Asociaţiei Operatorilor din Agricultura Ecologică Bio România. Ministerul a semnat cu reprezentantul Nuremberg Messe o convenție prin care România va fi desemnată “Țara Anului”, la Târgul Biofach încă din noiembrie anul trecut.
Spectactacol cu produse bio româneşti în Germania
România va avea la Biofach un spaţiu expoziţional de 700 de metri pătraţi, incluzând un restaurant cu produse autohtone. De asemenea, va avea loc o ceremonie de deschidere, un program artistic, iar în cadrul petrecerii la care vor participa toţi expozanţii este seara României. Costurile organizării acestui eveniment estimate de reprezentantul Bio România se cifrează la aproximativ 800.000 de euro şi vor fi suportate de către Ministerul Agriculturii. “Pentru noi care suntem la început şi avem producători micuţi este un lucru extraordinar să fim prezenţi la un astfel de târg”, mai soune Ciocianu, potrivit căruie sunt şi state cu standuri mai mari decât ale ţării noastre. “Sunt şi companii mari (din alte state n.red) care îşi permit să participe singure la acest eveniment, dar sunt puţine”, mai spune preşedintele Bio România care susţine că India a cheltuit anul trecut în jur de 1,5 milioane de euro pentru acest eveniment.
Accent pe produsele procesate
Anul acesta la Târgul de la Nuremberg vor participa în jur de 50 de firme autohtone, iar accentul se va pune pe produsele bio procesate. “La noi problema nu este că fermierii autohtoni nu au contracte. Suntem deja exportatori tradiţionali de materii prime bio. Producătorii de cereale, miere sau fructe de pădure nu mai fac faţă cererilor. Noi sperăm însă să aducem în prim plan produsele procesate româneşti, cum ar fi cele de panificaţie, lactate, brânzeturi, vin, paste făinoase, dulceţurile sau cosmeticele”, mai spune Ciocioanul.
Industria bio în creştere
Potrivit datelor Asociaţiei, în perioada 2010-2011 numărul fermelor certificate s-au triplat, ajungând la aproximativ 9.800, acesta fiind şi unul dintre motivele pentru care atenţia asupra României este în creştere. “Potenţialul extraordinar al României derivă din terenurile şi păşunile naturale care sunt ideale pentru crearea unor ferme organice. Există în jur de 300.000 de hectare de teren pe care se cultivă în mod organic şi mii de ferme organice cu potenţial de creştere. Principalele produse exportate sunt cerealele, legumele, vinul, ceaiul, mierea şi fructele de pădure”, scrie în prezentarea României de pe site-ul oficial al târgului.
Sursa: economica
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
03.02 – 07.02 2013 | SPRING FAIR INTERNATIONAL Europe’s largest gift & home accessories trade show. Spring Fair International is the ultimate opportunity for suppliers to showcase their current ranges, launch new products and meet those all important customers |
Birmingham > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
03.02 – 08.02 2013 | PHARMACON DAVOS Pharmaceutical Trade Fair |
Davos > Switzerland |
once a year |
04.02 – 04.02 2013 | ACCESS MBA – ZURICH ACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world |
Zurich > Switzerland |
once a year |
04.02 – 06.02 2013 | BANGALORE INDIA BIO The biggest Biotechnology Exhibition in India + International Congress |
Bangalore > India |
once a year |
04.02 – 06.02 2013 | SALON DES VINS DE LOIRE Wine Exhibition dedicated to Anjou Wines |
Angers > France |
once a year |
04.02 – 06.02 2013 | POWER-GEN MIDDLE EAST Abu Dhabi Conference and Exhibition for the Middle East Power Generation Industry |
Doha > Qatar |
once a year |
04.02 – 06.02 2013 | SIEL International Trade Show of Equipment and Technology for Entertainment and Leisure Venues. Theatrical Services Exhibition |
Paris > France |
once a year |
04.02 – 07.02 2013 | SEMAINE DE MODE DE MONTRÉAL International Fashion Show. Montreal Fashion Week attracts thousands of fashion industry professionals. Over 30 designers from Quebec, Canada & abroad will show their Spring-Summer collections on various stages in the heart of downtown Montreal |
Montreal > Canada |
twice a year |
04.02 – 07.02 2013 | EWEA European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition |
Vienna > Austria |
once a year |
04.02 – 07.02 2013 | KULTURBÖRSE FREIBURG Freiburg International Performing Arts Fair – Trade Fair for Stage Productions and Music |
Freiburg im Breisgau > Germany |
once a year |
04.02 – 09.02 2013 | BOUWBEURS International Building and Construction Fair |
Utrecht > Netherlands |
every 2 years |
05.02 – 06.02 2013 | TRAVEL TECHNOLOGY SHOW Leading Event providing Technology Solutions for the Travel Industry. Travel technology Show is Europe’s only dedicated exhibition and conference for travel technology buyers with 100+ exhibitors both national and international |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
05.02 – 06.02 2013 | KUWAIT BRIDGE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Kuwait Bridge Design & Construction Conference and Exhibition |
Kuwait City > Kuwait |
unknown |
05.02 – 06.02 2013 | EVENT PRODUCTION SHOW Event organizers suppliers Expo & Conference. At EVENT PRODUCTION SHOW dedicated to selling & sourcing products & services which make fantastic events. 200+ suppliers showcase event products & services with key organizers attending to meet new suppliers |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
05.02 – 06.02 2013 | IMTM TOURISM EXIBITION International Mediterranean Tourism Market |
Tel Aviv > Israel |
once a year |
05.02 – 06.02 2013 | I.M.T.M. International Mediterranean Tourism Market |
Tel Aviv > Israel |
once a year |
05.02 – 06.02 2013 | M-DAYS Mobile Internet Application Expo |
Frankfurt > Germany |
once a year |
05.02 – 06.02 2013 | IT-PARTNERS Trade Sales Business Club IT. Business Meeting about Computer and Application B to B |
Paris > France |
once a year |
05.02 – 06.02 2013 | LOGICON EUROPE Pan-European Conference for FMCG Supply Chain Professionals |
Amsterdam > Netherlands |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | E-WORLD OF ENERGY Energy and Natural Resources Show |
Essen > Germany |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | AEEDC UAE International Dental Conference & Arab Dental Exhibition |
Dubai > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | SURFACE DESIGN SHOW Show exhibiting Innovative Surfaces for Architects and Interior designers. The Surface Design Show is the only UK event to focus exclusively on interior and exterior surface solutions in building design |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | TIRE TECHNOLOGY EXPO Tire Technology Exhibition |
Cologne > Germany |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | EXPO MANUFACTURA Manufacturing Productivity Exhibition, featuring Assembly Technology, Quality, Metalworking and Software Pavilion |
Monterrey > Mexico |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | C!PRINT Meeting Place for Garment Personalization Technical Solutions and all their Applications. Signage, Events, Decoration, graphics industry, etc. |
Lyon > France |
unknown |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | CTCO Promotional Garment and Gifts Exhibition |
Lyon > France |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | MUNICH FABRIC START International Fabrics Fair |
Munich > Germany |
twice a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | NEW YORK SHOE EXPO The New York Shoe Expo is the largest footwear show on the U.S. East coast |
New York, NY > USA |
4 times a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | LES FORUMS FRANCOPHONES DE CANCEROLOGIE International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment |
Paris > France |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | MIDDLE EAST RAIL Conference dedicated to the railroad sector |
Dubai > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL FARM SHOW International Farm Equipment Show. Canadian International Farm Show presents latest in farm machinery & services to the agricultural industry anything from Equipment, Feed, Seed, Products & Services & also dairy, poultry, flowerticulture & horticulture |
Toronto > Canada |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | SALON ENERGIES & ECO-HABITAT – LAVAL Healthy Home & Renewable Energy Exhibition |
Laval > France |
once a year |
05.02 – 07.02 2013 | VIVERALIA Professional Exhibition of Ornamental Plants and similar |
Alicante > Spain |
once a year |
05.02 – 08.02 2013 | CEVISAMA International Exhibition of Ceramics, Surface Facing for the Building Industry, Sanitary Ware, Fittings, Raw Materials, Glazes, Frits & Machinery |
Valencia > Spain |
once a year |
05.02 – 08.02 2013 | LINGERIE-EXPO International Exhibition of Underwear, Beach fashion and Hosiery |
Moscow > Russia |
unknown |
05.02 – 08.02 2013 | INTERNATIONAL FOOTWEAR & LEATHER SHOW Leather Articles, Shoes and Supplies Exhibition |
Bogotá > Colombia |
twice a year |
05.02 – 08.02 2013 | WORLD OF CONCRETE World of Concrete is the industry’s only annual international event dedicated to the commercial concrete and masonry construction industries |
Las Vegas, NV > USA |
once a year |
05.02 – 08.02 2013 | AQUA-THERM MOSCOW International Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Technology, Sanitary Equipment & Environmental Protection – Including Moscow Pool |
Moscow > Russia |
once a year |
05.02 – 08.02 2013 | BC INDIA International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles |
Mumbai > India |
every 2 years |
05.02 – 09.02 2013 | STOCKHOLM FURNITURE FAIR The world’s biggest furniture trade fair for Scandinavian design, with furnishings for both home and public environments |
Stockholm > Sweden |
unknown |
05.02 – 09.02 2013 | NORTHERN LIGHT FAIR International lighting exhibition for domestic and public environments |
Stockholm > Sweden |
unknown |
06.02 – 06.02 2013 | ACCESS MBA – MILAN ACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world |
Milan > Italy |
once a year |
06.02 – 06.02 2013 | SALON DES MEILLEURS MASTERS, MS ET MBA – LILLE Higher Education Exhibition |
Lille > France |
once a year |
06.02 – 07.02 2013 | KUWAIT GOVERNMENT & BUSINESS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUMMIT Kuwait Government & Business Customer Service Summit |
Kuwait City > Kuwait |
unknown |
06.02 – 07.02 2013 | SALON DES ENTREPRENEURS – PARIS Start-up & Expanding French Companies Exhibition |
Paris > France |
once a year |
06.02 – 07.02 2013 | KUWAIT DOCUMENTATION & ELECTRONIC ARCHIVING CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION Kuwait Documentation & Electronic Archiving Conference and Exhibition |
Kuwait City > Kuwait |
unknown |
06.02 – 07.02 2013 | SALON BEDOUK Business Tourism Trade Show. Meetings, Conferences, Incentive Travels, Events |
Paris > France |
once a year |
06.02 – 07.02 2013 | PROXIMA CITÉ Business Meetings on Green Areas & Town Planning |
Lyon > France |
once a year |
06.02 – 07.02 2013 | AEROSOL FORUM Aerosol Packaging Congress & Expo |
Paris > France |
once a year |
06.02 – 07.02 2013 | PCD Cosmetics Packaging Congress & Expo |
Paris > France |
once a year |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | FRUIT LOGISTICA International Trade Fair for Fruit and Vegetable Marketing |
Berlin > Germany |
once a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | FLOORING & FINISHES Floor Covering Fair. Flooring & Finishes showcases an impressive line-up of over 80 companies displaying the latest flooring and surface finish developments in design, texture, style, colour, safety, versatility and sustainability |
Melbourne > Australia |
once a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL FURNITURE FAIR Event for Furniture and Furnishing Retailers, Interiors Decorators, Designers & Architects. Australian International Furniture Fair gives retailers, designers, decorators & architects the opportunity to network and discover the latest developments |
Sydney > Australia |
once a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | MODA IN – TESSUTO & ACCESSORI Textile Proposals |
Milan > Italy |
twice a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | MILANO UNICA International Textile Fair |
Milan > Italy |
twice a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | SEATEC Seatec is the International Exhibition of Technologies and Subcontracting for Boat and Shipbuilders |
Carrara > Italy |
once a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | EAPCE – EAST AFRICA PETROLEUM CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION East Africa Petroleum Conference & Exhibition |
Arusha > Tanzania |
every 2 years |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | LES RENCONTRES AMRAE The AMRAE Annual Conference. It provides companies, organizations, risk managers and insurance specialists with an opportunity to deal frankly with concrete management, risk financing and insurance-related problems |
Lyon > France |
once a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | JUNWEX-TECH International Exhibition of Jewelry Technologies and Equipment |
St. Petersburg > Russia |
once a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | AES CONFERENCE International Conference on Intelligent Audio Environments. The AES will invite Automotive Companies to exhibit “State of the art Premium Automotive Audio” |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
3 times a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | DECORATION + DESIGN – SYDNEY Event for Furniture and Furnishing Retailers, Interiors Decorators, Designers & Architects. Australian International Furniture Fair gives retailers, designers, decorators & architects the opportunity to network and discover the latest developments |
Sydney > Australia |
once a year |
06.02 – 08.02 2013 | JUNWEX-PRO ST.PETERSBURG International Exhibition of Fine Jewelry & Precious Metals Expo |
St. Petersburg > Russia |
once a year |
06.02 – 09.02 2013 | SIHER International Exhibition for Hotel & Restaurant Equipment, Products and Services |
Tunis > Tunisia |
once a year |
06.02 – 09.02 2013 | FOR WOOD Trade Fair of Wooden Buildings and Utilisation of Wood for Construction |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
06.02 – 09.02 2013 | AGRARIA Space exclusively dedicated to the Agricultural Sector. Event included in Valladolid International Trade Fair |
Valladolid > Spain |
every 2 years |
06.02 – 09.02 2013 | STRECHY PRAHA / ROOFS PRAGUE Specialized Exhibition for Roof Building and Renovation |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
06.02 – 09.02 2013 | EXPOLANGUES International Exhibition for Living Languages, Cultures and Travel |
Paris > France |
once a year |
06.02 – 10.02 2013 | REISEN HAMBURG International Exhibition Tourism and Caravanning |
Hamburg > Germany |
once a year |
06.02 – 10.02 2013 | JUNWEX-PRO International Jewelry Exhibition. Fine Jewelry. Precious Metals and Stones |
St. Petersburg > Russia |
once a year |
06.02 – 10.02 2013 | RETROMOBILE Antique Cars and Motorcycles Show. RETROMOBILE is also an opportunity to auctions |
Paris > France |
once a year |
06.02 – 10.02 2013 | AERO INDIA Air Show |
Bangalore > India |
every 2 years |
06.02 – 10.02 2013 | ATLANTIC CITY BOAT SHOW Boat Show |
Atlantic City, NJ > USA |
unknown |
06.02 – 10.02 2013 | PACIFIC NORTHWEST SPORTSMEN’S SHOW Outdoor Trade Fair |
Portland, OR > USA |
once a year |
Atlantic City, NJ > USA |
once a year |
06.02 – 10.02 2013 | ST. LOUIS BOAT & SPORTSHOW Boat Show |
St. Louis, MO > USA |
once a year |
06.02 – 10.02 2013 | VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW International Boat Show. At Vancouver International Boat Show, find he latest & most innovative products on the market.FREE Seminars: Boating experts with Boat buying tips, FREE 30-minute power or sailboat rides to get a taste of the boating life… |
Vancouver, BC > Canada |
once a year |
06.02 – 11.02 2013 | IFW – ISTANBUL FASHION WEEK Istanbul International Fashion Show |
Istanbul > Turkey |
twice a year |
07.02 – 08.02 2013 | JOURNÉES EUROPÉENNES DE DERMOCOSMÉTOLOGIE Dermocosmetology Thematic Conference. Which Chemistry for cosmetics ? |
Lyon > France |
every 2 years |
07.02 – 09.02 2013 | WELD INDIA International Welding Technology Exhibition |
Bangalore > India |
every 2 years |
07.02 – 09.02 2013 | FARM MACHINERY SHOW IRELAND Event for Farmers and Contractors to Meet with the Farm Machinery Industry |
Punchestown > Ireland |
every 2 years |
07.02 – 09.02 2013 | WINE & WINEMAKING EXHIBITION Wine & Winemaking Exhibition |
Odessa > Ukraine |
once a year |
07.02 – 09.02 2013 | CEP STUTTGART (CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVE HOUSE EXPO) International Trade Fair for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Buildings |
Stuttgart > Germany |
unknown |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | LOS ANGELES BOAT SHOW Boat Show |
Los Angeles, CA > USA |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | ART ROTTERDAM International Art Fair |
Rotterdam > Netherlands |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | HOLIDAY WORLD Central European Tourism Trade Fair |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | GOLF WORLD PRAGUE Specialized Exhibition of Golf and Golf’s Tourist |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | MOTOR TREND INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW / BALTIMORE Baltimore International Auto Show |
Baltimore, MD > USA |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | ZOOTECÇNIA International Fair for Livestock and Poultry |
Thessaloniki > Greece |
every 2 years |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | DES MOINES HOME & GARDEN SHOW Des Moines City Home & Garden Show |
Des Moines, IA > USA |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | WEDDING FOLIES Wedding Exhibition in the Middle East |
Beirut > Lebanon |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | TOP GASTRO Annual Gastronomic Fair |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | BAUEN + WOHNEN SALZBURG International Trade Fair for Building, Interior Design and Energy Saving |
Salzburg > Austria |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | EGITIM Educational Materials, Services and Technologies Fair |
Istanbul > Turkey |
once a year |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | SOUVEXPO TURKEY Tourist Gift and Crafts Wholesale Trade Fair |
Istanbul > Turkey |
unknown |
07.02 – 10.02 2013 | EXPORT HOME Furniture, Lighting and Household Goods for Export |
Porto > Portugal |
once a year |
08.02 – 08.02 2013 | CEREALS – MIXED FEED – VETERINARY Cereals, Mixed Feed, Veterinary International Trade Show |
Moscow > Russia |
once a year |
08.02 – 09.02 2013 | EASTERN CANADIAN FISHERIES EXPO The Eastern Canadian Fisheries Expo brings together the key buyers from across the region. Meet current and new customers face to face. Onboard & onshore fishing & harvesting equipment, Fish processing & transportation, Vessel design & construction… |
Yarmouth, NS > Canada |
every 2 years |
08.02 – 09.02 2013 | INTERBEAUTY International Trade Fair Championship of SR in Hairs Design and Decoration Art |
Bratislava > Slovakia |
twice a year |
08.02 – 09.02 2013 | WEDDING FAIR SLOVAKIA The biggest Wedding Fair in Slovakia |
Bratislava > Slovakia |
unknown |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | CHILD AND FAMILY Fair of services and products for child and family |
Bratislava > Slovakia |
unknown |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | MAHANA TOULOUSE An Exhibition to prepare One’s Holidays, in France or abroad, Together with One’s Family or Lonely: Stays, Training, Week-ends, Accommodation, Transportation… |
Toulouse > France |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | AUTOMOTORETRO Collectors Car Show |
Torino > Italy |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | VERSION SCRAP – LYON The unique French show dedicated at the scrapbooking and auxiliary products |
Lyon > France |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | TRAVEL & TOURISM FAIR (TTF) – MUMBAI TTF is India’s leading exhibition for the Travel & Tourism Industry |
Mumbai > India |
twice a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 postponed ! |
REISELIV Norway International Meeting and Travel Fair |
Lillestrøm > Norway |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | RÉNOVER Home Renovation Show |
Paris > France |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | LOUISVILLE BUILD, RENOVATE & LANDSCAPE EXPO Build, Renovate & Landscape Expo |
Louisville, KY > USA |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | FOTOMESSEN Exhibition for all photo enthusiasts |
Lillestrøm > Norway |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | ASTA-CONSTRUCTOR Fair for Housing Construction and Renovation |
Tampere > Finland |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | BALTTOUR International Travel Trade Fair |
Riga > Latvia |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | IOWA-ILLINOIS REGIONAL AUTO SHOW Auto Show |
Davenport, IA > USA |
once a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | SALON BOIS Wooden Construction Expo |
Bulle > Switzerland |
every 2 years |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | SIMM – SEMANA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MODA DE MADRID Women’s Fashion Fair, Ready to Wear Fashion Fair, Jeans, Streetwear, Sportswear Fair, etc. |
Madrid > Spain |
twice a year |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | FASHIONISTA LIFESTYLE EXHIBITION – KANPUR Fashion Fair |
Kanpur > India |
unknown |
08.02 – 10.02 2013 | HOUSTON HOME & GARDEN MARKET Annual Home & Garden Market in Houston. The Texas Home & Garden Market provides the opportunity for consumers to meet at major convention centers with businesses to learn about and view new and existing products and services in the home and garden market |
Houston, TX > USA |
twice a year |
08.02 – 11.02 2013 | SALONS DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE – BIARRITZ Wine and Gastronomy Fair |
Biarritz > France |
once a year |
08.02 – 11.02 2013 | GOLOSITALIA Gastronomy, Wine & Hostelry Fair |
Brescia > Italy |
once a year |
08.02 – 11.02 2013 | INDIAN HANDICRAFTS & GIFTS FAIR Asia’s largest gifts & handicrafts trade fair |
Noida > India |
twice a year |
08.02 – 11.02 2013 | NATURA Fair devoted to Bio Innovation |
Nantes > France |
once a year |
08.02 – 11.02 2013 | TIMES ASIA WEDDING FAIR Wedding and Jewelry Exhibition |
Bangalore > India |
once a year |
08.02 – 11.02 2013 | HO.RE.CA. International Hotel, Restaurant & Cafe Show |
Athens > Greece |
once a year |
08.02 – 17.02 2013 | VENE BAT – HELSINKI INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW Helsinki International Boat Show |
Helsinki > Finland |
once a year |
09.02 – 09.02 2013 | SALON DES MEILLEURS MASTERS, MS ET MBA – BORDEAUX Higher Education Exhibition |
Bordeaux > France |
once a year |
09.02 – 10.02 2013 | INTERNATIONAL DOG SHOW BRNO International Dog Show |
Brno > Czech Republic |
once a year |
09.02 – 10.02 2013 | THE FRANCHISE & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXPO – CINCINNATI North America’s Largest Franchise and Business Opportunities Events |
Cincinnati, OH > USA |
once a year |
09.02 – 10.02 2013 | THE NATIONAL FRANCHISE & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHOW – WINNIPEG North America’s Largest Franchise and Business Opportunities Events |
Winnipeg > Canada |
once a year |
09.02 – 10.02 2013 | SCOTLAND’S EXCLUSIVE WEDDING EVENT Scotland’s most biggest Wedding Show. Scotland’s Exclusive Wedding Event is a ‘must attend’. Hosting exclusive talented performances & presenting extensive collections of Bridalwear, Gentswear, Mother of Bride, Flowers & Accessories |
Glasgow > UK – United Kingdom |
twice a year |
09.02 – 10.02 2013 | SALON DES TAXIS Trade Fair dedicated to Taxi-Drivers |
Paris > France |
every 2 years |
09.02 – 10.02 2013 | EROPOLIS NICE Erotic Show and Exhibition |
Nice > France |
unknown |
09.02 – 11.02 2013 | ARTE CREMONA Modern & Contemporary Art Fair |
Cremona > Italy |
once a year |
09.02 – 12.02 2013 | LE RADIO A trade show that joins together the radio market, music and sound market |
Paris > France |
once a year |
09.02 – 14.02 2013 | SPIE MEDICAL IMAGING Medical Image Generation, Acquisition, Processing, Storage, Transmission, and Utilization; or X-ray Technologies |
Lake Buena Vista, FL > USA |
once a year |
09.02 – 17.02 2013 | MITTELDEUTSCHE HANDWERKSMESSE Central German Handicrafts Fair |
Leipzig > Germany |
once a year |
09.02 – 17.02 2013 | HAUS-GARTEN-FREIZEIT Home – Garden – Leisure |
Leipzig > Germany |
once a year |
10.02 – 11.02 2013 | BEAUTÉ SÉLECTION – NANTES Aesthetics and Hair Dressing Trade Fair |
Nantes > France |
unknown |
10.02 – 12.02 2013 | PURE LONDON Womenswear Trade Fair. Pure London is the UK’s fashion event for contemporary & directional womenswear, attracting visitors who come to place orders, pick up trend information and to be inspired. The show offers retailers over 800 international brands |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
twice a year |
10.02 – 12.02 2013 | IDENTITA GOLOSE Gastronomy Congress & Expo |
Milan > Italy |
once a year |
10.02 – 12.02 2013 | EUCOMAS European Conference on Materials and Structures in Aerospace |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
10.02 – 12.02 2013 | FASHION EXPOSED – SYDNEY Show for Womenswear, Menswear, Childrenswear, Sportswear, Intimates and Fashion Accessories. FASHION Exposed is the most extensive fashion event on the Australian buying calendar with a diverse line-up of 1500+ local & international brands |
Sydney > Australia |
once a year |
10.02 – 12.02 2013 | AUSTRALIAN SHOE FAIR – SYDNEY Footwear Fair for the Australian Market. Showcasing the most comprehensive range of footwear brands in the women’s, men’s & children’s categories, the Australian Shoe Fair provides an opportunity to preview the next season styles all at one destination |
Sydney > Australia |
once a year |
10.02 – 13.02 2013 | GAST EXPO International specialised Fair of Gastronomy, Beverage, Coffee, Confectionery, Bakery, Catering and Hospitality |
Ljubljana > Slovenia |
once a year |
10.02 – 13.02 2013 | VINO International Wine Fair for Professionals |
Ljubljana > Slovenia |
once a year |
10.02 – 13.02 2013 | SLADOLED – GELATO International specialized Fair of Ice Cream |
Ljubljana > Slovenia |
once a year |
10.02 – 15.02 2013 | JERUSALEM INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR Jerusalem International Book Fair |
Jerusalem > Israel |
every 2 years |
10.02 – 17.02 2013 | SPAZIOCASA Exhibition of Furnishing, Home Accessories and Wedding Articles |
Vicenza > Italy |
once a year |
11.02 – 12.02 2013 | BABY DAYS – ANVERS Fair for parents-to-be and their babies |
Antwerp > Belgium |
once a year |
11.02 – 12.02 2013 | BEAUTY MARKEY INDIA Beauty and Cosmetic Industry Trade Show |
Mumbai > India |
once a year |
11.02 – 12.02 2013 | INDIA SALON PRO India’s Premier Trade Show for the Salon and Wellness Industry |
Mumbai > India |
once a year |
11.02 – 12.02 2013 | BIO CEO & INVESTOR CONFERENCE Biotechnology’s Annual Investor Forum |
New York, NY > USA |
once a year |
11.02 – 12.02 2013 | ID WORLD ABU DHABI Annual EMEA Summit on RFID, Biometrics, Smart Cards and Data Collection |
Abu Dhabi > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
unknown |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
11.02 – 12.02 2013 | EGYPT POOL – AQUATHERM Trade Exhibition for Water Technology and Building Services Engineering |
Cairo > Egypt |
once a year |
11.02 – 13.02 2013 | KOGS Kuwait Oil and Gas Show & Conference |
Kuwait City > Kuwait |
unknown |
11.02 – 13.02 2013 | SIGHT MIDDLE EAST Exhibition and Conference of Visual Disability Technologies |
Sharjah > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
every 2 years |
11.02 – 14.02 2013 | MD&M WEST SHOW Medical Design and Manufacturing Show. Exhibition & Conference |
Anaheim, CA > USA |
once a year |
11.02 – 15.02 2013 | PRODEXPO International Fair of Foodstuffs and Food Raw Materials |
Moscow > Russia |
once a year |
12.02 – 13.02 2013 | SALONS CE LILLE Exhibition for Works Councils and Local Authorities |
Lille > France |
twice a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | WORLD AG EXPO Showcase of Products, Technology and Equipment for the Farm, Dairy, Ranch, Industry and Construction |
Tulare, CA > USA |
once a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | WESTPACK Packaging Ideas and Solutions Show |
Anaheim, CA > USA |
once a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | MODAMONT An international, creative and diversified offer of: Buttons, Buckles, Zips, Textile, metallic and plastic trims, Embroidery, lace, Braids and cords, Fur, Labels, badges and stickers, Shoulder pads, interlining, packaging… |
Paris > France |
twice a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | ATX WEST The All-New Automation Resource. Conference & Exhibition |
Anaheim, CA > USA |
once a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | ELECTRONICS WEST Event Dedicated to Electronic Equipment and Instrumentation |
Anaheim, CA > USA |
once a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | SPORT AND LEISURE International Sport Exhibition |
Sochi > Russia |
unknown |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | RBT EXPO International Trade Fair for Roller Shutters, Gates and Sun Protection Systems |
Kielce > Poland |
unknown |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | ZOOM BY FATEX Professional fair a 100% dedicated to fashion manufacturing from Occidental and Eastern Europe, Northern African Countries, Madagascar and Mauritius |
Paris > France |
twice a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | INDIGO PARIS A leading international exhibition specialized in textile creation: designs, embroideries and appliqués, knits, fabrics, vintages, transfert papers, archives |
Paris > France |
twice a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | EXPOFIL A specialised exhibition focusing exclusively on yarns and textile fibres. A comprehensive offer for all markets: flat-bed knitting, weaving, circular knitting, hand knitting, hosiery, furnishing, technical applications |
Paris > France |
twice a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | PACIFIC DESIGN & MANUFACTURING CAD/CAM/PDM – Contract Service Providers in Plastics Processing, CNC Manufacturing, Sheet Metal, Subassemblies, Electronic Components and R&D Services |
Anaheim, CA > USA |
once a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | PREMIÈRE VISION International Exhibition of Clothing Textile |
Paris > France |
twice a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | LE CUIR A PARIS Leather & Fur International Fair |
Paris > France |
twice a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | COSMOMAQ International Exhibition for Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Industry Suppliers |
Zaragoza > Spain |
every 2 years |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | AGRO ANIMAL SHOW International exhibition of the effective stock-breeding |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | FARMAMAQ International Exhibition for Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical and Laboratory Technology Providers |
Zaragoza > Spain |
every 2 years |
12.02 – 14.02 2013 | PLASTEC WEST Trade Show for the Plastics Industry |
Anaheim, CA > USA |
once a year |
12.02 – 15.02 2013 | ENOMAQ International Show of Winery and Bottling Machinery and Equipment |
Zaragoza > Spain |
every 2 years |
12.02 – 15.02 2013 | OLEOTEC Olive-Growing Equipment and Techniques Show |
Zaragoza > Spain |
every 2 years |
12.02 – 15.02 2013 | TEXWORLD International Meeting Place for the Textile Industry |
Paris > France |
twice a year |
12.02 – 15.02 2013 | IRAN AGRI SHOW International exhibition of agriculture, machinery, factors, mechanization |
Mashhad > Iran |
once a year |
12.02 – 15.02 2013 | FRUYVER International Show of Techniques for the Fruits and Vegetables Sector |
Zaragoza > Spain |
every 2 years |
12.02 – 15.02 2013 | TB FORUM – SECURITY & SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES The Leading Security Exhibition & Congress Event in Russia and the CIS |
Moscow > Russia |
once a year |
12.02 – 15.02 2013 | OLEOMAQ Oil Mill Machinery, Equipment & Packing Show |
Zaragoza > Spain |
every 2 years |
12.02 – 15.02 2013 | TECNOVID Vine-Growing Techniques and Equipment Show |
Zaragoza > Spain |
every 2 years |
12.02 – 15.02 2013 | AQUA-THERM NITRA International Trade Fair for Heating Technology, Air Conditioning, Sanitary, Environmental Protection Technology, Measurement and Regulation |
Nitra > Slovakia |
once a year |
13.02 – 13.02 2013 | ACCESS MBA – TORONTO ACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world |
Toronto > Canada |
once a year |
13.02 – 13.02 2013 | AQUAMED Trade Show dedicated to the sustainable aquaculture industry |
Milan > Italy |
unknown |
13.02 – 13.02 2013 | SALON DES MEILLEURS MASTERS, MS ET MBA – STRASBOURG Higher Education Exhibition |
Strasbourg > France |
once a year |
13.02 – 14.02 2013 | OWN LABEL SHOW UK’s Private Label Exhibition. OWN LABEL SHOW is focused specifically on the UK own label market, and will bring together retailers and manufacturers, plus 40+ exhibitors from across the world |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
unknown |
13.02 – 14.02 2013 | PHARMAPACK BIOMEDEVICE Show for Packaging Manufacturers that serve the Pharmaceutical Industry |
Paris > France |
once a year |
13.02 – 14.02 2013 | SIPAC International trade fair dedicated to equipment and services for open-air accommodation and facilities such as campsites, holiday villages, holiday residences and playgrounds |
Padua > Italy |
once a year |
13.02 – 14.02 2013 | MAINTENANCE SCHWEIZ Industrial Maintenance, Safety & Security Expo. At MAINTENANCE Schweiz, exhibitors have the opportunity to meet a professional audience of key industry buyers and budget-holding decision makers. The perfect platform to make valuable new contacts |
Zurich > Switzerland |
once a year |
13.02 – 14.02 2013 | BUILDEX VANCOUVER Event dedicated to Property Managers, Building Owners, Facility Managers and Operations Manager. Buildex Vancouver features Interior design and architecture, Property and real estate management, Construction and Renovation |
Vancouver, BC > Canada |
once a year |
13.02 – 14.02 2013 | PHARMAPACK EUROPE Show for Packaging Manufacturers that serve the Pharmaceutical Industry |
Paris > France |
unknown |
13.02 – 15.02 2013 | LED PACKAGING EXPO LED, BLU, Electronic Components Manufacturing Equipment & Materials Tradeshow |
Seoul > Korea South |
once a year |
13.02 – 15.02 2013 | SMT / PCB & PACKAGING NEPCON KOREA SMT, PCB, FPD, Electronic Components Manufacturing Equipment & Materials Tradeshow |
Seoul > Korea South |
once a year |
13.02 – 15.02 2013 | SMTS – SUPER MARKET TRADE SHOW Annual leading international trade show for supermarkets in Japan |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
13.02 – 15.02 2013 | NEPCON KOREA Exhibition for the Electronics Component and Manufacturing Industries |
Seoul > Korea South |
once a year |
13.02 – 15.02 2013 | FILM TECHNOLOGY SHOW International Functional Film Equipment Manufacturers |
Seoul > Korea South |
once a year |
13.02 – 16.02 2013 | IF WEDDING FASHION IZMIR Wedding Dresses, Suits and Evening Gowns Fair |
Izmir > Turkey |
once a year |
13.02 – 16.02 2013 | VIVANESS Trade fair for Natural Personal Care and Wellness |
Nuremberg > Germany |
once a year |
13.02 – 16.02 2013 | SAMULEGNO Biennial Exhibition of Woodworking Machinery and Technology |
Pordenone > Italy |
every 2 years |
13.02 – 16.02 2013 | BIOFACH The World Organic Show. Trade Fair & Congress |
Nuremberg > Germany |
once a year |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
13.02 – 16.02 2013 | TENDENZA MOSAICO Mosaic Technology & Materials Expo |
Pordenone > Italy |
once a year |
13.02 – 16.02 2013 | SOLAIRE EXPO Salon international de l’énergie solaire |
Marrakech > Morocco |
once a year |
13.02 – 17.02 2013 | ARCO MADRID International Contemporary Art Fair |
Madrid > Spain |
once a year |
13.02 – 17.02 2013 | SPORTS & BOAT International Sports & Boat Show |
Zagreb > Croatia |
once a year |
13.02 – 17.02 2013 | AULA Educational Opportunities Exhibition |
Madrid > Spain |
once a year |
13.02 – 17.02 2013 | SALON HALIEUTIS Trade Show dedicated to careers in marine fisheries, aquaculture and the enhancement of marine products |
Agadir > Morocco |
once a year |
13.02 – 17.02 2013 | CROTOUR International Tourism Trade Fair |
Zagreb > Croatia |
once a year |
13.02 – 17.02 2013 | ANTIQUITÄTEN-TAGE Art & Antiquities Fair |
Münster > Germany |
once a year |
13.02 – 17.02 2013 | ZAGREB BOAT SHOW International Boat Show |
Zagreb > Croatia |
once a year |
13.02 – 17.02 2013 | HAUS UND GARTEN Home & Garden Expo |
Essen > Germany |
once a year |
14.02 – 15.02 2013 | SALONS CE METZ Exhibition for Works Councils and Local Authorities |
Metz > France |
once a year |
14.02 – 15.02 2013 | SALONS CE RENNES Exhibition for Works Councils and Local Authorities |
Rennes > France |
twice a year |
14.02 – 16.02 2013 | TRAVEL & TOURISM FAIR (TTF) – NEW DELHI TTF is India’s leading exhibition for the Travel & Tourism Industry |
New Delhi > India |
once a year |
14.02 – 16.02 2013 | INTERDIDAC International Educational Equipment Show |
Madrid > Spain |
every 2 years |
14.02 – 16.02 2013 | EDUCATION AND CAREER SAMARA Education Fair |
Samara > Russia |
once a year |
14.02 – 16.02 2013 | AFRICAN FINE COFFEE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION African Fine Coffee Conference & Exhibition |
Kampala > Uganda |
once a year |
14.02 – 16.02 2013 | INGA International Fair of Food, Drinks and Innovative Gastronomy |
Zagreb > Croatia |
once a year |
14.02 – 16.02 2013 | HOTEL & GASTROTECH International Hotel and Restaurant Equipment, Catering and Gastronomy Fair |
Zagreb > Croatia |
once a year |
14.02 – 16.02 2013 | HOLIDAY & SPA EXPO International Tourist Fair |
Sofia > Bulgaria |
unknown |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | BIT – INTERNATIONAL TOURISM EXCHANGE International Tourism Exchange |
Milan > Italy |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | BIRMINGHAM HOME & GARDEN SHOW Birmingham Home & Garden Show |
Birmingham, AL > USA |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | WASHINGTON D.C. INTERNATIONAL WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL Washington D.C. International Wine & Food Festival |
Washington D.C. > USA |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | BUYITALY Workshop of the Italian Tourist Supply |
Milan > Italy |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | PRAGOINTERIER LIVING FAIR International Exhibition of Top Design, Furniture and Light Fitting |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | MONTREAL COTTAGE AND COUNTRY HOMES SHOW The Cottage and Country Homes Show hosts over 400 exhibitors. The best in Quebec’s country-home construction and renovation industry |
Montreal > Canada |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | IHS Adana Heating, Cooling, Air Conditioning, Natural Gas Technology, Installation and Insulation Fair |
Adana > Turkey |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | ADANA CONSTRUCTION Building Equipment, Construction Technologies and Construction Works Machinery Fair |
Adana > Turkey |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | FEHOVA Arms, Angling and Hunting International Exhibition |
Budapest > Hungary |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | BUDAPEST BOAT SHOW International Boat Exhibition |
Budapest > Hungary |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | BEACH & BOAT Water Sports Exhibition Leipzig |
Leipzig > Germany |
once a year |
14.02 – 17.02 2013 | ANTIKMÄSSAN Antiques fair with fine art, vintage and 20th century design, collectors’ items and building preservation |
Stockholm > Sweden |
once a year |
14.02 – 18.02 2013 | LE SALON DU BIEN-ÊTRE Wellness, Natural Health and thalassotherapy Expo |
Paris > France |
once a year |
14.02 – 18.02 2013 | MIAMI INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW Boat Show |
Miami, FL > USA |
once a year |
14.02 – 18.02 2013 | STRICTLY SAIL MIAMI Boat Show |
Miami, FL > USA |
once a year |
14.02 – 24.02 2013 | SUISSENAUTIC Boat and Watersports National Show |
Bern > Switzerland |
every 2 years |
15.02 – 16.02 2013 | EDUCATION FAIR IN GEORGIA International Fair for High and Professional Studies |
Tbilisi > Georgia |
unknown |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | COLUMBUS HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW Home Improvement Show |
Columbus, OH > USA |
once a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | VERONA SPOSI Wedding Show |
Verona > Italy |
twice a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | SOUTHERN WOMEN’S SHOW – SAVANNAH Women’s Show: Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle, Health, Food, Fun, Shopping, Community, Celebrity Guests… |
Savannah, GA > USA |
unknown |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | COUTURE FASHION WEEK Three Days of International Fashio. Designers Runway Shows including Fashion Accessories, Couture and Fine Fashion |
New York, NY > USA |
twice a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | TOUREST Tourism Fair |
Tallinn > Estonia |
once a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | SALON EUROPÉEN DES PÊCHES EN MER European exhibition of marine fishing and fishing boats |
Nantes > France |
once a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | DESTINATION HABITAT – ANNEMASSE Home Show. Construction, Renovation, Interior & Exterior Design |
Annemasse > France |
once a year |
Jamshedpur > India |
unknown |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | IMOT MÜNCHEN International Motorcycle Exhibition |
Munich > Germany |
once a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | MAHANA LYON An Exhibition to prepare One’s Holidays, in France or abroad, Together with One’s Family or Lonely: Stays, Training, Week-ends, Accommodation, Transportation… |
Lyon > France |
once a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | SALON DES ANTIQUAIRES DE TOURNAI Antiquities Fair |
Tournai > Belgium |
3 times a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | VALENTINE’S WEDDING EXPO Wedding Expo |
Hong Kong > Hong Kong |
once a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | HANSE GOLF International Exhibition for Golf and Golf Tourism |
Hamburg > Germany |
once a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | MEDIA EXPO – MUMBAI International Indoor & Outdoor Advertising & Signage Expo |
Mumbai > India |
once a yea |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | EUDI SHOW Underwater Sport Exhibition |
Milan > Italy |
once a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | MCN LONDON MOTORCYCLE SHOW London Motorcycle Show |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
15.02 – 17.02 2013 | JAPAN GOLF FAIR Japan Golf Fair |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
15.02 – 18.02 2013 | ARTE GENOVA Modern Art Fair |
Genoa > Italy |
once a year |
15.02 – 18.02 2013 | SALONS DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE – VERTOU Wine and Gastronomy Fair |
Vertou > France |
once a year |
15.02 – 19.02 2013 | AMBIENTE GERMANY International Trade Fair for Consumer Goods |
Frankfurt > Germany |
once a year |
15.02 – 19.02 2013 | PALM BEACH JEWELRY & ANTIQUE SHOW Palm Beach Jewelry & Antique Show |
Palm Beach, FL > USA |
once a year |
15.02 – 19.02 2013 | LONDON FASHION WEEK Designers Women’s wear & Accessories Show. London Fashion Week is brought together over two floors, providing a succinct presentation of London’s ready-to-wear and accessories brands. The exhibition also incorporates the West Wing of Somerset House |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
twice a year |
15.02 – 24.02 2013 | EURASIA BOAT SHOW Sea Vehicles, Equipment and Accessories Fair. Boat and Yacht |
Istanbul > Turkey |
once a year |
15.02 – 24.02 2013 | AVRASYA BOAT SHOW Sea Vehicles, Equipment and Accessories Exhibition |
Istanbul > Turkey |
once a year |
15.02 – 24.02 2013 | CARAVANING ALICANTE Caravanning Exhibition |
Alicante > Spain |
once a year |
16.02 – 16.02 2013 | SALON DES MEILLEURS MASTERS, MS ET MBA – TOULOUSE Higher Education Exhibition |
Toulouse > France |
once a year |
16.02 – 16.02 2013 | INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FAIR IN RUSSIA International Education Fair in Russia |
Moscow > Russia |
unknown |
16.02 – 16.02 2013 | ACCESS MBA – MONTREAL ACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world |
Montreal > Canada |
once a year |
16.02 – 17.02 2013 | AKZENTE SINDELFINGEN Trade Fair for Cosmetic and Accessories |
Sindelfingen > Germany |
twice a year |
16.02 – 17.02 2013 | EROPOLIS BORDEAUX Erotic Show and Exhibition |
Bordeaux > France |
once a year |
16.02 – 17.02 2013 | MEIN HUND – GÖPPINGEN Dog Show |
Göppingen > Germany |
unknown |
16.02 – 17.02 2013 | EXPO ELETTRONICA – CARRARA Trade Fair for Electronics, related Products & Co |
Carrara > Italy |
once a year |
16.02 – 17.02 2013 | FLANDERS COLLECTION CAR International Fair for Old an Special Vehicles and their Spares, Literature and Miniatures |
Ghent > Belgium |
once a year |
16.02 – 17.02 2013 | C’ERA UNA VOLTA… ANTIQUARIATO Antiquities Fairs. Furniture, Paintings, Ceramics, Books and more, from 17th century until last century |
Cesena > Italy |
unknown |
16.02 – 18.02 2013 | HABITAT EXPO – VANNES Real Estate and Personal Home Expo |
Vannes > France |
once a year |
16.02 – 18.02 2013 | WÄSCHE UND MEHR Dessous, Underwear, Beach Fashion and Home-Wear Order Days |
Dortmund > Germany |
twice a year |
16.02 – 19.02 2013 | SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL GIFT FAIR International Gift Fair. The San Francisco International Gift fair (SFIGF) concentrates all of the gift industry resources and features Design, Gifts & Collectibles, Handcrafted, Home & Garden, Museum, Personal Style, etc |
San Francisco, CA > USA |
twice a year |
16.02 – 19.02 2013 | SFIGF – SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL GIFT FAIR International Gift Fair. The San Francisco International Gift Fair (SFIGF) is an all-category trade event |
San Francisco, CA > USA |
twice a year |
16.02 – 24.02 2013 | UNICA Nineteenth Century Show of Italian Art |
Modena > Italy |
once a year |
16.02 – 24.02 2013 | HUISHOUDBEURS Homes and Interior Exhibition |
Amsterdam > Netherlands |
once a year |
16.02 – 24.02 2013 | NEW ENGLAND BOAT SHOW Boat Show |
Boston, MA > USA |
unknown |
16.02 – 24.02 2013 | PETRA Antiques Show for Parks, Gardens and Renovations |
Modena > Italy |
once a year |
16.02 – 24.02 2013 | EXCELSIOR Nineteenth Century Show of Italian Art |
Modena > Italy |
once a year |
16.02 – 24.02 2013 | MODENANTIQUARIA Prized Antiques Exhibition Show |
Modena > Italy |
once a year |
17.02 – 17.02 2013 | STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL NAMUR Expo of fabrics and textiles |
Namur > Belgium |
twice a year |
17.02 – 17.02 2013 | WESTFÄLISCHE MÜNZ- UND SAMMLER-BÖRSE Westphalia Coin and Collectors´ Fair – Coins, Medals, Telephone Cards, Medallions, Paper Money, Postcards |
Dortmund > Germany |
twice a year |
17.02 – 18.02 2013 | IRISH HARDWARE/DIY/HOME & GARDEN SHOW Irish Hardware, DIY, Home & Garden Show |
Dublin > Ireland |
unknown |
17.02 – 19.02 2013 | MODA ACCESSORIES UK’s National Fashion Accessories Exhibition. Following on from the success of Moda’s spring/summer event, the show is sure to be a hit with every retailer, with new launches, UK debuts and all the best new collections all on offer at Moda |
Birmingham > UK – United Kingdom |
twice a year |
17.02 – 19.02 2013 | SOLAR MIDDLE EAST Solar Power Industry Trade Show |
Dubai > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
unknown |
17.02 – 19.02 2013 | MODA WOMAN UK’s Largest Women’s Fashion Trade Show. Following on from the success of Moda’s spring/summer event, the show is sure to be a hit with every retailer, with new launches, UK debuts and all the best new collections all on offer at Moda |
Birmingham > UK – United Kingdom |
twice a year |
17.02 – 19.02 2013 | MODA MENSWEAR UK’s Largest Men’s Fashion Trade Show. Following on from the success of Moda’s spring/summer event, the show is sure to be a hit with every retailer, with new launches, UK debuts and all the best new collections all on offer at Moda |
Birmingham > UK – United Kingdom |
twice a year |
17.02 – 19.02 2013 | TELSA Telecoms & ICT Event for Saudi Arabia |
Riyadh > Saudi Arabia |
unknown |
17.02 – 19.02 2013 | KABO Central European Fair of Footwear and Leatherware |
Brno > Czech Republic |
twice a year |
17.02 – 19.02 2013 | STYL International Fashion Fair |
Brno > Czech Republic |
twice a year |
17.02 – 19.02 2013 | MIDDLE EAST ELECTRICITY Power & Electricity Exhibition |
Dubai > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
once a year |
17.02 – 19.02 2013 | LIGHTING AT MIDDLE EAST ELECTRICITY Largest Lighting Showcase in the Middle East |
Dubai > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
once a year |
17.02 – 20.02 2013 | ALBERTA GIFT SHOW Home, gift and lifestyle show. At Alberta Gift Show discover the finest mix of gifts; from jewellery & fashion accessories to gourmet food, home décor and gardening, bath & body products, items both manufactured and made by hand in Canada |
Edmonton > Canada |
twice a year |
17.02 – 21.02 2013 | IDEX International Defense Conference & Exhibition |
Abu Dhabi > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
every 2 years |
18.02 – 20.02 2013 | CURVE NV Intimate Apparel Professionals Exhibition |
Las Vegas, NV > USA |
twice a year |
18.02 – 21.02 2013 | NOG – NIGERIA OIL & GAS Exhibition, Conference and Technical Sessions about Oil & Gas |
Abuja > Nigeria |
once a year |
18.02 – 21.02 2013 | TEHRAN MEDEX International Exhibition of Home and Office Furniture, Decoration, Furniture Design, Machineries, Equipment and Accessories Fair |
Tehran > Iran |
unknown |
18.02 – 21.02 2013 | MACHINEX ARABIA Saudi Arabia’s International Machinery & Equipment Exhibition |
Jeddah > Saudi Arabia |
once a year |
18.02 – 21.02 2013 | ZOW BAD SALZUFLEN Trade Show for Components, Accessories and Semi-Finished Products for the Furniture Industry |
Bad Salzuflen > Germany |
once a year |
18.02 – 21.02 2013 | PROPAC ARABIA Saudi Arabia’s International Event for Production & Processing, Printing & Packaging, Plastics & Chemicals |
Jeddah > Saudi Arabia |
once a year |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
18.02 – 22.02 2013 | MERCEDES-BENZ FASHION WEEK MADRID Madrid Fashion Show |
Madrid > Spain |
twice a year |
19.02 – 19.02 2013 | MODA FOOTWEAR UK’s National Footwear Exhibition. Following on from the success of Moda’s spring/summer event, the show is sure to be a hit with every retailer, with new launches, UK debuts and all the best new collections all on offer at Moda |
Birmingham > UK – United Kingdom |
twice a year |
19.02 – 20.02 2013 | MEETINGS AFRICA Business Tourism Exhibition |
Johannesburg > South Africa |
once a year |
19.02 – 20.02 2013 | MÜNSTERANER ABFALLWIRTSCHAFTSTAGE Waste Management Expo & Congress |
Münster > Germany |
every 2 years |
19.02 – 20.02 2013 | SALONS CE LYON Exhibition for Works Councils and Local Authorities |
Lyon > France |
twice a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | IMAGINA The European 3D Simulation and visualisation Event |
Monaco > Monaco |
once a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | PROJECT LAS VEGAS Fashion International Trade Show. PROJECT LAS VEGAS features the most directional brands & attracts the most influential retailers in the global marketplace |
Las Vegas, NV > USA |
twice a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | MAGIC MAGIC is the largest, most comprehensive women’s apparel and accessory trade event in the U.S. |
Las Vegas, NV > USA |
twice a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | CATEX Irish Catering exhibition |
Dublin > Ireland |
every 2 years |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | EUROCIS Event for Decision-makers in the IT and Security Technology Field of the Retail Industry |
Dusseldorf > Germany |
once a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | BTS TRADE FAIR Fair of Shoes, Leather and Leather Goods |
Poznan > Poland |
twice a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | SALON ENERGIES & ECO-HABITAT – QUIMPER Healthy Home & Renewable Energy Exhibition |
Quimper > France |
once a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | SALON ENERGIES & ECO-HABITAT – ANGOULEME Healthy Home & Renewable Energy Exhibition |
Angoulême > France |
once a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | SALON DU VÉGÉTAL Professional Show in France for the Horticultural Chain |
Angers > France |
once a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | NEXT SEASON Fashion Fair |
Poznan > Poland |
twice a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | PLAYTIME TOKYO International trade show dedicated to the children’s universe and maternity wear |
Tokyo > Japan |
twice a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | FAST FASHION Poznan Fashion Fair |
Poznan > Poland |
twice a year |
19.02 – 21.02 2013 | BODY STYLE Exhibition of Lingerie and Beach Fashion |
Poznan > Poland |
once a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | ÉNÉO Energy, Climate Control and Services for the Future |
Lyon > France |
every 2 years |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | CREMAI Pastry, Bakery, Catering and Hospitality Industry International Trade Show |
Casablanca > Morocco |
every 2 years |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | UNDERWEAR SALON International Underwear Trade Show |
Kiev > Ukraine |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | BLUEBAT Efficiency in Building and Sustainable Building Expo |
Lyon > France |
once a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | TEXTILEXPO Trade Fair for Textile and Light Industry Goods & Equipment |
Moscow > Russia |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | TEXTILLEGPROM Federal Trade Fair for Apparel & Textile. Garment & Headwear, Fur, Knitwear, Lingerie, Children’s, Furniture, Textile and Accessoires… |
Moscow > Russia |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | ENR, Renewable Energy Exhibition |
Lyon > France |
once a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | EXPOBIOGAZ Biogas Expo & Congress |
Paris > France |
once a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | JAPAN FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT SHOW Japan Food Service Equipment Exhibition |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | KYIV FASHION KIDS Specialized Fair of Goods and Services for Children and Teenagers |
Kiev > Ukraine |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | INFORMEXUSA InformexUSA is the world’s most sophisticated meeting point for buyers and sellers of higher value chemistry |
Anaheim, CA > USA |
once a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | LEATHER & FUR SALON International Leather & Fur Trade Show |
Kiev > Ukraine |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | SIBBUILD International Exhibition of Ventilation, Heating, Air Conditioning, Sanitary Ware, Ceramics, Finishes, Engineering, Intellectual Building |
Novosibirsk > Russia |
once a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | KYIV TEXTILES International specialized exhibition of materials and equipment for light and textile industry |
Kiev > Ukraine |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | OPHTHALMOLOGIC OPTICS Ophthalmologic & Optics International Exhibition |
Moscow > Russia |
3 times a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | KYIV EXPO STYLE International exhibition of fashion and style |
Kiev > Ukraine |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | CATEREX JAPAN Catering Show |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | BUY FASHION BUSINESS International exhibition of franchising in fashion business |
Kiev > Ukraine |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | ABIMAD Brazilian Contemporary Home Furnishings Exhibition |
São Paulo > Brazil |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | EUROBOIS Covering Silviculture, Material Handling, Woodworking, Machinery and Tools |
Lyon > France |
every 2 years |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | KYIV FASHION Light and Textile Industry International Festival |
Kiev > Ukraine |
twice a year |
19.02 – 22.02 2013 | HOTERES JAPAN International Hotel & Restaurant Show |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
19.02 – 23.02 2013 | DIDACTA KÖLN International trade Exhibition for Education and Training |
Cologne > Germany |
unknown |
19.02 – 23.02 2013 | DIDACTA Trade Fair for Education and Training |
Cologne > Germany |
once a year |
20.02 – 20.02 2013 | SALON DES MEILLEURS MASTERS, MS ET MBA – MONTPELLIER Higher Education Exhibition |
Montpellier > France |
once a year |
20.02 – 20.02 2013 | STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL BARNEVELD Expo of fabrics and textiles |
Barneveld > Netherlands |
twice a year |
20.02 – 21.02 2013 | PROFESIADAYS Job Fair for All |
Bratislava > Slovakia |
once a year |
20.02 – 21.02 2013 | APESTRANS Africa Petroleum Storage and Safet. Conference and Exhibition |
Yaoundé > Cameroon |
every 2 years |
20.02 – 21.02 2013 | APSS African Petroleum Services and Safety workshop |
Yaoundé > Cameroon |
every 2 years |
20.02 – 21.02 2013 | AVIONICS EXPO EUROPE Featuring the Very Latest Avionics Systems and Aerospace Electronics aimed at the Commercial, Business Jet and Military Market |
Munich > Germany |
once a year |
20.02 – 21.02 2013 | PREMIÈRE VISION MOSCOU International Exhibition of Clothing Textile |
Moscow > Russia |
twice a year |
20.02 – 21.02 2013 | HR DAYS HR Professional fair |
Bratislava > Slovakia |
once a year |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | LANDSCAPE & GARDEN KIEV International Specialized Exhibition of Landscape & Garden |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | TECHNO+STONE UKRAINE International Exhibition of Natural Stone, Vehicles and Services |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | KIEV BUILD Ukraine International Building & Construction Exhibition |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | PLAST SERBIA International Exhibition for Plastic and Rubber Industry |
Novi Sad > Serbia |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | FABEX MIDDLE EAST International exhibition for steel structures, tube and pipe, sheet metal, and metal forming |
Cairo > Egypt |
unknown |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | AGROPROM National exhibition of agricultural technologies |
Dnipropetrovsk > Ukraine |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | KIEV BUILD CONFERENCE Kiev International Conference “Building & Building Materials |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | NATIONAL CAREER EXHIBITION Specialized Exhibition for UAE Banking & Financial Sector |
Sharjah > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | METAL SERBIA B2B Exhibition for Metallurgy, Foundry and Tools |
Novi Sad > Serbia |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | RIO CONTENT MARKET The Largest Multi-Platform Audiovisual Content Market in Latin America |
Rio de Janeiro > Brazil |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | AD:TECH NEW DELHI AD:TECH is an interactive marketing conference and exhibition that delivers an up-close and informative look at the world |
New Delhi > India |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | IFAM SERBIA International Trade Fair for Automation, Robotics, Mechatronics… |
Novi Sad > Serbia |
every 2 years |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | WINDOOREX MIDDLE EAST International Exhibition Specialized on Windows, Doors and Facades |
Cairo > Egypt |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | INTRONIKA SERBIA International Trade Fair for Industrial & Professional Electronic |
Novi Sad > Serbia |
unknown |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | WINTEC EXPO UKRAINE International Exhibition Specialized “Windows, Doors and Facades” |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | AUSTRALASIAN OIL & GAS EXPO Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference. Australia’s largest oil and gas exhibition, with over 450 exhibitors from 16 countries. In additional to the exhibition there will also be a conference and an oil & gas careers day |
Perth > Australia |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE XXI CENTURY Demonstration of achievements in the range of the content of all education levels, informing young people about varieties of directions, forms of studying in the country and abroad, widening international cooperation in the range of education |
Astana > Kazakhstan |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | KIEV INTERIORS International Exhibition for Interiors Design, Furnishing, Flooring and Finishing |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
20.02 – 22.02 2013 | CONMAC UKRAINE International Exhibition of Construction Machinery |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
20.02 – 23.02 2013 | KIELCE SPORT – LATO International Specialized Exhibition for Sport Industry |
Kielce > Poland |
twice a year |
20.02 – 23.02 2013 | ANFAS FOOD PRODUCT EXHIBITION International Food & Beverage Exhibition |
Antalya > Turkey |
once a year |
20.02 – 23.02 2013 | EXPOVIN MOLDOVA International Wine Exhibition |
Chisinau > Moldova |
once a year |
20.02 – 23.02 2013 | INDOMETAL International Metal & Steel Trade Fair for Southeast Asia |
Jakarta > Indonesia |
unknown |
20.02 – 24.02 2013 | NORTHWEST FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW Flower & Garden Show |
Seattle, WA > USA |
once a year |
20.02 – 24.02 2013 | F.RE.E – FREIZEIT, REISEN, ERHOLUNG International Caravan & Boat Travel |
Munich > Germany |
once a year |
20.02 – 24.02 2013 | PORTLAND HOME & GARDEN SHOW Home and Garden Show |
Portland, OR > USA |
once a year |
20.02 – 24.02 2013 | B.C. HOME & GARDEN SHOW Vancouver City Home & Garden Show |
Vancouver, BC > Canada |
once a year |
20.02 – 25.02 2013 | SAIE MÉXICO International Building Show |
Mexico City > Mexico |
once a year |
20.02 – 25.02 2013 | PARAPSY Divination and well-being Expo |
Paris > France |
once a year |
21.02 – 21.02 2013 | REAL-TIME & EMBEDDED COMPUTING CONFERENCE – HUNTSVILLE Real-Time & Embedded Computing Conference. Real-Time & Embedded Computing Conference (RTECC) is a unique single day event dedicated to bringing up to date & in demand information about the real-time & embedded computing world to engineering communities |
Huntsville, AL > USA |
once a year |
21.02 – 21.02 2013 | STUDYRAMA PRO Vocational Training Exhibition |
Paris > France |
unknown |
21.02 – 23.02 2013 | VIATEC Specialized Trade Show for Road Construction and Infrastructure Maintenance in Alpine Areas |
Bolzano > Italy |
every 2 years |
21.02 – 23.02 2013 | METAL & STEEL MIDDLE EAST The Middle East’s largest trade show for the metal working, metal manufacturing & steel fabrication industries, the B2B Steel exhibition for the Middle East |
Cairo > Egypt |
once a year |
21.02 – 23.02 2013 | FORUM PISCINE Pool & Spa Expo and International Congress |
Bologna > Italy |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | FURNIDEC BUSINESS International Furniture Exhibition |
Thessaloniki > Greece |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | INFACOMA International Exhibition of Construction – Insulation – Sanitary wear – Heating – Air Conditioning – Solar Energy and Technology |
Thessaloniki > Greece |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | NEW ENGLAND HOME SHOW Boston Home Show |
Boston, MA > USA |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | BAUMAG Central Swiss Building Machinery Exhibition |
Lucerne > Switzerland |
every 2 years |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | FURNIMA International Exhibition for Machinery – Raw Materials – Tools – Supplies and Equipment for Furniture Manufacturing |
Thessaloniki > Greece |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | DIE HOHE JAGD & FISCHEREI & OFFROAD The International Fair for Hunting & Fishing |
Salzburg > Austria |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | SAFARI EXPO International Trade Fair for Hunting Trophies and Taxidermy |
Moscow > Russia |
twice a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | KRBY A KAMNA Fair of Fireplaces, Stoves and Design-heaiting |
Prague > Czech Republic |
unknown |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | HORSE WORLD EXPO AND THEATRE EQUUS Horse World Expo and Theatre Equus |
Harrisburg, PA > USA |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | BAUEN & ENERGIE WIEN International Fair for Healthy and Ecological Building, Modernization, Financing and Energy Saving |
Vienna > Austria |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | IMMOBILIENMESSE LEIPZIG Property Fair |
Leipzig > Germany |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | LIFE IN STYLE Event decicated to Design, Homeware, gifts, and products for children. Life In style’s boutique trade event delivers a mix of beautiful designer brands sourced from a diverse range of companies featuring Homeware, giftware, lifestyle and kids products |
Sydney > Australia |
twice a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | MODERNI VYTAPENI International Trade Fair of Heating and Air Conditioning |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | ITTFA International Fair of Tourism |
Belgrade > Serbia |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | INVENTA – ART OF LIVING Home, Building & Living Show |
Karlsruhe > Germany |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | GIARDINA KARLSRUHE Garden and Lifestyle Fair |
Karlsruhe > Germany |
once a year |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | TIER & TECHNIK Agricultural & Livestock Fair |
St. Gallen > Switzerland |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | RENDEZVINO KARLSRUHE Fine Wines Fair |
Karlsruhe > Germany |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | HALIFAX INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW Halifax International Boat Show |
Halifax > Canada |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | VILNIUS BOOK FAIR International Book Fair |
Vilnius > Lithuania |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | DREVOSTAVBY International Trade Fair of Wooden Building and Construction |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | SALON DU CHOCOLAT – MARSEILLE Chocolate Show |
Marseille > France |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | ZAHRADY International Trade Fair of Garden Housing, Architecture and Equipment |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | SWISS-MOTO Motorcycle, Scooter and Tuning Exhibition |
Zurich > Switzerland |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | SPOEX Seoul International Sports & Leisure Exhibition. Sports Goods, Fashion, Fitness, Leisure and Outdoor |
Seoul > Korea South |
once a year |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | BAUMEC International Exhibition for Building Machinery and Equipment |
Bolzano > Italy |
every 2 years |
21.02 – 24.02 2013 | ENERGY TECH International Exhibition of Heating – Cooling – Air Conditioning – Conventional & Renewable Energy Sources |
Thessaloniki > Greece |
once a year |
21.02 – 25.02 2013 | ART GALLERY. KAZAN Specialized Exhibition of modern art. Painting, graphics, sculptures, photos, arts and crafts. Attributes for creative work. Books on art. Sale of works |
Kazan > Russia |
once a year |
21.02 – 03.03 2013 | BATIBOUW International Building, Renovation and Decoration Exhibition |
Brussels > Belgium |
once a year |
22.02 – 23.02 2013 | EROTS Erotic Show and Exhibition |
Riga > Latvia |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | VERDECASA Gardening Show open to the Public |
Padua > Italy |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | OPTA International Fair of Eye Optics and Ophthalmology |
Brno > Czech Republic |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | THE BABY SHOW – LONDON UK’s biggest and best pregnancy & parenting event. The Baby Show provides you with everything you need for pregnancy, birth, baby and beyond. The event provides a unique opportunity to hear from baby and childcare experts and discover new products |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
twice a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | FERIE FOR ALLE Holidays Fair |
Herning > Denmark |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | BAUMESSE OFFENBACH Home, Construction, Renovation & Energy Savings Expo |
Offenbach am Main > Germany |
unknown |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | RYBOMANIA – ANGLING FAIR Rods and Equipment, Clothes and Accessories, Angling Tourism, Baits and Lures, Publications |
Poznan > Poland |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | BIOCULTURA VALENCIA Organic Products and Responsible Consumption Fair |
Valencia > Spain |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | SALÓN CREATIVA – ZARAGOZA Salón Creativa offers to the visitor the possibility to find what makes us feel satisfied during our free time |
Zaragoza > Spain |
unknown |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | CAPITAL HOME AND GARDEN SHOW Washington Home and Garden Show. The Capital Home Show is the place to experience an abundance of design inspiration, remodeling tips and new ideas |
Washington D.C. > USA |
twice a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | MILANO AUTOCLASSICA Classic Car Show |
Milan > Italy |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | CREATIVA ZARAGOZA For Everything Involved in Creative Activities for your Leisure Time |
Zaragoza > Spain |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | THE NATIONAL WEDDING SHOW – LONDON Wedding Show. National Wedding Show London is a wedding dress emporium that caters for every bride-to-be. From samples sales, to boutique and designer ranges, with 250+ wedding suppliers and the best names in bridal |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
twice a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | ANIMAL MARKET Zoological Fair |
Poznan > Poland |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | BASLER FERIENMESSE Tourism and Holiday Fair |
Basle > Switzerland |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | COLORADO SPRINGS HOME & LANDSCAPE SHOW Home & Landscape Show |
Colorado Springs, CO > USA |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | SECOND PLACE Belgian Second Home Show |
Ghent > Belgium |
twice a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | HAUS|BAU|ENERGIE RADOLFZELL Building & Home Renovation Expo |
Radolfzell > Germany |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | GARDENIA Garden Trade Fair |
Poznan > Poland |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | VIVATTUR International Trade Fair of Tourism, Sport and Leisure |
Vilnius > Lithuania |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.02 2013 | TIEE – THAILAND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION EXHIBITION Thailand International Education Exhibition |
Bangkok > Thailand |
once a year |
22.02 – 25.02 2013 | INHORGENTA EUROPE International Trade Fair for Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Precious Stones, Pearls, Silverware and their Manufacturing Equipment |
Munich > Germany |
once a year |
22.02 – 03.03 2013 | MUBAPLUS Great Fair for the General Public |
Basle > Switzerland |
once a year |
22.02 – 03.03 2013 | CONCOURS GENERAL AGRICOLE General Agricultural Competition – Competitions and Exhibitions of Breeding Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Pigs and Horses |
Paris > France |
once a year |
22.02 – 24.03 2013 | BABY & BARN (BABY & CHILD) An event focusing on children and their parents |
Gothenburg > Sweden |
once a year |
23.02 – 23.02 2013 | STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL LUXEMBOURG Expo of fabrics and textiles |
Luxembourg > Luxembourg |
twice a year |
23.02 – 23.02 2013 | THERMIK Gliding Fair |
Sindelfingen > Germany |
once a year |
23.02 – 24.02 2013 | TRAVEL XPO – MELBOURNE Holiday and Travel Expo. At Travel XPO book on the spot with NEW Exclusive show deals every hour from itravel. Enjoy FREE informative sessions in our Seminar Rooms featuring both talks and films by the experts. Plus listen to unique stories and tips |
Melbourne > Australia |
once a year |
23.02 – 24.02 2013 | LIBERAMENTE Leisure Time & Outdoor Fair |
Ferrara > Italy |
once a year |
23.02 – 24.02 2013 | BRÖLLOPSMÄSSAN – JÖNKÖPING Fair on weddings |
Jönköping > Sweden |
once a year |
23.02 – 24.02 2013 | EROPOLIS NIMES Erotic Show and Exhibition |
Nimes > France |
unknown |
23.02 – 24.02 2013 | THE WORLD OF DOGS, CATS & PET EXHIBITION Dogs, Cats and Pet Exhibition |
Durban > South Africa |
twice a year |
23.02 – 24.02 2013 | THE FRANCHISE & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXPO – NEW ENGLAND North America’s Largest Franchise and Business Opportunities Events |
Wilmington, MA > USA |
once a year |
23.02 – 25.02 2013 | MI MILANO PRÊT-À-PORTER International Presentation of Women swear Collections |
Milan > Italy |
twice a year |
23.02 – 25.02 2013 | CHINA FISH Sports Fishing Equipment Expo |
Beijing > China |
once a year |
23.02 – 25.02 2013 | SALONS DES VINS ET DE LA GASTRONOMIE – LE HAVRE Wine and Gastronomy Fair |
Le Havre > France |
once a year |
23.02 – 25.02 2013 | TOUCH! NEZONE CLOUDNINE Three showplaces dedicated to woman collections, on stage during the Milan Fashion Week |
Milan > Italy |
twice a year |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
23.02 – 26.02 2013 | ENGINEERING EXPO RUDRAPUR Industrial Products and Technology Trade fair |
Rudrapur > India |
unknown |
23.02 – 26.02 2013 | ARTOZA Bakery and Pastry International Trade Show |
Athens > Greece |
every 2 years |
23.02 – 26.02 2013 | SAPORE RIMINI SAPORE is a new event launched to represent in an in-depth modern and practical form all the beverage, food and seafood for the Ho.Re.Ca. channel |
Rimini > Italy |
once a year |
23.02 – 26.02 2013 | SAPORE – ORO GIALLO Olive Oil International Exhibition |
Rimini > Italy |
once a year |
23.02 – 26.02 2013 | MIA ALIMENTAZIONEFUORICASA International Food Show |
Rimini > Italy |
once a year |
23.02 – 26.02 2013 | SAPORE – PIANETA BIRRA International Exhibition of Beers & Beverages, Snacks, Equipment Fittings for Pubs and Pizza Parlors |
Rimini > Italy |
once a year |
23.02 – 26.02 2013 | ICDF – IMMAGINE CASA DECOR & FASHION Home, Yachting and spa Linens, furnishing textiles, furnishing accessories, luxury interiors, underwear lingerie, collection preview |
Rimini > Italy |
unknown |
23.02 – 26.02 2013 | SAPORE – MEDITERRANEAN SEAFOOD EXHIBITION Show of Mediterranean Seafood and Processing Technology |
Rimini > Italy |
once a year |
23.02 – 26.02 2013 | SIA GUEST International Hotel Equipment Exhibition |
Rimini > Italy |
once a year |
23.02 – 27.02 2013 | REED GIFT FAIRS – SYDNEY Biggest annual gift and Homewares event in NSW. Reed Gift Fair, Trade Exhibition for the Wholesale Gift Products, Homewares, Fashion Accessories, Kitchenware & Jewelry Industries. Where retailers source & buy latest products from suppliers |
Sydney > Australia |
twice a year |
23.02 – 28.02 2013 | PRINTPACK INDIA International Trade Show of Printing, Packaging and Converting Industry |
Noida > India |
every 2 years |
23.02 – 02.03 2013 | FESPACO Pan African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou |
Ouagadougou > Burkina Faso |
every 2 years |
23.02 – 03.03 2013 | WEDDING EXPO Wedding Fair |
Bangkok > Thailand |
twice a year |
23.02 – 03.03 2013 | SALON INTERNATIONAL DE L’AGRICULTURE International Agricultural Show and General Agricultural Competition |
Paris > France |
once a year |
23.02 – 03.03 2013 | GREATER MILWAUKEE AUTO SHOW International Auto Show |
Milwaukee, WI > USA |
once a year |
23.02 – 25.03 2013 | HUNTING SHOW VICENZA Hunting Show |
Vicenza > Italy |
once a year |
24.02 – 24.02 2013 | FLORIGA Saxony Garden and Flower |
Leipzig > Germany |
once a year |
24.02 – 24.02 2013 | STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL LEUVEN Expo of fabrics and textiles |
Leuven > Belgium |
twice a year |
24.02 – 25.02 2013 | PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY – LONDON Beauty Industry Trade Show. Soak up the atmosphere at Professional Beauty and network with your peers in the feature areas dotted around the show, and the brand new Education Village and the competitions |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
24.02 – 25.02 2013 | AESTHETIC MEDICINE Aesthetic Medicine Conference & Exhibition |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
24.02 – 25.02 2013 | FUTURA FAIR Fashion Fair. Ireland’s premier Womens, Mens, Kids, Footwear and Accessories Trade Fair |
Dublin > Ireland |
once a year |
24.02 – 26.02 2013 | SOLE COMMERCE Exhibition of Fashion Products |
New York, NY > USA |
twice a year |
24.02 – 26.02 2013 | FASHION COTERIE Exhibition of Fashion Products |
New York, NY > USA |
twice a year |
24.02 – 27.02 2013 | BIOPARTNERING NORTH AMERICA Biopartening show and conference. Biopartening North America conference brings together decision-makers from leading biotechnology, pharmaceutical and investment companies. Meet with companies and people driving bioscience innovation around the world |
Vancouver, BC > Canada |
once a year |
24.02 – 27.02 2013 | NDSS SYMPOSIUM Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium |
San Diego, CA > USA |
once a year |
24.02 – 27.02 2013 | CREATIVA DIJON For Everything Involved in Creative Activities for your Leisure Time |
Dijon > France |
unknown |
24.02 – 28.02 2013 | SIMA – SIMAGENA International Agribusiness Show. Agricultural Machinery, Agri-supplies, Animal husbandry, Services – Genetics, Health, Foodstuffs and Equipment for cattle. Equipment and Techniques for Intensive Livestock Breeding |
Paris > France |
every 2 years |
24.02 – 28.02 2013 | SPIE ADVANCED LITHOGRAPHY Advanced Lithography Conference and Expo |
San Jose, CA > USA |
once a year |
24.02 – 28.02 2013 | SPIE MICROLITHOGRAPHY Internationally recognized forum for reporting state-of-the-art research and development in optical lithography, resists, metrology, EUV, immersion, double patterning, DFM, and imprint lithography |
San Jose, CA > USA |
once a year |
25.02 – 26.02 2013 | THE FOOD AND DRINK TRADE SHOW Food and Drink Trade Show. Cheltenham’s Food and Drink Trade Show will be bringing UK fine food producers and members of three regional food groups: Taste of the West, Heart of England Fine Food, and Wales the True Taste together under one roof |
Cheltenham > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
25.02 – 27.02 2013 | CURVE NY Intimate Apparel Professionals Exhibition. CURVE NY is the #1 Designer Swimwear, Lingerie and Men’s Show in North America |
New York, NY > USA |
twice a year |
25.02 – 27.02 2013 | INTERNATIONAL LEATHER GOODS FAIR – KOLKATA International Leather Goods Fair. Leather Goods, Travel Ware, Belts, Gloves, Portfolios, Hand Bags & Wallets, Saddlery & Hardness, Footwear, Leather Garments, Fashion accessories, Machinery & Equipment, Chemicals… |
Kolkata > India |
once a year |
25.02 – 27.02 2013 | TEX-STYLE Fair of Clothing and Fabrics |
Poznan > Poland |
twice a year |
25.02 – 28.02 2013 | GULFOOD EXHIBITION Food and Beverage, Hotel, Refrigeration and Food Service Equipment, Hotel Supplies and Services, Food Processing Machinery, Bakery and Confectionery Products and Equipment, Disposable Items, Hospitality Info Systems, Food Packaging |
Dubai > UAE – United Arab Emirates |
once a year |
25.02 – 28.02 2013 | NEXT MOVE Real Estate Show |
Cairo > Egypt |
once a year |
25.02 – 28.02 2013 | HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL FUR & FASHION FAIR Hong Kong International Fur & Fashion Fair |
Hong Kong > Hong Kong |
once a year |
25.02 – 28.02 2013 | MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS Annual Conference on Mobile Telephony |
Barcelona > Spain |
once a year |
25.02 – 01.03 2013 | CONFOO.CA Web Technology Conference |
Montreal > Canada |
once a year |
26.02 – 27.02 2013 | AIME Asia Pacific Incentive & Meetings Expo. Exhibiting at AIME is an opportunity to generate sales leads, launch new products, develop new & existing client relationships and to conduct business with 3,500+ industry buyers & trade visitors |
Melbourne > Australia |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | SIBERIAN DENTAL SALON Specialized exhibition of stomatological equipment, materials, technologies and services |
Krasnoyarsk > Russia |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | YENISEYMEDICA Specialized exhibition of medical equipment and tools, pharmaceutical goods, rehabilitation equipment and private goods |
Krasnoyarsk > Russia |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | SIOF – CHINA (SHANGHAI) INTERNATIONAL OPTICS FAIR International Optics Fair |
Shanghai > China |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | HOUSTEX Advanced Productivity Exhibition |
Houston, TX > USA |
every 2 years |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | VINISUD ASIA International Exhibition of Mediterranean Wines and Spirits |
Shanghai > China |
unknown |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | ASIAN WORK BOAT Maritime Industry Expo |
Singapore > Singapore |
every 2 years |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | MEDTEC EUROPE Medical Equipment Design & Technology Exhibition & Conference |
Stuttgart > Germany |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | CHINA INTERNATIONAL AGROCHEMICAL & CROP PROTECTION EXHIBITION China International Agrochemical & Crop Protection Exhibition |
Shanghai > China |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | FACILITY MANAGEMENT Facility Management Show |
Frankfurt > Germany |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | GENERA Energy and Environment International Trade Fair |
Madrid > Spain |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | EKOTECH Fair of Ecology, Municipal Waste Services, Recyclable Materials, Waste Management and Recycling |
Kielce > Poland |
once a year |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | WORLD MAIL & EXPRESS AMERICAS World Mail & Express Conference and Exhibition |
Rio de Janeiro > Brazil |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | EMBEDDED WORLD Exhibition and Congress dedicated to Embedded Systems |
Nuremberg > Germany |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | FIRE & SECURITY PAKISTAN International Fire & Security Exhibition & Conference |
Karachi > Pakistan |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | UNMANNED MULTI-PURPOSE VEHICLE SYSTEMS UVS-TECH Moscow International Forum and Exhibition of Unmanned Multi-Purpose Vehicle Systems for Fuel & Energy Complex |
Moscow > Russia |
unknown |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | PNEUMATICON Fair of Pneumatics, Hydraulics, Drives and Controls |
Kielce > Poland |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | MEDTEC Medical Equipment Design & Technology Exhibition & Conference |
Stuttgart > Germany |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | FASTENER FAIR STUTTGART International Exhibition for Fastener and Fixing Technology |
Stuttgart > Germany |
every 2 years |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | MIDDLE EAST COATINGS SHOW Show dedicated to the Coatings Industry |
Cairo > Egypt |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | ENEX NEW ENERGY Fair of Renewable Sources of Energy. Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydro Energy, Biomass Energy. Technology for Extracting Energy and Heat from Renewable sources (bio-fuels, straw and wood boiler-rooms, geo-thermal sources of heat)… |
Kielce > Poland |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | ENEX International Power Industry Fair. Generating, Transmission and Distribution of Energy; Machines and Plant for Power and Electrical Power Industry, Construction for Power Industry, Power Equipment Operation and modernization… |
Kielce > Poland |
once a year |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | SPRINGSTEC FAIR International Exhibition for Industrial Springs & Springs Parts Technology and Sourcing |
Stuttgart > Germany |
unknown |
26.02 – 28.02 2013 | SUEDTEC Exhibition of manufacturing technologies sub-contracting services and products |
Stuttgart > Germany |
once a year |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | AGRAR UNTERNEHMERTAGE Regional Fair for Agricultural Production, Trade and Management |
Münster > Germany |
every 2 years |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | CPM – COLLECTION PREMIERE MOSCOW International Trade Fair for Women’s-, Menes-, Kidswear, Lingerie, Accessories and Young Fashion |
Moscow > Russia |
twice a year |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | VITORIA STONE FAIR BRAZIL International Marble and Granite Fair |
Vitória > Brazil |
once a year |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | MARHO SHOP International Trade Show of Technologies and Equipment for Retail |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | Z Subcontracting Fair – Components and Parts |
Leipzig > Germany |
every 2 years |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | CJF International Exhibition for Child and Junior Fashion, Maternity Wear |
Moscow > Russia |
twice a year |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | CPM. COLLECTION PREMIERE MOSCOW International Trade Fair for Fashion Wear, Lingerie and Accessories |
Moscow > Russia |
twice a year |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | INTEC Trade Fair for Manufacturing, Tool and Special-Purpose Machine Construction |
Leipzig > Germany |
every 2 years |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | INDUSTRIAL COLD International Trade Show of Technologies for Industrial Refrigeration Equipment, Air-Conditioning, and Ventilation |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | FRANCHISING KIEV International Franchising Specialized Trade Show |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | CLIMATIZACIÓN Air-conditioning, Heating, Ventilation and Refrigeration Exhibition |
Madrid > Spain |
every 2 years |
26.02 – 01.03 2013 | WORLD GENERIC MEDICINES CONGRESS EUROPE Generic Medicines Congress. The World Generic Medicines Congress addresses the key market trends, policy updates, strategic overview & future environment for the generics sector |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
26.02 – 02.03 2013 | BANGKOK GEMS & JEWELRY FAIR Gem Stones, Jewelry, Equipments and Jewelry Boxes |
Bangkok > Thailand |
twice a year |
27.02 – 27.02 2013 | STOFFEN SPEKTAKEL GRONINGEN Expo of fabrics and textiles |
Groningen > Netherlands |
twice a year |
27.02 – 28.02 2013 | MOD’TISSIMO Exhibition of Fabrics and Accessories for Clothing |
Porto > Portugal |
twice a year |
27.02 – 28.02 2013 | PACKAGING INNOVATIONS UK Packaging Innovation Expo |
London > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
27.02 – 28.02 2013 | ELECTRONIC DISPLAY Electronic Display Technology & Devices Conference |
Nuremberg > Germany |
once a year |
27.02 – 28.02 2013 | PACKAGING INNOVATIONS Packaging Innovation Expo. By exhibiting at Packaging Innovations, you will have these decision makers and influencers approaching your company in person, looking to purchase or make orders |
Birmingham > UK – United Kingdom |
once a year |
27.02 – 28.02 2013 | GAMING EXECUTIVE SUMMIT LATAM (GES) International Gaming Conference |
Panama City > Panama |
once a year |
27.02 – 28.02 2013 | FIREPROTECT Fire Protection Expo |
Frankfurt > Germany |
unknown |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | WORLD SMART ENERGY WEEK The world’s largest-scale internationa. B-to-B exhibition & conference covering a wide range of cutting-edge products & technologies from diverse energy industries |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | ENETECH JAPAN Cutting-Edge Processing Technology Expo |
Tokyo > Japan |
unknown |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | BATTERY JAPAN International Rechargeable Battery Expo |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | ECO HOUSE & ECO BUILDING EXPO Japan’s largest exhibition & conference gathering all kinds of technologies and products related to Green Building and Eco-friendly houses |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | INTERNATIONAL SMART GRID EXPO International exhibition and conference specialized in all kinds of technologies and services related to Smart Grid |
Tokyo > Japan |
unknown |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES International Specialized Exhibition of Telecommunications and Information Technologies |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | PV EXPO International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | WORLD SUSTAINABLE ENERGY DAYS World Sustainable Energy Days |
Wels > Austria |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | CBSE – CORPORATE & BANKING SYSTEMS EXHIBITION The international specialised exhibition for information technologies and equipment for banks, financial institutions and corporations |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | FC EXPO – INTERNATIONAL FUEL CELL EXPO International Exhibition/Conference Featuring all Kind of Technologies, Equipment & Products related to Fuel Cell |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | CARDEX & IT SECURITY International Smart Cards’ and IT Security Systems’ Trade Exhibition and Conference |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | VITRINA TURISTICA ANATO Tourism Fair |
Bogotá > Colombia |
once a year |
27.02 – 01.03 2013 | FC EXPO International Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Expo |
Tokyo > Japan |
once a year |
27.02 – 02.03 2013 | ALPITEC CHINA International Trade Show for Mountain- and Winter Technologies |
Beijing > China |
once a year |
27.02 – 02.03 2013 | ALLTEX – THE WORLD OF TEXTILE This Business Event reflects all Sewing Market of Ukraine in the world of Materials, Accessories, Yarn, Textile Accessories, Equipment and Goods for Needlework |
Kiev > Ukraine |
twice a year |
27.02 – 02.03 2013 | DENTAL SOUTH CHINA South China International Dental Equipment & Technology Expo & Conference |
Guangzhou > China |
once a year |
27.02 – 02.03 2013 | YUGBUILD International Architectural Forum |
Krasnodar > Russia |
once a year |
27.02 – 02.03 2013 | ISPO CHINA International Tradeshow for Sports, Fashion and Lifestyle Brands in Asia |
Beijing > China |
once a year |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
27.02 – 02.03 2013 | BAHRAIN INTERNATIONAL GARDEN SHOW Bahrain International Garden Show |
Manama > Bahrain |
once a year |
27.02 – 03.03 2013 | FIACRUZ Motor Show |
Santa Cruz de la Sierra > Bolivia |
once a year |
27.02 – 03.03 2013 | MINNEAPOLIS HOME & GARDEN SHOW Home, Gardening, Remodeling and Home Decor show. Minneapolis Home and Garden Show will give you the opportunity to meet over 1,000 experts and experience thousands of products and services |
Minneapolis, MN > USA |
once a year |
27.02 – 03.03 2013 | AUTOSALON NÜRNBERG With Motor Sport-Show |
Nuremberg > Germany |
once a year |
27.02 – 03.03 2013 | BTL Lisboan Travel Market |
Lisbon > Portugal |
once a year |
27.02 – 03.03 2013 | REISE / CAMPING International Trade Fair Journey & Tourist – Camping & Caravanning |
Essen > Germany |
once a year |
27.02 – 03.03 2013 | HUNTING AND FISHING IN RUSSIA Hunting and Fishing International Expo |
Moscow > Russia |
twice a year |
27.02 – 03.03 2013 | FREIZEIT, GARTEN + TOURISTIK Boats, Camping, Caravans, Cars Exhibition |
Nuremberg > Germany |
once a year |
27.02 – 03.03 2013 | MODEKO Furniture Decoration Fair |
Izmir > Turkey |
once a year |
27.02 – 03.03 2013 | UNICERA Ceramic and Bathroom Fair |
Istanbul > Turkey |
once a year |
28.02 – 28.02 2013 | ACCESS MBA – MEXICO CITY ACCESS MBA is a communication campaign specifically designed to better inform prospective students of existing MBA opportunities. ACCESS MBA is a series of events organised around the world |
Mexico City > Mexico |
twice a year |
28.02 – 01.03 2013 | GEOTHERM Europe’s leading event for geothermal energy. Expo & Congress |
Offenburg > Germany |
once a year |
28.02 – 01.03 2013 | EXPOCHEM Exhibition of Technologies for Chemical Industries |
Katowice > Poland |
once a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL YARN AND FABRIC SHOW Colombo International Yarn And Fabric Show |
Colombo > Sri Lanka |
once a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | CIMAG International Agricultural Machinery Show |
Silleda > Spain |
every 2 years |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | INTERNATIONALE BRIEFMARKEN-BÖRSE MÜNCHEN International Stamp Fair |
Munich > Germany |
once a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | ICC CHINA – SHENZHEN High-End Components and Embedded Systems Conference & Exhibition |
Shenzhen > China |
once a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | SAIE International Building Exhibition |
Bologna > Italy |
twice a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | CIFS Colombo International Yarn & Fabric Show |
Colombo > Sri Lanka |
once a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | AYSAF Istanbul International Footwear Industry Suppliers Fair |
Istanbul > Turkey |
twice a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | DYE+CHEM SRI LANKA International Exhibition devoted to focus on all kinds of Dyes and Fine & Specialty Chemicals for the Bangladesh Industry |
Colombo > Sri Lanka |
once a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | BIOENERGY ITALY – BIOMASSE E RINNOVABILI Green Energy Expo. Biomass & Renewable Energy |
Cremona > Italy |
once a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | TEXTECH SRI LANKA INTERNATIONAL EXPO Sri Lanka’s International Exhibition on Textile & Apparel Technology, Machinery & Related Services |
Colombo > Sri Lanka |
once a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL YARN & FABRIC SHOW International Exhibition in Sri Lanka on International Yarn & Fabric Manufacturers / Suppliers for the entire Apparel & Textile world of Sri Lanka will look forward to draw huge visitors from the Apparel & Textile arena of Sri Lanka |
Colombo > Sri Lanka |
once a year |
28.02 – 02.03 2013 | TEXTECH INTERNATIONAL EXPO – SRI LANKA International Exhibition for the Garment & Textile World of Bangladesh |
Colombo > Sri Lanka |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | RAILWAY ISTANBUL Railway Technology, Rail Systems, Mass Transport and Infrastructure Exhibition |
Istanbul > Turkey |
unknown |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | CALGARY SPRING HOME & GARDEN Home and Garden Show. The Calgary Spring Home & Garden is the ultimate show on all things lifestyle. Seeking a new painting for your living room or a kitchen renovator? Designing a new home or renovating your existing space? This show is for you |
Calgary > Canada |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | MODA & TEXTILE International Exhibition of Fashion and Textile Goods |
Novosibirsk > Russia |
twice a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | VENATORIA & SUBARU Meeting Point for European Hunters |
Madrid > Spain |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | BALTIMORE BOAT SHOW Boat Show |
Baltimore, MD > USA |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | MERSIN AGRODAYS Mersin International Agriculture Fair |
Mersin > Turkey |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW AUSTRALIA (AVALON AIRSHOW) Australian International Airshow and Aerospace & Defense Exhibition. Avalon is a unique opportunity to showcase products, technologies & services to an informed target audience and to demonstrate a marketing presence in this vibrant and vital region |
Melbourne > Australia |
every 2 years |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | CARAVAN SALON International Camping and Caravan Exhibition |
Budapest > Hungary |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | JACKSONVILLE HOME & PATIO SHOW Jacksonville Home and Garden Show |
Jacksonville, FL > USA |
twice a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | SIBJEWELRY International Exhibition of Jewelry, Precious Stones, Equipment for Treatment and Manufacturing, Clock and Watch Trade |
Novosibirsk > Russia |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | NATUR NATURE is the leading Swiss lifestyle event for pleasure and sustainability. An unique combination of a fair, a conference and a festival |
Basle > Switzerland |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | ELITEXPO International specialized Jewelry Fair-Exhibition. Jewelry. Jewels and semi-jewels. Technologies, Equipment and Instruments for Jewelry Production. Bank metals. Watches. Bijouterie and costly Accessories. Antiques. Author’s works of Art |
Lviv > Ukraine |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | TRAVEL International Tourism Exhibition |
Budapest > Hungary |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | FAHRRAD MESSE ESSEN International Bike Show |
Essen > Germany |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | ENERGIE DRESDEN Exhibition and Conference on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the Building |
Dresden > Germany |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | MOTORRÄDER International Motorcycle Exhibition |
Dortmund > Germany |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | SOUTHERN SPRING HOME & GARDEN SHOW Home & Garden Show |
Charlotte, NC > USA |
once a year |
28.02 – 03.03 2013 | BEAUTY MOLDOVA Decorative Cosmetics, Perfumery, Beauty Shop and Hairdresser’s Equipment and Accessories, Jewelry, Gems and Costume Jewelry |
Chisinau > Moldova |
once a year |
28.02 – 05.03 2013 | GUIDELINES International Fair of Education |
Novi Sad > Serbia |
once a year |
28.02 – 05.03 2013 | NOVI SAD BOOK FAIR International Book Fair |
Novi Sad > Serbia |
once a year |
28.02 – 05.03 2013 | NOVI SAD ART EXPO International Exhibition of Art |
Novi Sad > Serbia |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | PROJECT ETHIOPIA International Trade Show for all kind of Consumer and Industrial Products |
Addis Ababa > Ethiopia |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | LE FORUM DES ENTREPRENEURS Forum of the Entrepreneurs, free of access. Dedicated to everyone who plans to create or purchase a company, whatever the branch of industry |
Perpignan > France |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | MASLYANA Exhibition-Fair of Consumer goods. Folk art goods |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | SELF-EDUCATION, STUDIES, CAREER Professional Education, Continuous Teaching of Adults, Informational Technologies in Educational System |
Vilnius > Lithuania |
once a year |
Next Date | Exhibition Name | City / Country | Cycle |
Feb. 2013 (?) | LISA FORUM Annual Meeting. Automating Global Business Processes. Leading-Edge Strategies, Technologies and Standards |
? > ? |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | PHARMACHIM MEETING International Business Convention dedicated to Processes, Materials and Solutions for Pharmaceutical Industry |
Milan > Italy |
every 3 years |
Feb. 2013 (?) | SME EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE Small & Medium Enterprises Exhibition & Conference |
Muscat > Oman |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | OIL & GAS OUTLOOK BRASIL From E&P to offshore drilling to financing projects to partnering with Petrobras, Oil & Gas Outlook Brazil is the place industry leaders do business |
Rio de Janeiro > Brazil |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | SIEL CASABLANCA International Exhibition of Publishing and Book |
Casablanca > Morocco |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | LOGISTICS International Specialized Trade Show of Logistics Technologies |
Kiev > Ukraine |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | LUXURY WEDDING FAIR Moscow Luxury Wedding Fair |
Moscow > Russia |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | NAKSHATRA Astrology Fair. Computer Horoscope, Vaastu, Yoga, Vedic Science, Spiritual Development Programs, Feng Shui, Softwares for Astrological Charts and Predictions, Acupressure and Magnetic Healing… |
? > India |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | POLYESTER CHAIN World Congress dedicated to the Global Polyester Chain. Polyester brings together global industry leaders who are focused on new technology, product and application developments needed to sustain growth and profitability in the global chemical industry |
Zurich > Switzerland |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | PROTECTION AND INDUSTRIAL SAFETY Specialized Exhibition of Modern means of individual safety, working clothes and footwear |
Kazan > Russia |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | MIBS – MUMBAI INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW Mumbai International Boat Show |
Mumbai > India |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | CHICAGO HR LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Human Resource Congress. CHICAGO HR LEADERSHIP SUMMIT gives the oportunity to share best practices and develop leadership skills that enhance organization’s ability to impact the local and global business climate |
Chicago, IL > USA |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | MOTORCYCLE EXHIBITION The leading Annual Motorcycle Event in Finland |
Helsinki > Finland |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | S1 International Trade Fair for Outdoor and Winter Sport |
Brno > Czech Republic |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | MOSTRA FILATELICO NUMISMATICA Stamps & Coins for Collectors Fair |
Genoa > Italy |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | PRAGOOFFICE Office Furniture and Equipment Fair |
Prague > Czech Republic |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | NORD GASTRO & HOTEL Gastronomy Trade Fair |
Husum > Germany |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | MOTOR SHOW FESTIVAL International Sport Motor Show – Tuning |
Zaragoza > Spain |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | NORTHWEST ARKANSAS HOME AND GARDEN SHOW Home and Garden Show |
? > USA |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | MERATEK MOSCOW International Exhibition for Measuring Equipment and Automation |
Moscow > Russia |
once a year |
Feb. 2013 (?) | PESCARE – FLY FISHING AND SPINNING SHOW Fly Fishing Sport Fishing Show |
Vicenza > Italy |
once a year |