Video/film – Romania

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There’s more to Transylvania than Dracula, fairy-tale castles and medieval cities. For me it is a land of myth with breathtaking scenery, picturesque villages, virgin forests and well-preserved fortified churches. It’s like stepping back in time to a place where traditions are kept from generation to generation and where man and nature coexist. It’s a timeless place.

The filming took 12 days in October while we visited the following locations: Trascău Mountains (in the Apuseni Mountain range), Târnava and Hârtibaci Plateau (inside Sighişoara-Sibiu-Braşov triangle) and Moieciu. We were very lucky to catch the morning mist in Biertan, Viscri and Aries Valley.

The gear used: Nikon D7200, Nikon D7000, DJI Phantom 4 and a motorized slider. The film is edited in 4k 60 fps for a smooth camera motion. Drone footage was recorded in 24 fps and sped up to match the 60 fps format.


Copyright © Mihai Doarna 2017

Sursa: Timeless Transylvania from Mihai Doarna on Vimeo.

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We’ll tour Romania’s vibrant capital, Bucharest, with its “Little Paris of the East” architecture and lingering reminders of a brutal communist dictator. Then we’ll head into Transylvania, where we’ll visit fortified churches, cobbled merchant towns like Sighișoara, and castles made famous by an imported German king and the real-life Dracula. Finally we’ll explore Maramureș, where everyday life still feels like an open-air folk museum.

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Nu e doar o călătorie, nu e doar o aventură, așa cum Peter Hurley nu e doar un străin venit pe meleaguri românești. Un irlandez, care iubește această țară, a plecat în 2012, pe jos, de la Săpânța până la Muzeul Țăranului Român din Capitală. A scris mai apoi o carte despre oamenii care l-au primit și l-au omenit fără să-i ceară nimic la schimb. În drumul său, pas cu pas, Peter Hurley descoperă ce înseamnă România reală, țara care l-a primit cu brațele deschise. Irlandezul a reluat călătoria alături de echipa Agerpres Video.


Imagini pentru Peter Hurley romania


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Filmare aeriană Cetatea Argamum -Capul Dolosman și Cetatea Enisala from AdrianCalciusca on Vimeo.

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Have you ever walked through the Gate of Transylvania?

Welcome to Bistrița-Năsăud, a county that brings out the culture of northern Transylvania and holds som

Sursa: Asociatia de Dezvoltare Turism Bistrita-Nasaud

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Beautiful Carpathia from The Brothers M on Vimeo.

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Cetatea Medievala Sighisoara – Aerials from GVT Media – Ghid Video Turistic on Vimeo.

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Articole - Romania pozitiva