Romania’s epee team on Sunday won the silver at a World Cup stage in Legnano, Italy, as it lost the final to Russia, 30-42.

The Romanian team, made up of Ana-Maria Popescu (Branza), Simona Gherman, Simona Pop, defeated Japan in the 1/8 round, 38-34, Sweden in the quarter-finals, 45-37, and France in the semi-finals, 36-31.
The US team came in third after defeating France, 28-22, in the third place match.
In the women’s individual epee competitions, Chinese Yiwen Sun prevailed over Kristina Kuusk (Estonia). The Romanian fencers performed poorly: Ana-Maria Popescu 17th place; Simona Gherman — 20th place; Amalia Tataran — 41st place; Ioana Adriana Dumitru, 69th place; Anca Maroiu — 83rd place; Ana Maria Constantin — 124th place; Loredana Dinu — 135th place; Raluca Sbarcia — 191st place. AGERPRES